China Taiwan News, March 11 According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News", the Tomb-Sweeping Day is approaching. Due to the rising epidemic of the new coronavirus, Taiwan's "internal affairs department" encourages people to worship ancestors during the Tomb-Sweeping Festiva

Xu Guoyong, the person in charge of "internal affairs" of

station. (Picture source: Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News")

China Taiwan Network According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News" on March 11, Qingming Festival is approaching. Due to the rising epidemic of the new crown pneumonia, this year's Qingming Festival will be held in Taiwan. "The competent department of internal affairs" encourages the public to participate online through streaming or live broadcast. Taiwan's "internal affairs chief" Xu Guoyong said in an interview today that remembering ancestors must be coordinated with the epidemic, and there has been no backlash so far. Regarding whether the elderly will not be able to participate in the online Dharma assembly because they are not familiar with technology operations, Xu Guoyong said that my 90-year-old mother will still use communication software to contact him. Many elderly people can use basic applications. Don’t look down on the elderly.

Xu Guoyong said that religious groups all have experience in online Dharma meetings, and the results are good. There are benefits to online pujas. When the epidemic is to be prevented from spreading, it can be extended to the Qingming puja. Thanks to religious groups for their help, live broadcasting is used to avoid large gatherings of believers. This is a good example.

Xu Guoyong said that sweeping tombs during the Qingming Festival expresses nostalgia for ancestors and is a part of traditional culture, but in light of the epidemic, everyone should be able to understand. So far, there has been no backlash, and they all support online ancestor worship, assigning a small number of people to sweep the tombs, and letting other family members watch the live broadcast at home to participate through live broadcast.

As for whether some elders do not know how to use technology and are unable to cooperate with online Fa gatherings, Xu Guoyong took his 90-year-old mother as an example. Her mother would also use communication software to contact him. In fact, there are young people or caregivers in the family who can teach, so don’t take it as an example. The elders looked down upon him. (China Taiwan Net Quan Zhiqiang)

Source: China Taiwan Net