The mainstay @"Qingtai Town" Zheng Changchun's novel series (Chapter 51) From the first New Tang Dynasty Battle, Liu Dongyin actively participated in the anti-Japanese and national salvation movement. In March of the war, he was hired as a teacher at Yaoqing Primary School and th

mainstay @" Qingtai Town "

Zheng Changchun novel serial (Chapter 51)

Since the first New Tang Dynasty campaign, Liu Dongyin has actively participated in the anti-Japanese and national salvation movement. In March of the war, he was hired as a teacher at Yaoqing Primary School and the Special Committee of the Southern Henan Province of the Communist Party of China to organize anti-Japanese training classes for teachers in Qingtai Town. After the training, he led and organized an anti-Japanese and national salvation propaganda team, which toured streets and rural areas singing revolutionary songs, writing slogans, distributing leaflets, drawing anti-Japanese cartoons, and holding anti-Japanese speeches. He wrote, directed and performed in costume himself, and organized old rural theater troupes to re-perform anti-Japanese dramas. In May, he served as the captain of the anti-Japanese and national salvation propaganda team. Under his leadership, he launched tit-for-tat struggles with the local Kuomintang reactionaries many times and achieved victory.

The Japanese army launched a series of campaigns in southern Henan, and Tongbai , Biyang , Fangcheng , Wancheng in the Nanyang area fell. The Japanese army looted wantonly Nanyang City and burned the essence of cultural relics. Then they went to Tanghe County and Biyang County, burning, killing and looting all the way.

The first section of the 14th Division of the Japanese Army entered Qingtai after defeating Biyang and Tanghe. Wherever the Japanese troops came, they burned, killed, raped and looted, committing all kinds of evil. The people in Qingtai witnessed the atrocities of the Japanese army and rose up one after another to fight to the death with the Japanese army. Hundreds of Japanese troops invaded Qingtai Town. Zhang Qingping led three columns of the Wandong Security Regiment to fight bravely with swords and cannons, killing and wounding many Japanese troops. The next day, the Japanese army, with more than a thousand infantry and cavalry troops, attacked Qingtai Town under the cover of aircraft and artillery. Late at night, after the soldiers and civilians defending the village repelled the enemy's attacks many times, the wall of the village was breached by the enemy. At dawn, the Japanese army entered the village and burned, killed and raped them wantonly. In one day, more than 100 innocent people in the city were killed, more than 50 women were ravaged, and more than 80 houses were reduced to ashes. There were piles of corpses under more than 10 stables in front of Huilong Temple on the north side of Xizhaimen Nei Road, with blood flowing like channels. The piles of corpses in front of Guandi Temple were more than ten feet tall. "There is no one without filial piety, and every household in the town is crying." . The atrocities committed by the Japanese army aroused great anger among the residents of Qingtai Town. Even old men in their sixties had to fight hard until they died heroically.

When the main force of the second column led by Liu Dongyin was patrolling near Lidian , they encountered a blocking attack by a Japanese battalion. Under the leadership of Liu Dongyin, the team members braved intensive artillery fire and charged bravely. The enemy troops were unable to support and retreated south. The column pursued to Yuantan Town , but was suppressed by the enemy with four machine guns, causing heavy casualties. Vice-captain Wei Xingfu was seriously injured in the battle and died heroically due to excessive blood loss. He was only 28 years old. The soldiers were extremely sad and angry. After the troops withdrew from the battle, they retreated westward to Jinzhuang. They were attacked by fierce enemy artillery fire, so they turned back. When they reached Qizhuang, southeast of Lidian, they encountered the enemy's 48th Division. The enemy seized the commanding heights first and threw grenades desperately. Liu Dongyin ordered the team to attack the enemy positions in three groups and seize the high ground. He took the lead and shouted: "Comrades, charge!" He fired more than 50 rounds of pistol bullets at the enemy in one breath.

After several hours of fierce fighting, Liu Dongyin was finally captured because he was outnumbered. After his arrest, the Japanese army was very excited, hoping to get some confidential information. During the escort, Liu Dongyin, who was seriously injured, lost consciousness many times due to his wounds and heavy blood flow, but the Japanese army only bandaged him briefly. In prison, Liu Dongyin was whipped with a whip dipped in pepper water. He endured the pain and angrily cursed the Japanese army for various crimes. In order to obtain information, the Japanese army also imitated the ten major torture methods in ancient China, such as clamping sticks, etc., but to no avail. He was seriously injured due to long-term torture in prison and was sent to the hospital for treatment.

