Taiwan’s leader Tsai Ing-wen is approaching the end of her term in power. A poll conducted by Taiwan's "United Daily News" found that Tsai's popularity has dropped by 22 percentage points in the past year.

CCTV news: Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen is about to come to power for the first time. A poll conducted by Taiwan's "United Daily News" found that Tsai's popularity has dropped by 22 percentage points in the past year, with satisfaction falling to 30% and dissatisfaction rising to 20%. 50%. Compared with Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Shui-bian before him, Tsai Ing-wen’s administration has the lowest annual satisfaction in office.

The media takes stock of the three major dissatisfactions of Taiwanese people

What are the reasons for this dissatisfaction? Another poll showed that the biggest dissatisfaction among Taiwanese people is economic policy. Tax reform has been questioned as not being more friendly to the working class, but instead reducing taxes for the rich. Financial and industrial development have not proposed complete and reasonable policy measures for a long time. ; The second is that cross-strait relations have entered the so-called "bumping wall period". Due to the refusal to recognize the "92 Consensus ", cross-strait communication channels have been interrupted, making the Taiwanese people worried that turbulence may occur in the future; the third is the so-called "transformation" "Justice" has aroused strong dissatisfaction in Taiwanese society, especially the most controversial pension reform policy, which has triggered rounds of protests on the streets by Taiwan's military, public and educational personnel, and has been questioned for spending people's money on hardware with unknown benefits. On construction. Taiwan's "United Daily News" commented that after one year in power, Tsai Ing-wen's authorities have received various doubts from Taiwanese public opinion. If they do not change their policy strategies, the future "nine-in-one" elections may become a major flashpoint for public dissatisfaction.

Visitors to Taiwan increased in the first quarter for the first time in 13 years. Mainland tourists dropped by more than 40%

According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" report on May 16, the "Tourism Bureau" of the Taiwan authorities' transportation department announced on the 16th the first quarter of this year (January to March). )'s overview of the tourism market, data show that the number of tourists visiting Taiwan has experienced negative growth for the first time in 13 years, of which 667,576 tourists came for "sightseeing", with a negative growth of 15.08%.

Taiwan's "Tourism Bureau" announced a summary of the tourism market from January to March 2017. The cumulative number of tourists visiting Taiwan was 2,538,957, a negative growth of 9.99% compared with the same period in 2016, a decrease of 280,000, which was the first time in 13 years.