On the afternoon of January 21, despite the heavy snow and severe winter cold, Nanyang Datong Group sent four trucks full of a total of 1,600 pieces of Spring Festival condolences to the Wolong District Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters to express condolences to those

On the afternoon of November 21, despite the flying snow and severe winter cold, Nanyang Datong Group sent four trucks full of a total of 1,600 pieces of Spring Festival condolences to the Wolong District Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters to express condolences to those who persisted in the epidemic. staff on the front line of epidemic prevention and control to express the company’s warm condolences and high respect for the vast number of cadres and masses who are fighting at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control in the cold winter.

At the donation ceremony of the Wolong District Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, Li Xiaoke, deputy secretary of the Wolong District Party Committee, Hua Daomei, deputy head of the district government, and other district leaders paid Datong, who made a special trip to visit and express condolences to the frontline personnel of epidemic prevention and control. Zheng Ronghua, chairman of the group , and his delegation expressed sincere gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to Datong Group for its active fulfillment of social responsibilities and continuous charity work for the society.

The Spring Festival condolences donated by Datong Group to Wolong District include unified instant noodles, Panpan bread, Shuanghui ham sausage, Shengmu pure milk and other daily comfort products. In the early days of the epidemic in 2020, Tatung Group took the lead in donating 2 million yuan to the Nanyang Red Cross Society for front-line anti-epidemic use, setting an example for the city's corporate donations to fight the epidemic. This time of condolences on the front lines of prevention and control is also a continuation and demonstration of T&T Group’s responsibility and charity.

Since its establishment 22 years ago, Datong Group has always adhered to the corporate philosophy of "serving the society and giving back to the society". While doing business well, it has not forgotten to contribute and give back to the society. Under the leadership of Chairman Zheng Ronghua, Datong Group has invested a total of more than 10 million yuan in donations for education, helping those in need, targeted poverty alleviation, and social welfare, demonstrating the charity love and responsibility of a responsible enterprise in the new era.