December 15th, 100 days have passed in the blink of an eye. There is nostalgia and longing. In college, every persistence, big or small, deep or shallow, will bring surprises, touches, and growth.

htmlSeptember 6th is the day when the 2017 Xihua freshmen reported. They became members of the Xihua family.

December 15th, 100 days in the blink of an eye, there is nostalgia and longing.

In college, every persistence, big or small, deep or shallow, will bring surprises, touches, and growth. This simple and pure beauty is accumulated day by day, and the journey of the heart is also followed. It looks at ourselves naturally and cleanly with time, constantly learning, and a journey of joy, clarity, and light.

"Don't look back, and don't stop." Live and love as simply and deeply as possible.

This is my Xihua 100+ days, I want to tell you. After getting along with 's roommate ,

discovered that northern girls are also very gentle and cute, and not all Sichuan girls can eat spicy food. We are worlds apart, with different personalities and living habits. Fate has magically arranged us to be together. From being cautious at the beginning to joking with each other now, in 100 days, we have shared our preferences, learned makeup together, saved our roughness, participated in the beauty sleep competition together, and decorated our "little home".

joined his favorite community and made a group of like-minded friends. I admire the talents and abilities of the seniors and learned a lot from them in the past three months. We all agreed that we would go to the snow-capped mountains to take photos when we had the chance, and we said we would watch the sunrise in Xihua together, but we always failed to do so due to sleeping in. The only time we left was to eat. It’s been 100 days since , and our story continues.

I remember that when first came to in September, I would be in a hurry as soon as I entered the canteen and didn’t know how to swipe my card to eat. Now can take the students to taste Xihua. The barbecue rice in the first cafeteria is very filling, the wontons in the second cafeteria are the most delicious, the spicy hot pot in the third cafeteria is delicious, and the pot helmets in the fourth cafeteria , every When I get home from get out of class in the evening, I have to take one with me as a midnight snack. Well, the weather has been cold recently and I want to go to Ximen to have a hot pot meal.

has had his own secretary for most of the semester. Every day, there are always things that are busy and endless. Seeing how ignorant they were when they first entered the department, they are now able to handle things independently. I should have been like this when I entered the department. People are always growing, and sometimes I can't help but get angry, but sometimes I think "they are not sensible yet", but I really, really thank you for your dedication to the department. has been a minister for 100+ years. From a People become a group of people, I love you.

When I was a freshman, I saw my seniors doing internships. I always felt that they were still far away from me. I didn’t expect that I would be in my junior year and in a blink of an eye. I have been in school and participating in internships for more than half a year, and I really feel that life is not easy. It’s been a long time since I watched a variety show, and I haven’t chatted with friends on WeChat for a long time, but I’m still very grateful for everything I learned during my internship. It’s tiring but fulfilling. I’ve completed 100+ internships in . I’m on the road and need to continue working hard. When

met with students for the first time, he felt a mixture of anxiety, nervousness, and excitement. When took a photo with for the first time, he began to look forward to what kind of stories would happen with students in the next few years. The first time I joined the class, the first time I went to bed, the first class meeting, and the sound of a kind teacher or sister all made me feel warm. There will also be loss, uncertainty, and thinking about how to get closer to them. has been a counselor for 100html for 2 days, and the story between me and the students continues. The road ahead will be long, and I will use all my patience and strength to accompany my classmates. I hope you will be clear, bright, and thrive.

Here is their Xihua 100 Days+ that I want to share with you.

World Skills Competition Silver Medal Winner Yang Wenhao

During his 100 days in Xihua, encountered the picturesque campus, quiet and comfortable library, and delicious canteen. everything was so gratifying.

Because I was participating in the 44th World Skills Competition , I didn’t report to school until the end of October.I have worked hard day and night for the past two years and finally achieved results. I have stood on the world's skills stage and won glory for the country and Xihua. I look forward to continuing to maintain a positive attitude of never giving up, completing my studies, and achieving better results in the next three years.

Automobile Academy Team Leader Cai Dongchen

From June 2015 to now, I have been in the team for two years and five months, with 3 cars and 3 races, but the regret has always been there.

In 2016, I stayed up all night in the rain to practice driving, and slept less than 20 hours in five days.

In the 2017 racing season, half an hour before the track closed, the engine was installed to participate in high-speed obstacle avoidance and figure eight circles.

So many 100 days, so many stories and people , Brother Jian, Fang Diao, Brother Jiang, Zhiqiang, Brother Dao, and my eighth team members, the next 100 days, I hope to continue your company and support !

Fresh blood has been injected. I hope you can study hard, cultivate your engineering literacy, improve your theoretical level, and adhere to the team training of "rigorous truth and pursuit of excellence" under the leadership of the "veterans" to win back what belongs to Xihua That honor for the oil truck!

Challenge Cup National Competition third prize Duan Xuelian

spent more than 100 days preparing for the Challenge Cup. encountered many difficulties and setbacks step by step from the school competition to the provincial competition and then to the national competition. The tight schedule, the difficulty of the task, and the balance between studies and other aspects of things.

I am very grateful to everyone around me for their help along the way. The guidance and support of the teachers at the college, the persistence and cooperation of my teammates, and my roommate would help me get hot water so that I could soak my feet to wash away my fatigue after lights out.

Cherish every extraordinary 100 days and cherish the meaning in the ordinary.

Second Prize in the National College Student Microfilm Show Hu Yishuang

This time last year, during the 100th day of entering Xihua, he had a unique enthusiasm for the second classroom. The second classroom education we have built at Xihua effectively gives us more learning opportunities. On the one hand, it can strengthen our ideological and political education and promote all-round development; on the other hand, it can help cultivate our professional learning interests.

It was also because of this interest that I came up with the idea of ​​combining ideological and political courses with micro-films. I am very happy that my work can be recognized.

The prime years will never come back again, and the youth will never end. After being away from home for 100 days, I feel longing and homesickness, which is only on my brows, but on my heart. Listen to your own voice and make an appointment with time. Someone caught a glimpse of light, illuminating their faces and filling their hearts. In this way, I will believe and continue to persevere.

So look forward to meeting the next 100 days.