From March 20th to 21st, the 2021 Council of the Xihua University Chongqing Alumni Association and the Chongqing Region Launching Ceremony of the Xihua University Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle were successfully held in Nanchuan District, C

From March 20th to 21st, the 2021 Board of Directors (Expanded) Meeting of the Xihua University Chongqing Alumni Association and the Chongqing Region Launching Ceremony of the Xihua University Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle were successfully held in Nanchuan District, Chongqing. The Chongqing Alumni Association The president, vice president, secretary-general and other board members and alumni entrepreneur representatives attended the meeting. Wang Zhengshu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Xihua University, led the heads of the Alumni Association Office, School of Continuing Education and other units to attend the meeting. Alumni from Chengdu, Panzhihua and Leshan Alumni representatives of the association were also invited to participate in this event.

html On the afternoon of March 20, the Xihua University Chongqing Alumni Association Board of Directors (Expanded) Meeting was held at the Liangyu·International Health Valley Conference Center in Nanchuan District, Chongqing. Chen Yu, president of the Chongqing Alumni Association and alumnus of the 1977 Mechanism Major, Li Yaping, vice president and alumnus of the 1978 Agricultural Machinery Major, the secretariat and other board members and alumni representatives attended the meeting. Pan Zugao, the president of the Panzhihua Alumni Association and alumnus of the 1983 Water Mechanics Major, and Xu Chaogui, the vice president of the Leshan Alumni Association and an alumnus of the 1982 Water Mechanics Major, were invited to attend the meeting. This meeting was chaired by Wang Yan, vice president and secretary-general of the Chongqing Alumni Association and alumnus of the 1987 political education major.

At the meeting, President Chen Yu reviewed the establishment, development and growth of the Chongqing Alumni Association, expressed his gratitude to his alma mater for its support of the work of the Chongqing Alumni Association, encouraged young alumni to actively participate in alumni association activities, and promoted exchanges among alumni of all ages. and communicate. Deputy Secretary-General Huang Yafei reported on the use of alumni association funds from 2016 to 2020, and also reviewed the development of alumni association activities in each year. Subsequently, the participants discussed the "Articles of Association of Xihua University Chongqing Alumni Association" and the future development of the Alumni Association. The participating alumni spoke enthusiastically and shared many refreshing ideas, providing very valuable opinions and suggestions for the development of the Alumni Association. suggestion. This meeting determined that the 2021 Xihua University Chongqing Alumni Association Council will be held in May, at which time the future planning and activities of the Chongqing Alumni Association will be further discussed.

After the meeting, the alumni attending the meeting, led by Wang Qing, deputy general manager of Chongqing Jialan Yuelin Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. and alumnus of 1995 majoring in power engineering, visited the Liangyu International Health Valley project developed by his group, which is located in The foothills of Jinfo Mountain, a world-famous mountain, has rich vegetation resources and a superior and pleasant climate. It has become a rare health, cultural and tourism destination in Chongqing in recent years.

"Spring rain shocks the clear sky, and Buddha wraps himself in spring snow to protect Xihua." During the spring equinox, the cold winter has passed, and when the east wind blows, it soars into the sky 90,000 miles away. I wish my alma mater and the Xihua University Chongqing Alumni Association to flourish and open a glorious chapter.

On March 21, the Chongqing region launching ceremony of the Xihua University Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance was successfully held in Nanchuan District, Chongqing. Some board members of the Chongqing Alumni Association and alumni entrepreneur representatives attended the meeting. Wang Zhengshu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, led the school Alumni Association office, Leaders of the School of Continuing Education and other units were invited to attend the meeting. Alumni representatives from Chengdu, Panzhihua and Leshan Alumni Associations were also invited to attend the meeting. Chen Yu, President of the Chongqing Alumni Association, Vice Chairman and Chief Supervisor of the Xihua University Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and 1977 Mechanism Major, chaired this meeting.

