Source: Overseas Network (Original title: Tsai Ing-wen "severed diplomatic relations" with the six countries after three years in office. Taiwan's withdrawal generals angrily criticized: Shameful!) Overseas Network, September 18. The Solomon Islands announced on the 16th that it

Source: Overseas Network

(Original title: Tsai Ing-wen "severed diplomatic relations" with the six countries after three years in office. Taiwan's withdrawal generals angrily criticized: Shame!)

Overseas Network, September 18th Solomon Islands 16 announced that it had "severed diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. , and also became the sixth "diplomatic country" to "sever diplomatic relations" with Taiwan since Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen took office. The number of "diplomatic countries" of the Taiwan authorities has been reduced to 16. In response, Taiwan's retreating general Li Tianduo angrily criticized Tsai Ing-wen: Shame on you!

Li Tianduo Facebook screenshot

html On September 16, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Menasi Sogavare held a cabinet meeting and decided to "break off diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. The Taiwan authorities were hit by the sixth "severance of diplomatic relations" since they came to power, but the Democratic Progressive Party authorities changed the subject and accused the Solomon Islands of choosing a "money deal" in an attempt to blame the mainland.

In response to the "severance of diplomatic relations", Taiwan's retired general Li Tianduo said on social media on the 17th: "Can Tsai Ing-wen's 'diplomacy' be used for diplomacy? There is only 'severance of diplomatic relations', no diplomatic relations at all!" Li Tianduo said that Taiwan's foreign affairs department head Joseph Wu Just like a "non-trickster" who doesn't understand international diplomacy at all, he only knows how to "diplomacy" in full accordance with Cai Tsai's orders. The result is that he fell down six times in three years and "broke off diplomatic relations" with each one.

Li Tianduo sarcastically said that Wu Zhaoxie and Tsai Ing-wen will only force domestic transactions to be exported, foreign visits will be flagged, and the leaders’ special plane will become a cigarette smuggling machine. It will be a big joke. What else? "The Tsai administration spends more secret diplomatic funds, spends money, recruits people, and uses any means to rub powder on its own face."

Li Tianduo also angrily criticized the Tsai administration: He keeps asking everyone to unite, but he doesn't self-examine! Putting all the blame on mainland China, "'Taiwan independence' has no market at all in the international community, let alone going out! Only when Cai Bao steps down and removes the DPP, the people of Taiwan will be better off. Don't embarrass Cai Bao anymore!" "

Netizens commented and applauded for this,

"I scolded them happily"

"It is a lonely diplomacy, and it is also a lonely pursuit of defeat"

"My specialty does not seem to be diplomacy, it seems to be writing papers"

"It is a rebel group pursuing Taiwan independence. 'Results'

It is reported that Solomon is the sixth country to have "severed diplomatic relations" since Tsai Ing-wen took office in May 2016. The previous countries to have "severed diplomatic relations" were Sao Tome Principe, Panama, Dominica , Burkina Faso , El Salvador . So far, the number of "friendly countries" of the Taiwan authorities has dropped to 16.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Hua Chunying said in response to reporters’ questions on the 16th that as we all know, there is only one China in the world. Adhering to the one-China principle is a correct choice that conforms to international justice and conforms to the trend of the times. It is also a choice that 178 countries in the world have made. It is the aspiration of the international community and the general trend of the times. China is willing to develop friendly and cooperative relations with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.