Picture During his treatment in the hospital, Liu Dongyin successfully convinced the nurses and puppet army guards who were guarding him through ideological education. Later, with the help of the two of them, he successfully escaped. After returning to Qingtai Town, Liu Dongyin continued to participate in the anti-Japanese struggle.

At the winter solstice, good weather rarely appeared in the damp and cold Qingtai Town. The long-lost sunshine finally showed its face from the thick dark clouds.At three o'clock in the afternoon, Sun Zhengxun, the commander of the Wandong First Division of the Imperial Association Army, received a secret report and discovered the whereabouts of the guerrillas. He drove a green military vehicle from Shengzhen Town to the Haoshuang Inn. A large number of soldiers jumped out of the vehicle. Go straight to room 11. Following the instructions of his superiors, Liu Dongyin was having a secret meeting with several anti-Japanese backbones in the town. After a while, the soldiers escorted Liu Dongyin, Guo Hanrong, Sun Wenying, and Zheng Ruimin from inside. Then an ambush was set up, an undercover agent was left behind, and the four people were put into a military vehicle and roared away. The whole process only took a few minutes. The "Imperial Association Army" opened a large net and left no trace, as if nothing happened here.

Haoshuang Inn is small in scale and was renovated on the basis of the original operation of Zhang Shixin. Sun Zhengxun hired Qiu Zhenshuang to manage it after acquiring it from Zhang Shixin. Liu Dongyin didn't know the inside story and often organized people to hold secret meetings here.

Subsequently, the "Imperial Association Army" surrounded Qingtai Town. During the fierce battle, Zhang Qingping, the leader of the Wandong Security Group, was initially taking command in the warehouse building in the backyard of Taishan Temple. The ammunition in the back warehouse caught fire and stray bullets flew everywhere. With sparks flying, Zhang Qingping disguised himself and put on a Taoist robe to escape. Qingtai Town.

The military vehicle carried a carload of people like a big-bellied toad, swaying left and right on the bumpy road. Several heavily armed Japanese soldiers escorted Liu Dongyin towards the direction of Shengzhen. The military vehicle bumped back and forth as it whined and whined. Liu Dongyin knew that the end was in danger, so he struggled to jump out of the vehicle. Unexpectedly, he tripped on the rope and fell on the hard bottom of the carriage, breaking his waist. The enemy tied him up with barbed wire and held him in a carriage, tortured and humiliated him in every possible way, but he refused to give in. When he arrived at Shengzhen, Sun Zhengxun, the leader of the Imperial Association Army, saw that he was unyielding and had nothing to do, so he ordered him and his teammates to be imprisoned in an underground detention room.

This time, he was directly subjected to various kinds of capital punishment by the Japanese army. His hands were handcuffed behind his back. The torture Takamori first used was to hook his handcuffs with a hook hanging from the ceiling and suspend him. When you stand up and your feet leave the ground, the iron handcuffs will cut your wrists to the bone under the influence of gravity. Then the Japanese used military belts to severely beat his body, or burned his body with a red-hot iron. The more he struggled while his body was hanging in the air, the deeper the cut in the handcuffs became.

Seeing that Liu Dongyin would rather die than surrender, the Japanese used more cruel methods. They tied his hands behind his back, hooked a large iron hook through his chin, extended the tip of the hook into his mouth, and hung the ring on the handle of the hook from the ceiling. On the hanging chain. His mouth and neck were soon covered with blood. The gravity of his body caused his twisted face to face the ceiling, and his chin became the highest point of his body. Then the Japanese tortured him with whips and branding irons. Because there was a hook in his mouth, he couldn't scream and could only whimper in agony.

Many people could not survive these tortures. Many of the arrested people found out that the situation was critical and knew that they would be punished, so they committed suicide in advance. They either banged their heads against the wall, jumped off the building, went on a hunger strike, or threw themselves into the water. They would never surrender even if they died heroically. .

After exhausting torture, the Japanese army still could not get any information from him, so they decided to execute him in public.

