He claimed that the "six cities" in Taiwan account for 70% of the population and more than 70% of the resources, but the electoral level is the simplest. Outside the "six cities", the population is small and the resources are small, but there are more township and municipal elect

Democratic Progressive Party "legislator" Zheng Yunpeng. (Photo source: Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News")

China Taiwan Network According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News" report on March 10, 19 people including "Green Committee" Zheng Yunpeng have been criticized since they proposed to abolish "local elections" in 2016. After being blocked, the party came back to propose another proposal in the 10th session of this year, intending to force the "abolition of local, township and municipal elections" to pass. Korean fans criticized this as "a bad party is a bad party."

According to reports, Zheng Yunpeng and others jointly proposed a "draft to amend some provisions of the Local Institutional Law" to "abolish township and municipal elections." He claimed that the "six cities" in Taiwan account for 70% of the population and more than 70% of the resources, but the electoral level is the simplest. Outside the "six cities", the population is small and the resources are small, but there are more township and municipal elections. With the establishment of township citizen representative assemblies, there have been more disadvantages in grassroots politics, which are completely unreasonable in terms of modern governance.

Regarding Zheng Yunpeng’s statement, Xu Guoyong, the “Minister of the Interior” of the Taiwan authorities, answered very carefully yesterday when answering questions from the Democratic Progressive Party’s “legislators” Chen Mingwen and Tsai Yiyu, saying, “This is a big policy, and the Ministry of Interior will pay attention to it.” He said that there is no certain direction for "revising the law" at the moment. It will be discussed after accepting everyone's opinions. It may not be decided by the "Ministry of the Interior" and will be sent to the "Executive Yuan".

Lin Weizhou, the general convenor of the Kuomintang's "Legislative Yuan" caucus, said in an interview that "amending the law" such as the "Local System Law" is very controversial, and it is during the epidemic prevention period. He feels that it is not suitable, and "we do not have the spare capacity to deal with such a complex and complicated matter." "Controversial 'Bill'."

Related messages were forwarded to online discussions, and Korean fans bombarded them in the Facebook group " Li Sichuan Support Association." "There is no need to vote. Does the DPP want to directly nominate the emperor?" "It's time to change the party's name, the Party of Democracy and Retrograde" "A bad party is a bad party" "If you don't handle the epidemic seriously, you are still engaging in ideology in this extraordinary period" "A cruel idea" "Should we even ', 'Legislators' should be abolished together?" (China Taiwan Network Li Ning)

Editor: Yin Yanhui