Google achieves quantum supremacy? Google recently announced that they have achieved quantum supremacy - the performance of a quantum computer surpasses that of all traditional computers. The task that Google completed in 3 minutes and 20 seconds on a quantum computer required th

Google achieves quantum supremacy ? 3 minutes and 20 seconds to solve the problem of supercomputing that takes 10,000 years

Google company recently announced that they have achieved quantum supremacy - the performance of quantum computer surpasses all traditional computers, The task that Google completed on a quantum computer in 3 minutes and 20 seconds required the most powerful supercomputer to operate for 10,000 years. The advancement of quantum computers is irreplaceable.

According to a paper published by Google , they implemented it on the Foxtail quantum processor they developed. It only takes 3 minutes and 20 seconds to complete a specific task, while using Summit, the most powerful supercomputer at present, to complete the same task requires 10,000 Year. The paper submitted to NASA was subsequently deleted, and both google and NASA refused to confirm the authenticity of the paper. (The Paper)

Wuhan issued the first commercial license for autonomous driving

html On the morning of September 22, the National Intelligent Connected Vehicle (Wuhan) Test Demonstration Zone was officially unveiled. Baidu, Hailiang Technology, and Shenlan Technology obtained the world’s first commercial license for autonomous driving. license. This means that not only manned testing on public roads can be carried out, but also commercial operations can be carried out. (Sina Technology)

Zhangjiagang City and Huawei jointly build a Smart City Application Innovation Center

Recently, at the 2019 Huawei Full Connection Conference, the Zhangjiagang Municipal People's Government and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. jointly released the "Huawei Smart City (Zhangjiagang) Application Innovation Center", which will be based in Zhangjiagang and open to the whole country. Relying on Huawei's advanced smart city construction experience, we will cooperate to promote the construction of Zhangjiagang smart city and strive to promote Zhangjiagang to become a digital, informatization, and smart construction demonstration zone in Jiangsu Province and even the country. Become a leader in regional smart city construction. Qiu Yushan, leader of Zhangjiagang City, and Kang Ning, general manager of Huawei Enterprise BG Industry Enablement Platform, attended the launch ceremony. (Security Knowledge Network)

The demand for AI vision cameras is significant, driving the rapid growth of the global computational photography camera market

MarketsandMarkets, the world's second largest market research organization, recently released a research report on the global computational photography market. The report predicts that the global computational photography market size is expected to be US$10.7 billion in 2019, and will reach US$29 billion five years later in 2024, with a compound annual growth rate of 22.0% during the forecast period (2019–2024). . The main players in this market are Apple, Samsung, Nvidia , Qualcomm , Nikon, Sony, etc.

MarketsandMarkets pointed out that the use of advanced media sharing technology to share pictures and videos has become an important trend in global social networks with smartphones and multimedia tablets, and has also driven the growth of the global computational photography market. Additionally, improvements in sensor image resolution and advancements in camera modules, components, and design technologies are also driving computational photography market growth. (Security Knowledge Network)

Xinding acquired 67.82% equity of Ziguang Technology for HK$990 million.

A few days ago, Ziguang Technology (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Unisociety Holdings") issued an announcement, saying that Ziguang Technology Strategic Investment Co., Ltd. (Company Holdings) The shareholder, hereinafter referred to as "Unisoc Technology") has entered into a share purchase agreement with Xinding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xinding") and Beijing Unisoc Capital Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Unisoc Capital").

According to the agreement, Xinding will acquire 67.82% of the equity of Ziguang Technology for HK$990 million.

It is understood that Xinding is specially established for investment holding and is 100% owned by Shanghai Qingxin. Shanghai Qingxin has a total registered capital of HK$857 million, and its shareholders include China Qingxin (50.1%), Shanghai Semiconductor Equipment Materials Fund (28%), and Henan Zhanxing Fund (21.9%).