The next morning, Zhang Taiping sent money and some daily necessities through connections. Several inmates discussed how to use the money. Some suggested saving it, while others suggested buying more clothes for the winter. But the youngest Zhu Xinhan, who was not yet 20 years old at the time, overheard the news from the enemy that they would be executed, and said: "We are all dying people, why not use the money to have a meal and sing the Internationale He also has energy." And Liu Dongyin tried every means to ask someone to bring out the note, telling his comrades to hide the news from his blind father in the town at all costs. If he died, he would never let his elderly father know the news. ... Later, Zhang Taiping and his friends did it and supported Liu Dongyin's old father. The old man didn't know the situation of his son until his death.

On the third night, during the usual roll call in the prison, an unusual situation occurred: Sun Zhengxun came in person and brought a dozen soldiers. Each person held a flashlight, called a name, and then shined the flashlight on his face. nervous. After the roll call, everyone went to bed. Not long after they went to bed, there were footsteps coming from the corridors of the prison, and soldiers were picking up people one by one.After a while, they arrived at the prison cell where Liu Dongyin was located, and the guard called two names: "Liu Dongyin, Guo Hanrong, come out!" At this time, an atmosphere of terror enveloped the entire prison. Guo Hanrong helped Liu Dongyin arrange the heavy iron shackles on his ankles, and then tore off the sheets. Tie it between the two shackles so that you can carry it with your hands when walking to avoid abrasion on the skin.

At this time, Guo Hanrong asked the soldier: "Hey, why are you calling us up so late?"

The soldier said: "Qingtai has built a prison, and now we have to take the last bus to take you to the town."

After hearing this, everyone was doubtful. When they parted, the inmates shed tears and repeatedly asked and comforted Liu Dongyin, Guo Hanrong, Zheng Ruimin and other comrades: "When you get there, you must be more careful. Victory will eventually belong to us!"

Liu Dongyin did not say anything, and handed a package of things to inmate Sun Wenying and said: "Please keep these things for me, they will be useful in the future."

Sun Wenying took a look and found that they were written by Liu Dongyin in prison. article, so I put it away immediately.

Liu Dongyin, Guo Hanrong, and Zheng Ruimin were taken to the special court upstairs of the temporary puppet Wandong District Office in Qingtai Town. The judges, clerks and others were sitting in the row of high chairs above. The two people next to them were holding the "Execution Letter", looking at the photos, checking everyone's faces, and then asking them to stamp their fingerprints. At first, the first two comrades thought it was an official document destined for Kaifeng, so they stamped it in confusion. It was Liu Dongyin's third turn. He looked at the document before stamping his fingerprints and saw the words "verified identity, immediately taken to the execution ground and shot" written on it. He pushed the "Execution Letter", turned around, and said to the people behind him: "Comrades, this is the "Execution Letter", we won't cover it!"

Guo Hanrong was behind him, and he shouted when he heard it : "No! What law have we broken?" Zheng Ruimin from behind also shouted angrily: "Why have we been here for several days without even asking?" "What kind of court!" "Down with Japanese imperialism!"

There was a chaos in the court. They waved their arms and broke the glass windows, or grabbed stools and threw them at the judge. Several judges hurriedly ordered the soldiers: "Take him out immediately and execute him!" and then hid in the back in panic.

Soldiers came up to drag them down. Liu Dongyin, Guo Hanrong, Zheng Ruimin and other six comrades stamped their feet on the floor with all their strength and refused to go downstairs. The soldiers used bayonets to force them down, but it didn't work, so they dragged them down one by one, beating them while dragging them. Some were beaten. He was beaten until he fell to the ground and could not stand up. He was dragged to the grassy slope beside the Guoqiang River, and the people were forced to watch before he was shot. On the execution ground, Sun Zhengxun had someone loosen Liu Dongyin's bonds. Liu Dongyin looked at the group of wolves coldly, stood upright with his hands crossed on his chest, and a contemptuous smile on his lips, appearing fearless and looking forward to death.

Liu Dongyin was shot four times in the head and chest. A pen that had been with him for many years fell from his pocket with blood...

