Contrary to previous rumors, Apple has not launched a so-called "full screen" version of iPod touch. The design still has the original flavor, and even the square pattern on the Home button has been retained. It really feels like buying a brand new iPhone 4S in 2019.

On Tuesday night, a news push from Apple instantly detonated the entire Internet. The iPod touch, which has been out of sight for four years, has launched a new product.

is different from previous rumors. Apple did not launch a so-called "full screen" version of iPod touch, but seriously launched a performance-enhanced version. The design is still the same as before, and even the home button The block pattern has also been retained, and it really feels like buying a brand new iPhone 4S in 2019.

It’s not just the appearance of the iPod touch, the performance of this device is also relatively “retro”. The new iPod touch is equipped with the A10 Fusion chip that came out in 2016. The screen size is still 4 inches retina screen , and there is no Touch ID. In addition, Apple also brought an augmented reality (AR) experience to iPod touch for the first time.

iPod touch was a great move twelve years ago, but it doesn’t work anymore

After this product was announced, people’s reaction was more of surprise at first. After calming down, it seems that it is not difficult for us to find that we are willing to pay for this sentiment. There are not many people. The question people ask most is: Why is it necessary to purchase this kind of product to clear inventory? Although it has a certain price/performance ratio, why don’t I buy an iPhone? After the question of

is raised, we need to go back to Apple's hardware product ecosystem to sort it out in detail. Before the iPhone, the iPod and Mac were Apple's main hardware products. In 2004, the iPod became the most popular digital music player in the United States, but obviously, it is difficult for a music player alone to support Apple's ambitions.

In January 2007, the press conference that changed Apple's destiny made people all over the world aware of the iPhone. The launch price of the iPhone was not expensive compared to today, but the starting price of $499 still prohibits some people who want to experience the iOS system. Jobs obviously thought of this. In September of the same year, Apple officially announced the iPod touch.

Even now, iPod touch is the kind of classic case that can be included in marketing textbooks. Jobs knew very well that compared to the iPhone hardware itself, the iOS system and App applications were what needed to be promoted to the general public. The general public obviously will not spend $499 for a brand new system, so the $299 iPod touch has become the best choice for many people who cannot afford an iPhone to experience iOS. Especially in the Chinese market, in order to make their iPod touch support the phone function, "tear of the times" such as " apple peel " appeared.

However, as people's consumption level of smart phones continues to increase, the iOS system has also reached its thirteenth version. People do not seem to need such an intermediate product to experience the iOS system, so the positioning of iPod touch is also becoming more and more important. The more tasteless. This is why Apple suspended this product line for four years.

Apple has regained its brand strategy, but this time it failed.

Since last year, Apple has begun to regain its brand strategy. The return of MacBook Air and Mac Mini has proved this. During the release process of these two products at that time, Apple did a very good job in the "emotional selling" aspect. At the press conference, Cook also mentioned the scene when Jobs pulled the MacBook Air out of a brown paper bag when he first announced the MacBook Air in 2008. It also became one of the top ten brilliant moments in Apple's history. Memories followed by new arrivals can obviously give true fans a great deal of satisfaction.

Unfortunately, similar brand protection behavior has disappeared on the iPod touch. Apple directly listed the new iPod touch on its official website and published relevant WeChat public account articles, which is no different from its attitude towards several new hardware products in March this year. At the same time, due to the product configuration, it is difficult for people to evoke the feelings of the past, and criticisms of "clearing inventory" will naturally appear one after another.


The pressure on Apple in recent years has been far greater than before. The overall weakness of the smartphone market has caused iPhone sales to become the biggest reason for Apple's decline in performance.Two years ago, Apple could have become the most powerful competitor for a trillion-dollar market capitalization company, and once won this title. However, the unsatisfactory performance made Apple think of ways to boost the sales of the overall business line.

The brand strategy is naturally a good move, but "clearing inventory" actions like the new iPod touch obviously disappoints most Apple fans. The slogan Apple chose for the return of the iPod touch is: "The new iPod touch is here, and it's fun now." At least, Apple's stock price, which fell at the opening, is fun.