The Nicaraguan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Presidential Advisor and other representatives from all walks of life, as well as Chinese official representatives, local Chinese enterprises, and representatives of overseas Chinese attended the ceremony. The five-star red flag rose sl

Tsai Ing-wen received three more bad news. On January 3, according to Global Network news, the Chinese Embassy in Nicaragua held a solemn reopening ceremony in its capital Managua earlier. Nicaragua Representatives from all walks of life, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Presidential Advisor of Nicaragua, as well as Chinese official representatives, local Chinese enterprises, and representatives of overseas Chinese attended the ceremony. The five-star red flag rose slowly in front of the embassy gate, marking the official restoration of the two countries' long-term relationship. Diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level lasting 31 years.

What is even more dramatic is that although the mainland media did not emphasize it, and the Taiwanese media kept silent about it, the address of the embassy this time is actually located at the original site of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party's "embassy" in Nicaragua. , or in fact, the "offices" of the front office authorities were renovated and used.

Earlier, the Nicaraguan government issued an expulsion order to the Democratic Progressive Party authorities, requiring them to evacuate all people, objects and property before the 23rd. Subsequently, Nicaragua moved all the original "office" buildings and other diplomatic assets of the Taiwan authorities to December 26. handed over to mainland China. The reason why the Nicaraguan government did this is actually to show China its determination.

According to Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations , after the two countries break off diplomatic relations, diplomatic assets such as embassies in the other country should be "safely kept" by the host country. But the problem is that if Nicaragua really keeps it properly in accordance with the wishes of the Taiwan authorities, it will be equivalent to recognizing the "independent state status" they advocate. So of course it cannot do this and the relevant assets must be handed over to mainland China intact.

Or this is the so-called "return of things to their original owners", just like when China returned to the United Nations in 1971, it did not find a new pit in the United Nations, but took back what was stolen at that time. We were supposed to be in permanent member seat owned by the United Nations.

Therefore, as soon as this news was exposed, it aroused the "fury" of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party authorities, and Tsai Ing-wen was so angry that she immediately broke her guard. Of course, they must be even more angry now because the "embassy" they originally occupied has been used by the mainland. It is a pity that the media in Taiwan have kept silent about this for fear of offending the Democratic Progressive Party.

But apart from this, there are other things that are even more embarrassing for the DPP. Shortly after the "severance of diplomatic relations", Wu Jinmu, the former representative of the Taiwan authorities in Nicaragua, or actually they call him the "ambassador", entered the DPP at the beginning of this month. He acquired Nicaraguan nationality and openly betrayed the Democratic Progressive Party.

It is reported that Wu Jinmu immediately requested to resign after Nicaragua announced that it would "break off diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. Wu Jinmu and his wife subsequently obtained nationality granted by the Nicaraguan government, and so far he has not "returned to Taiwan to report on his duties" as required and is still stranded in Nicaragua. . Lin Zhuoshui, a former "legislator" of the Democratic Progressive Party, angrily criticized: Those who rebel against Taiwan should have their pensions confiscated.

Wu Jinmu has not yet responded to this matter, nor has he explained the reason for his Nicaraguan citizenship. Judging from the analysis, he may be worried that there will be no good fruits to eat after returning. After all, all the "embassies" overseas have been confiscated, which is a very shameful thing. The "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" of the Taiwan authorities is now nicknamed the "Ministry of Severance of Diplomacy", and someone will definitely have to take the blame for this. It is certainly impossible for Tsai Ing-wen and other "Taiwan independence" leaders to take the blame. They can only blame the middle-level officials working below.

At the same time, the DPP may be losing a potential "Taiwan independence" support force: France. French President Macron delivered a New Year's speech earlier at the Elysee Palace. Macron said that France will once again serve as the EU's rotating presidency in 2022 and will promote the EU's strategic independence. It will also work closely with Germany to promote the adoption of a "strategic guideline" in March.

According to this strategic guide, the EU should set an independent diplomatic strategic stance and establish an "EU-owned" "crisis response force" of 5,000 people by 2025 as the basis of the future "European Army." According to this logic, I am afraid that they will have to re-examine their position on the Taiwan issue after this.

According to the EU's strategic proposition of independence, mutual benefit and mutual benefit, they have no reason to provoke China on the Taiwan issue, let alone follow the US position in formulating their own Taiwan Strait policy. If this is the case, the DPP authorities will lose a potential support force.

Then there may be some problems in the "diplomatic relations" between the DPP and the Vatican. In 2022, the DPP may lose another 1-2 "diplomatic countries". Since Tsai Ing-wen came to power, the Democratic Progressive Party has lost two "diplomatic countries" at a rate of two per year. Now they are still accelerating. I am afraid that during Tsai Ing-wen's next term, the Taiwan authorities' "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" will become a veritable "Ministry of Foreign Affairs". "Department of Diplomacy".