After the fall of Luohe and Ye County , news of the Japanese invasion of the south came one after another. Passed to Qingtai. The Kuomintang military and political personnel and wealthy gentlemen fled with their families one after another. The people were frightened every day, and the current situation was extremely chaotic. In order to protect people's lives and property and develop the anti-Japanese armed forces, Zhang Qingping decided to organize all the members of the security regiment, integrate their forces with several surrounding guerrilla groups, and organize a very capable Qingtai Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Group. After the establishment of the

Self-Defense Group, Zhang Qingping was appointed as the commander, Zhang Taiping was the deputy commander, and Qiu Zhenhao was the staff officer. The main tasks were to destroy the enemy's traffic, intercept the enemy's transportation vehicles, protect the lives and property of the people on both sides of the highway, and attack the enemy when encountering them. Just fight, if you can't fight then leave, don't fight the enemy at the expense, fight a tough battle. The Xuzao Highway, which must pass through Qingtai Town, is an important transportation thoroughfare for the enemy to transport soldiers and supplies in southern Henan. The self-defense group led by Zhang Qingping, Qiu Zhenhao, and Zhang Taiping fought in Wandong like a pair of steel pliers, tightly stuck there.

In March, the spring was cold, not long after the Self-Defense Group was established. The scouts sent by Zhang Taiping to Fangcheng sent back information that the enemy had three vehicles transporting artillery shells to Yuantan Town, Tanghe. There were not many people escorting them. It was probably dark. Went to Qingtai Town area.

Zhang Taiping immediately reported to Zhang Qingping after receiving the information. Zhang Qingping was very anxious after learning the situation. Intercepting enemy supplies was not easy! The self-defense group has just been established. It has few people and no rich fighting experience, and the weapons are not good. They only have one machine gun , which is still an old product and does not have many bullets. What should I do? Doesn't

work? It's a pity to lose this meat that is served to your mouth. Let's fight. This is obviously an egg hitting a stone. If it fails, who can bear this responsibility? Let's brainstorm. Let's sit together and analyze and discuss. Now we are all grasshoppers on a rope. Only by working together to twist into a rope and working hard in one place can we unite as one and overcome difficulties and dangers. As a result of the discussion, we decided to fight. But no one knew how to play.

Zhang Qingping first sent people to contact other surrounding anti-Japanese teams, hoping to join forces at a critical moment, and then observed the terrain along the highway. Not far from the southwest corner of Qingtai Town Wall is the meandering Tuoqiang River. There is a large stone bridge on the river. Cars passing by can only cross the river through the stone bridge. On both sides of the bridge is a riverbed as deep as one person, which can not only hide at any time, but also flexibly retreat. The demolition team is hidden under the bridge and can quickly approach the enemy vehicles as soon as the fire is fired. This is an ideal ambush location.

After selecting the terrain, Zhang Qingping went back to assemble the team, and Zhang Taiping did a brief mobilization. As soon as the team members heard that the car was going to be blown up, their emotions were high. When it got dark, their team quietly drove towards the big stone bridge.

It was still a bit cold at night, and except for the occasional military vehicle passing by, the road was deserted. The team members were getting a little impatient. Was it because the intelligence was inaccurate or the enemy had temporarily changed their plans? Zhang Qingping also lost his temper. At this moment, the sound of a car motor came from the northeast. Then the beams of car headlights were clearly visible, "One, two, three." "It's coming! It's coming!" The team members became nervous.

The car is getting closer, but the sentinel sent by Zhang Qingping hasn't sent back a signal yet. In order to hit the target accurately to avoid hurting innocent people, they sent a sentry every other place, stretching forward two or three miles.

Bang! Snapped! Snapped! Three signals sounded in the distance.

Zhang Qingping looked at the car approaching the bridge and shouted: "Hit!"

"Da da da da..." The self-defense group's machine guns and rifles rang out together, with the sound of grenades in the middle.

The enemy who was suddenly attacked immediately turned off the lights of the vehicle. The surrounding area was dark. The enemy escorting the vehicle panicked for a while and began to fight back at the self-defense group. The bullet hit the soil in front of the self-defense team members, making a chirping sound.

The comrades of the demolition team rushed onto the road under the cover of fire, put the explosive pack on the car, and pulled the fuse. "Boom! Boom! Boom!" There were three loud noises, and the three cars shot up into pillars of fire. , shrapnel whizzed past their heads.

In order not to be entangled by the enemy and reduce casualties, Zhang Qingping ordered a team member beside him: "Notify the demolition team to gather at the original location and withdraw!"

