On the evening of October 28, the 24-year-old Malaysian student who was murdered disappeared on his way back to his dormitory from school. After investigation, the Tainan City Police Department arrested a 28-year-old suspect surnamed Liang. On the afternoon of October 29, the vic

On the evening of October 28, the 24-year-old Malaysian student who was murdered disappeared on his way back to his dormitory from school. Tainan City Police Department investigated and arrested a 28-year-old suspect named Liang. On the afternoon of October 29, it was found that the victim was murdered and abandoned in Kaohsiung mountainous area. The

case continues to attract public attention. On the 1st, the victim’s parents went to Taiwan to handle the funeral arrangements and were extremely grieved. The victim's mother came to the funeral home, heartbroken and in tears. She was distraught.

The victim's father endured his grief and said that after taking his daughter's body back to Malaysia, he would never set foot in the "sad place" of Taiwan again.

In response to this,

Joseph Wu, the head of Taiwan’s foreign affairs department, actually claimed on the 2nd that

it was very unfortunate that this incident happened.

But we also hope that the views of all walks of life on Taiwan have not changed. It will be the friendliest and safest place in Asia.

Wu Zhaoxie’s remarks

caused anger among netizens ↓↓↓

Malaysian netizens: Is Taiwan safe? This sentence is so funny.

Taiwan netizen: Are you embarrassed to say that? Taiwan’s public security has been destroyed by the DPP!

Taiwan netizen: There are frequent fires and car accidents, and there are many gangsters, criminals and perverts. Where is the safety in Taiwan like this?

Taiwanese media revealed that in fact, at the end of September this year before the case, a female student from Evergreen University in Taiwan was almost kidnapped at the same place. The student had reported the case, but the police did not issue a triple bill in accordance with the regulations because Thought it was a prank, this operation attracted criticism.

Xu Guoyong, head of Taiwan's internal affairs department, admitted that the police did have flaws in the reporting procedures. The Tainan City Police Chief has been replaced. However, the outside world still questions whether Taiwan's police circles have a habit of "taking cases".

Chen Yuzhen of the Kuomintang and the People's Republic of China

is worried about causing a decrease in the detection rate

Because the case is not solved due to hanging on it

It is possible that he has this kind of mentality

The person in charge of Taiwan's internal affairs department

Xu Guoyong

We have not included this kind of performance in the assessment

It has not been included in the assessment

So the police don’t have to say

because they opened this case because they didn’t solve the case.

What’s wrong with performance?

This part was not included in

In response to this matter, New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi also said in an interview that, In addition to the police, the Tainan City Government You should also take responsibility.

New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi

There are some circumstances that have not been done well.

It is not the responsibility of the police.

It is the unit that the city government and all of us are responsible for.

We must face it

★ Source: Xiamen Satellite TV's "Cross-Strait New News"

Written by : Wen Zhixing

Editor: Wang Ninglei