A group photo of the launching ceremony of Xihua University Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle in Chongqing

Alumni visited Nanchuan District Industrial Park Planning Exhibition Hall, Chongqing Aluminum Times Technology Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Chaoqun Industrial Co., Ltd., which are stationed in the park. The company understands that the industrial park is committed to the development direction of "high and new technology, characteristic industries, circular economy, scientific and technological research and development, independent innovation, energy conservation and emission reduction, and ecological civilization". Subsequently, the launching ceremony of the Xihua University Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance in Chongqing officially began.

President Chen Yu, on behalf of the Chongqing Alumni Association, warmly welcomed the delegation from his alma mater and the board representatives of the Chengdu, Panzhihua and Leshan Alumni Associations. He said that the Chongqing Alumni Association will integrate and tap alumni resources, attract more alumni entrepreneurs to join the alliance, quickly organize regional alliances to carry out activities, and uphold the principle of serving alumni and alumni enterprises with sincerity, true feelings, and wisdom, and serving the region. ,serve the society.

Xu Heping, president of the Chengdu Alumni Association, chairman of the Xihua University Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and 1979 Mechanism Major, said that he was very happy to see the high degree of integration among alumni in the Chengdu-Chongqing area, which fully reflects the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities. A family atmosphere. The Chengdu-Chongqing Region Shuangcheng Economic Circle Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance is also established to gather alumni entrepreneurial resources, promote cooperation between alumni enterprises and all parties, and serve local economic construction. He looks forward to more alumni in Chongqing joining the alliance and more cooperation between alumni, which will be helpful to alumni entrepreneurs in both places.

Li Menghua, director of the Management Committee of Chongqing Nanchuan Industrial Park and alumnus of 1993 Mechanism Major, introduced the basic situation of Nanchuan Industrial Park in terms of geographical location, ecological environment, development planning direction, etc. He said that Nanchuan Industrial Park can serve as the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle Xihua The base of the University Alumni Entrepreneurs Alliance hopes that schools, enterprises, and governments will form a large platform to promote common development. We sincerely welcome alumni to Nanchuan for real estate, investment, leisure and vacation. On behalf of the Alumni Association Office, Wang Lijuan, Director of the

Alumni Association Office, expressed her gratitude to the board members and alumni of the Chongqing Alumni Association for their enthusiastic support of alumni work. She introduced the work of the Alumni Association in terms of organizational construction, serving alumni, contacting alumni, and building platforms. She briefly introduced the preparations for the establishment of the alliance and sincerely looked forward to more alumni in the Chongqing area helping each other and developing together on the platform of the alumni association and the alliance. At the same time, we hope that the alumni association and alumni will have more cooperation opportunities with our alma mater at the new starting point of its development.

On behalf of the school, Wang Zhengshu extended sincere greetings to all the alumni present and the Western Chinese working and living in Chongqing. He said that alumni are the school’s most valuable asset and the school’s business card to the world. The construction and development of the school cannot be separated from the support of alumni. I hope that alumni will continue to pay attention to, care about, and support the development of their alma mater, and actively provide assistance in aspects such as enrollment promotion, student employment, scientific research cooperation, talent training, student social practice, and cooperation with local governments, enterprises and institutions. This year is the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. He hopes to build a private economic docking platform based on alumni to promote resource integration, talent training, and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productivity among alumni, among alumni enterprises, and between alumni and their alma mater. Transform and contribute wisdom and strength to the prosperity of the country and the development of Sichuan and Chongqing. After the launch ceremony of

, a delegation from the alma mater and some alumni representatives of the Chongqing Alumni Association came to the alumni enterprise Chongqing Jialan Yuelin Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. Wang Qing, deputy general manager of Chongqing Jialan Yuelin Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. and alumnus of the class of 1995 majoring in power engineering, led the group to visit the group cultivation seedling center, product display center, blueberry planting demonstration garden, etc. Alumnus Wang Qing introduced the basic situation of the company and vision planning, he said that he will definitely strengthen contact with his alma mater in the future, and hopes to explore ways of cooperation with his alma mater in aspects such as product deep processing and agricultural mechanization equipment. (Correspondent: Sun Peng, Xihua University)