Under the cover of night, they quickly withdrew from the battle, quickly Run to the meeting point.

The battle at Dashiqiao was fought cleanly and swiftly. The enemy lost three cars and three loads of artillery shells, while the self-defense regiment suffered no casualties. Due to the victory in the battle, the number of members of the Self-Defense Group suddenly grew to more than 300.

Not long after the incident, the Self-Defense Group had another encounter with dozens of passing Japanese and puppet troops at Xiaofeng Camp. Seeing the large number of people in the Self-Defense Group, the Japanese and puppet troops shot a few times and ran away. Zhang Qingping led his team in pursuit, chasing the enemy until they ran and threw things, including command knives, rifles, and woolen coats. Zhang Qingping was afraid that he would encounter a large number of enemies if he continued to pursue, so he stopped the team.

The self-defense group chopped down and broke the telephone poles erected by the enemy along the road several times, and cut off the telephone lines and took them away. In order to guard the telephone poles, the enemy had to send people to secretly lay mines near the telephone poles. The frequent activities of the Self-Defense Group made the enemy very frustrated. Taking advantage of the breaks in fighting elsewhere, they mobilized some troops in an attempt to eat up the Self-Defense Group.

In the fifth month of the lunar calendar, it is the busy wheat season. It coincides with the students' vacation, and the self-defense group came to Yaoqing School.The classroom is relatively spacious, and they plan to take a short rest here and wait for opportunities to intercept enemy vehicles transporting military supplies. Since they had not discovered the enemy for a long time, they became a little paralyzed.

After lunch one day, some people were chatting in the house and some were wandering on the street. At around two o'clock, a group of people walked over from Banpo in the southeast of Qingtai. At first they thought they were Banpo people going to work in the fields after lunch, but they didn't recognize them until they were not far from Qingtai. Zhang Qingping saw that there were not too many enemies, so he wanted to eliminate them. Unexpectedly, as soon as the fight started, large groups of enemies poured out from Banpo and rushed towards the Self-Defense Group in battle formations, with many Japanese mixed in between. Machine gun bullets flew over their heads like locusts. It was already too late to retreat. Moreover, the wheat had just been cut and the autumn crops had not grown yet. There was no obstruction in the ground and they could see far away. They could not escape the enemy's pursuit. They had no choice but to withdraw into the school courtyard. Close the door and prepare to hold out until dark before breaking out.

The courtyard of Yaoqing School is surrounded by classrooms one after another, and the walls of the classrooms are relatively thick. Seeing that the self-defense group was holding the gate of the school and was unable to break through, the enemy split into two. A large group surrounded the school, threw grenades from the rooftops into the courtyard, and some went to burn down private houses on Qingtai Street. Not long after, more than 200 houses on Qingtai Street were set on fire, with flames flying and black smoke billowing. It happened that the wind was from the northeast again that day, and the school was in the southwest corner of Qingtai Town. Thick smoke rolled in sparks, covering the sky and rushing toward the school. The enemies besieging the school kept throwing grenades from across the roof, and the smoking grenades were rolling around in the school yard.

The grenades of the Self-Defense Group are braided. It is inconvenient to throw them from the roof of a room. If you have no choice, just pick up the enemy's grenades. When the enemy throws it over, they immediately pick it up and throw it over again. The smoke is getting bigger and thicker, choking people so much that they can't see clearly even a few steps away, even when grenades roll under their feet. Some team members were injured, and they had to evacuate people into the classroom.

At this time, a heavy motor sound came from the highway, which sounded like an enemy tank. It seems that the situation is getting more and more serious.

Zhang Qingping sent someone to call several responsible comrades together and exchanged opinions. They all believed that no matter how many casualties there were, we had to break out, and the number of people who escaped was counted. If an enemy tank knocks down the courtyard wall and rushes in, not a single one of the more than 300 people in the regiment will be able to escape. Where to break out and how to break out has become a question again. Concentrating firepower to open a bloody path from the gate and rush out will easily expose the target. This is obviously not possible because almost all the enemies are outside the gate. Rush out through the back door. The back door is rarely opened. There is a deep, smelly ditch outside. If you fall in, you will die. If we dig a hole in the wall from the classroom, there may be a way to survive in a forest outside the school, but where are the digging tools? Even if they had the tools, before they could dig a hole in the wall, the enemy would hear the noise and drive their tanks in. Alas, what to do! At a critical moment, there was no need to hesitate. Zhang Taiping frowned, thought for a moment, and made a decisive decision: "There is no need to discuss the matter now. We can only rush through the back door. Fight them to the death or alive, and rush through the smelly ditch. A little further forward is the overgrown Chuoqiang River. We can use the dense vegetation and tall river embankments as cover to avoid the enemy! "

" Okay, let's rush through the back door! "Grandma, this one weighs ten pounds!" Just file it!"

