On the 20th of last month, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Tsai Ing-wen taking office, she, the "Director of Health" Yang Zhiliang and others in front of the stage reported to the court that Tsai Ing-wen and three other people were suspected of corruption, dereliction

"Most Taiwanese people have been deceived by the Democratic Progressive Party."

Recently, Zhong Qin, the first "information director" when Chen Shui-bian was in power, led a team to Taiwan's health and welfare department to protest, criticizing Tsai Ing-wen's administration for its incompetence in epidemic prevention. On the 20th of last month, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Tsai Ing-wen taking office, she and the "Director of Health" Yang Zhiliang and others reported to the court that Tsai Ing-wen and three other people were suspected of corruption, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, and death.

Zhong Qin, a former high-ranking official of the Democratic Progressive Party, has become a pioneer in anti-Tsai Ing-wen and attracted public attention. Recently, in an exclusive interview with Strait Herald reporter in Taiwan, she talked about why she is "anti-Tsai" and her views on the future direction of cross-strait relations.

Zhongqin criticized the Tsai Ing-wen administration for corruption, abuse of power, and destruction of the system, seriously injuring Taiwan

1 Tsai Ing-wen’s administration abused power, destroying the system and seriously injuring Taiwan

Reporter: You have had intersections with the Democratic Progressive Party. Some people say that Tsai Ing-wen is worse in power than Chen Shui-bian. What do you think? Why do people take to the streets every now and then to protest against the Tsai Ing-wen authorities?


I joined Chen Shui-bian's administrative team at the same time as Tsai Ing-wen. At that time, I was the "Information Director" and she was the chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Council. I am now 69 years old, and for a period of time after retirement, I lived a "mini-me" life. But under the epidemic, many things cannot be done, so I started to pay attention to some things in the political circle.

Everyone knows that corruption later broke out with Chen Shui-bian. Ma Ying-jeou was too gentle, courteous and thrifty, too focused on details, and not open-minded enough. However, his administrative team worked hard, so in those years, whether dealing with domestic affairs or cross-strait relations, the overall situation was very good. But Tsai Ing-wen's ruling team has no sense of shame at all, especially those who are former defense lawyers of the "Beautiful Island Incident" and those from the "new trend group", are ruthless and thick-skinned.


What specific actions are you referring to?


If Chen Shui-bian could not do well at that time and still had the excuse of "minority government", and Tsai Ing-wen is now "completely in power" without any constraints, but has achieved nothing in the past six years. why? Because her team doesn't do anything at all, and is only focused on making money, corruption and expanding power. If Chen Shui-bian is more involved in bank mergers and family affairs, then Tsai Ing-wen’s ruling team is systematically hollowing out Taiwan.

Another example is abuse of power. Taiwan implements the "separation of five powers", namely "executive, legislative, judicial, supervisory, and examination". It goes without saying that the "executive and legislative" are now controlled by the Democratic Progressive Party. They have also passed the so-called "judicial reform". From the "chief judge" onwards, 70% to 80% of judges and prosecutors in various places are in the green camp.

Another example is the decriminalization of "official confidential expenses". This is not only to relieve Chen Shui-bian's corruption, but also has a deeper purpose of allowing the DPP's "public treasury" to access the "party treasury". From now on, "official confidential expenses" can be counted. Billions and tens of billions are randomly compiled and then transferred to the DPP "party treasury" under various names to be used as election funds or directly embezzled.

Another example is the matter of high-end vaccines. The Democratic Progressive Party is taking advantage of the epidemic to make money. There are countless such things, and the appearance is very ugly. This kind of destruction of the system and dereliction of duty has harmed Taiwan a hundred times more seriously than Chen Shui-bian.

2 is optimistic about the prospect of peaceful cross-strait reunification.


Even so, the Tsai Ing-wen authorities and the Democratic Progressive Party still have high support in polls. How to interpret this? How do you predict the results of the "nine-in-one" election at the end of this year?


Most Taiwanese people have been deceived by the DPP. Because the Tsai Ing-wen authorities have full control over the media, and the media's polls are politically motivated and have become a means of social control, it seems that the DPP's support has always been very high. Coupled with the fact that the DPP is good at creating unexpected emergencies and vote fraud, it is difficult to predict the results of this year's election. For example, Yilan County Magistrate Lin Zhimiao from the Kuomintang did a good job, but the DPP used judicial investigations to attack her, using public weapons for private purposes. Taichung , New Taipei , although the Kuomintang is in the lead, will the DPP use deception next? Reporter

: Since Tsai Ing-wen came to power, the risks of the situation in the Taiwan Strait have continued to spiral. Where do you think cross-strait relations will go from here?


No matter who is in power, blue or green, the blue or green cross-strait policies are not in their hands, but the Americans have the final say. The United States is the biggest source of turmoil in the Taiwan Strait. At that time, Chen Shui-bian wanted to violently conflict with the one-China principle, but he was labeled a "troublemaker" by the United States. He later did not dare to move and was imprisoned after he stepped down. There is a perception in Taiwanese society that Ma Ying-jeou originally wanted to sign a cross-strait peace agreement with mainland China, but the United States did not agree. The "Sunflower Student Movement" broke out at almost the same time, forcing Ma Ying-jeou to stop taking further steps in cross-strait relations. This was all caused by the United States. Behind the scenes. Tsai Ing-wen has made cross-strait relations so tense, of course because the United States needs to suppress mainland China. The United States has stepped up its use of the "Taiwan card" and used the Tsai administration as a pawn. But Tsai Ing-wen dare not really pursue "Taiwan independence" because at least for now this is not in line with the interests of the United States. Therefore, the United States will require Wu Zhaoxie (head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department) to publicly state that he "does not seek formal Taiwan independence" and "does not seek the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States." .

I think we need to take a long-term view when it comes to cross-strait relations. The future direction of cross-strait relations ultimately depends on the competition between China and the United States. When mainland China gradually overtakes the United States in strength and momentum, and when Americans dare not play the "Taiwan card" or feel that the "Taiwan card" is no longer valuable, Taiwanese people will soon turn around, and the DPP will be unable to cause trouble. . In the prosperous times of China's past dynasties, people's centripetal force was concentrated in the direction of the Central Plains. There used to be a saying in Taiwan: "Come to NTU, go to the United States." Mainland China is now becoming bigger and stronger. When it completely overtakes the United States, I believe that the Taiwanese people will say "come to Peking University and go to the mainland." Generally speaking, mainland China has maintained a very good resolve in dealing with the Taiwan issue. I am still very optimistic about the prospects for peaceful cross-strait reunification.

Source: Straits Herald reporter in Taiwan Wu Shenglin

column editor: Zhang Wu Text editor: Song Hui Source of title picture: Xinhua News Agency Picture editor: Su Wei

Source: Author: Taiwan Strait Network