In response, the acquirer also responded. The joint offerors (Xinding and Zhongqing Xinxin) expressed their intention to acquire a majority interest in the company and maintain the company's existing main business, namely SMT equipment manufacturing and related businesses. They will also assist Ziguang Holdings in streamlining the company's resources and business structure, and expanding to other semiconductor-related business opportunities.(Unigroup Technology)

Yuncong Technology and Huawei released the smart community solution

Recently, Yuncong Technology and Huawei released the Yuncong Smart Community Solution, which is based on Yuncong face recognition algorithm and Dayun Intelligent Security Community System With Huawei's Atlas artificial intelligence computing platform, it is accurate, real-time, flexible and efficient.

According to reports, Yuncong has built a platform that includes terminal equipment (camera, face capture, unit access control, RFID, vehicle bayonet), data aggregation platform (data access server, data forwarding server, face recognition server, data storage Server) and smart community system (data access server, face clustering server, community application server, data storage server, face recognition server, judgment analysis server) four-layer smart community solution networking. (Security Knowledge Network)

Hanglv Zongheng responded to the leak of user privacy: users can choose to close

A few days ago, some netizens reported that after selecting seats on Hanglv Zongheng, strangers can see their names and avatars (and have been harassed) ), you can also query the names and avatars of strangers to question Hanglv Zongheng’s leakage of customer privacy.

In response to this, Hanglv Zongheng responded that this function is turned off by default. Others cannot see the user’s information before he or she activates a virtual identity; the user can modify or delete the virtual identity at any time and turn off this function, which means that the user has no access to the virtual identity. Functions have the autonomy to turn them on and off.

Hanglv Zongheng has also emphasized many times that when a user activates a virtual identity, he or she will be prompted to use the virtual identity to interact with others. Users need to fill in virtual information such as nicknames and avatars by themselves. After the virtual identity is activated, only the virtual information filled in by the user is visible to the outside world, and his real information cannot be seen by others. (Sina Finance)

Many shareholder changes occurred before Yuncong Technology’s IPO

html According to news on September 23, Guangzhou Yuncong Information Technology Co., Ltd. recently completed a number of equity changes. After the change, founder Zhou Xi’s shareholding ratio increased from 36.65% in June this year to 31.59%, and the company’s registered capital increased from 113 million yuan to 120 million yuan. It was previously reported that Yuncong Technology plans to apply for listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board in the first half of next year. (IPO had known earlier)

Thousands of people in Switzerland took to the streets to boycott 5G network due to radiation

html News on September 23: Thousands of Swiss people demonstrated in the capital Bern on September 21 to protest against the "forced radiation" caused by the 5G network and demanded the suspension of 5G network construction. Although researchers agree that the radiation of 5G networks is no different from previous mobile networks, people's insecurity is still high. It is reported that Switzerland is one of the first countries and regions to introduce 5G. By July this year, Switzerland had 334 5G transmitting stations in operation. However, according to the Swiss "Sunday Weekly", one-third of the 5G antennas in Switzerland are currently suspended due to objections. (IT Home)

National Standardization Research Base is expected to implement Xiamen to promote the construction of smart cities

Recently, an expert seminar on application standardization of ubiquitous power Internet of Things technology implementation projects was held in Haicang, Xiamen. The reporter learned from the organizer Xiamen Haihua Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd. that the national standardization research base for the ubiquitous power Internet of Things is expected to land in Xiamen to promote the construction of a smart Xiamen city. At the

seminar, expert leaders from the China Institute of Standardization , China Electricity Council, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development’s National Smart City Standardization Overall Working Group gave professional reviews and keynote speeches. "Ubiquitous power Internet of Things" is one of the hottest energy keywords this year. It is an important tool to break down internal and external barriers in the energy industry and an important starting point for innovative services on the supply side and high-quality development on the demand side. It focuses on all aspects of the power system, fully applies mobile Internet, artificial intelligence and other technologies to connect power users, power grid companies, power generation companies, suppliers, etc., generates shared data, and ultimately provides information for all parties (including users, power grids, power generation, and supply companies). business and government, social) services. (Xiamen Net)