Everyone agreed and geared up.

Zhang Qingping slapped his legs, breathed into his palms and said, "Taiping, take a few people to lead the charge, and the rest will go to each classroom to inform people!"

Around five o'clock in the afternoon, the self-defense group began to break out. The people guarding each classroom withdrew and quickly ran to the back door.

In the weather in May, the sun was still high in the western sky at five o'clock, shining brightly like a fireball. Everyone knew in their hearts that there was only one way to break out of the encirclement, but running in the unobstructed wilderness after breaking through could be imagined to be dangerous. Although everyone running made no sound, the expressions on their faces were as serious as if they were walking towards the execution ground.

"Quick, move quickly!"

short commands kept coming from the front.

When Zhang Qingping checked again that no one was in the classroom, he ran to the back door.

"Evacuate quickly, it's dangerous here. Go out and run south along the ditch!" Zhang Taiping held the box cannon in one hand and directed everyone to break out with the other. Then he ordered in a low voice, "cover your nose and mouth and try not to cough."

Zhang Qingping, who was in charge of cutting off the back, saw everyone ducking out one by one, but Shi Meilan was nowhere to be seen. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, wishing he could grow three heads and six arms. Where are people? Why is this great living person missing? The team retreats, no one can be left behind! Other gay men are so obedient to orders, why don’t the people closest to him, Zhang Qingping, take it seriously? How can we still fight this battle in the future? He squinted his eyes and looked around. The sound of gunfire, shouts, and roars outside roared like muffled thunder above his head. Seeing that the enemy was about to rush in, Zhang Qingping didn't care about it anymore. He was about to leave, but he heard smoke. There was a clang in the room, and a black figure moved quickly inside.

"Who?" Zhang Qingping shouted, looking up with his pistol.

Bang! boom!

only heard two gunshots, and then he heard nothing.

When Zhang Taiping saw that his brother was injured, he didn't care so much anymore. He turned back and rushed out carrying him on his back. Outside the back door of

, the smoke was thick, and you couldn't see where the ditch or the ground was. The burnt smell hit your nose and choked your throat. They covered their mouths with their hands, trying desperately not to cough, and jumped into the smelly ditch next to the school. The ditch runs north-south, and the smoke only covers a distance of more than a mile. If you run further, you will be exposed to the enemy's sight. Fortunately, at the end of the ditch was the overgrown Gungun River Embankment. They turned east and ran into the jungle on the river bank. After reaching a safe area, Zhang Taiping counted the number of people and found that nearly half of the members of the self-defense group were injured and killed, and Shi Meilan, who was responsible for medical support in the group, was also missing.

It turned out that Shi Meilan had already rebelled. After she fired at Zhang Qingping, she quickly got into the smoke-filled library, pushed aside a bookshelf, and escaped along the underground passage.

The west next door to the library is the Longquan Teahouse. There is an underground passage between the two for information exchange. To the east of the tea house is Huilong Temple, and to the south is Antai Pharmacy opened by Li Tairan. This Longquan teahouse was secretly a secret stronghold for spies to collect intelligence in Qingtai. It worked hand in hand with the pharmacy to secretly sell heroin, morphine and other drugs, and cooperated with each other to win over traitors and collect military intelligence.

After the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, the Second New Tang Campaign began in southern Henan. Due to the activities of spies in Wandong, a large amount of intelligence was obtained, resulting in heavy losses in the battle. As the anti-Japanese sentiment gradually increased across the country, the Nationalist Government decided to put the captured spies and traitors on trial.

Nanyang County Commissioner Zhao Zhiting felt very sad when he learned that Zhang Qingping was injured. In order to inspire everyone's determination and heroic struggle to resist Japan, he immediately appointed Zhang Taiping as the leader of the Qingtai Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Regiment and sent a lot of military supplies for support.

