A recent online survey on the island showed that 97% of Taiwanese netizens believe that Tsai Ing-wen has done "worse" than Chen Shui-bian in the past six years! Xie Zhichuan, a researcher at the Chinese Kuomintang think tank, also agreed in an interview with a reporter from the S

Xie Zhichuan

A recent online survey on the island showed that 97% of Taiwanese netizens believe that Tsai Ing-wen has done "worse" than Chen Shui-bian in the past six years! In this regard, Xie Zhichuan, a researcher at the Chinese Kuomintang think tank, also agreed in an interview with the reporter of the Straits Herald yesterday. He even believed that "Tsai Ing-wen's performance in cross-strait relations is basically 0 points."

html On May 20, Tsai Ing-wen celebrated her sixth anniversary in office. During this period, Taiwan's "opposition parties" have been "settling accounts" against Tsai Ing-wen and criticizing Tsai Ing-wen's administration for her incompetent governance, but the DPP is still bragging. In response, senior Taiwanese media person Luo Youzhi also launched a poll on his personal online channel, asking netizens to vote for "who is worse" between Tsai Ing-wen and former Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian. The topic of

is set to, "If you have to choose, who do you think is worse, Tsai Ing-wen or Chen Shui-bian? You can give your reasons in the message." Thousands of people voted, and the results unexpectedly showed that 97% of netizens voted for Tsai Ing-wen and 3% voted for Chen Shui-bian.

Xie Zhichuan said that he was not surprised by the results of this online poll. In terms of relations with the United States, Taiwanese politicians are basically "pro-American" and obey the instructions of the United States, but there are still differences in the degree of "obedience". "At that time, Chen Shui-bian dared to say no at least under the pressure of the United States, but after Tsai Ing-wen came to power, she obeyed the words of the United States."

Taking the United States' arms sales to Taiwan as an example, Xie Zhi said that starting from the Trump period, Tsai Ing-wen has The English authorities accept all the weapons sold to Taiwan by the United States. They dare not mention what weapons they want. Even if they do, if they do not meet the US's ideas, they will be returned. There is no room for negotiation on the price, so that now there are no more weapons in Taiwan. Spend extra money to buy any weapons.

Xie Zhichuan criticized Tsai Ing-wen as the "watchdog" of the Americans. She has to bring her own dog food to serve as a "watchdog" for the United States. Regarding the attitude of the United States towards mainland China, Tsai Ing-wen follows the rhythm of the United States in "anti-China", always holding on to the "thigh" of the United States, and following suit.

"In terms of the handling of cross-strait relations, Tsai Ing-wen can only be said to be 0 points." Xie Zhichuan believes that since Tsai Ing-wen took office, cross-strait relations have become more and more tense day by day. The Tsai Ing-wen authorities conduct internal propaganda on the island every day to promote "anti-China "Protect Taiwan" to exaggerate the crisis in the Taiwan Strait. "The feelings between the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait that were cultivated during Ma Ying-jeou's administration from 2008 to 2016 have been exhausted. In the future, cross-strait relations may not be the worst, only worse."

Xie Zhichuan also said that now that the epidemic is breaking out in Taiwan, the Tsai administration's prevention and control measures The people are very dissatisfied because they are weak on the left and weak on the right, and their speech is absurd and rigid. "Taiwan's epidemic situation can be called 'the world cannot keep up with Taiwan'. The number of confirmed cases has exceeded one million at the fastest speed, which is really incredible. The so-called 'New Taiwan Model' they proposed in a whimsical way, the real meaning is to coexist with the virus. But they still have to be secretive politically.”

(Straits Herald reporter Chen Zhewen and Wu Shenglin)