Zhang Taiping learned that the Japanese were conducting espionage activities in Qingtai and was determined to eradicate this cancer. Together with the detective team of the Nanyang County Department, he sent plainclothes officers to secretly follow and monitor them in those three places, determined to catch them in action. Because the Nanyang area was intensifying its investigation of spy activities at that time, the Japanese also heard some rumors, so they arranged all activities to pass on intelligence at night.

Zhang Taiping waited hard for a month or two and could not find an opportunity. An accidental incident allowed him to seize the opportunity to destroy the spy's den. At night, Wei Zongyi, a traitor from Kaifeng, wanted to jump over the wall and enter the Longquan Tea House because he was new to Qingtai and was not familiar with the road conditions. However, this idiot traitor climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard of Huilong Temple. The traitor Wei Zongyi was a Japanese connoisseur. He studied in Japan in his early years and was said to be very superstitious. When he passed by the Shaanxi Temple in Shengzhen Mountain, he kowtowed to draw lots. The result was that the lot was not good and he believed that he would not survive. When people from Huilong Temple see someone breaking into the temple at night, they will certainly not take it lightly. Who dares to disturb Tai Sui? The traitor Wei Zongyi will inevitably receive a beating with a stick.Then the abbot of Huilong Temple asked several strong masters to tie him up and send him to the Qingtai Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Group. After interrogation, the traitor Wei Zongyi confessed everything about engaging in espionage activities and collecting intelligence for the Japanese. .

Zhang Taiping knew that this was a good opportunity to destroy the spy den in one fell swoop, so he immediately reported to the Nanyang County Office and went to search the Longquan Tea House together with the county office personnel. The cunning Japanese spies had already set up a dedicated telephone line between the Puppet Wandong District Office and the tea house. After receiving the news, the district office immediately notified the people in the tea house to destroy the evidence.

When Zhang Taiping led the county department personnel to the door of the tea house, the door of the tea house was closed tightly. No one from the Puppet Wandong District Office came. The reason was that the Puppet District Office deliberately delayed the destruction of evidence. Suddenly, Zhang Taiping saw smoke coming from the teahouse. This was a serious matter. He made a prompt decision and led the county department staff over the wall and rushed into the yard without hesitation. They entered the yard and saw the agents pouring oil on some documents. A panic-stricken Taro Tanaka was holding a knife, Hideo Hirayama and Meilan Shi were holding guns, but they openly resisted. After repeated persuasion by Zhang Taiping, the three finally put down their weapons. After the fire that burned the documents was extinguished, county department personnel seized a large number of unburned documents, information, and photos at the scene. A roster with the names of 20 Chinese women was found under a wooden floor. Most of the names in the book contained the words "beautiful" and "beautiful", as well as each person's age and residence. Obviously, this is a list of comfort women. At the same time, a dark room was discovered underground in the teahouse, which contained torture instruments, cigarette boxes, pill bottles, condoms and other items. It is not difficult to imagine the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese here at that time.

Wei Zongyi, Shi Meilan, Tanaka Taro, Hideo Hirayama and others were immediately arrested and detained at the Nanyang County Department Detention Center. The next day, the Puppet Wandong District Office and warehouses were searched, and six major traitors, Sun Zhengxun, Li Jinkui, Jia Zhengming, Wang Baotai, Zhang Jintong, and Qiu Zhenshuang, were arrested, and pistols, radios, vehicles, military maps, and documents were seized.

Longquan Teahouse was closed, and Antai Pharmacy was destroyed by the detective team. Since then, the Japanese have never engaged in espionage activities in Qingtai.

Nanyang County Commissioner Zhao Zhiting, after consulting Zhang Taiping, leader of the Qingtai Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Regiment, formed a special court and invited Liu Jinhua and Zheng Yimeng to also participate in the trial. During the trial, the special court listed four spies including Shi Meilan and six traitors as conspiracy crimes and, with the approval of the Chongqing National Government, sentenced 10 criminals to death.

learned through interrogation that Liu Dongyin's arrest and several serious defeats in fighting the Japanese were all related to Shi Meilan's intelligence. What's even more terrible is that Zhang Qingping almost died from her gun when he led the team to break out.