Under the leadership of the township head Wang Huanghe and other township leaders, the Dawangzhuang Township Chamber of Commerce spontaneously organized a visit to the Dawangzhuang Township nursing home. At the condolence site, Zhang Zimin had a cordial conversation with the elde

On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2018, on September 20, under the leadership of Xihua County Dawangzhuang Township Party Committee Secretary Zhang Zimin, Township Chief Wang Huanghe and other township leaders, the Dawangzhuang Township Chamber of Commerce spontaneously organized a visit to the Dawangzhuang Township Nursing Home. .

At the condolence site, Zhang Zimin had a cordial conversation with the elderly to learn about their living conditions in the nursing home. On behalf of the government, the township mayor Wang Huanghe sent a condolence payment of 2,000 yuan. The Dawangzhuang Chamber of Commerce brought more than 100 items of food, including moon cakes, milk, eight-treasure porridge, small twists, etc. as condolences.

Zhang Zimin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dawangzhuang Township, expressed his gratitude to the Chamber of Commerce for its sponsorship, and asked members of the Chamber of Commerce to learn about the business operations. He said that if you encounter difficulties during the operation, you must tell the local government, and the Township Party Committee and the government will try their best to help solve them.

It is understood that the Dawangzhuang Chamber of Commerce was established in July this year. Since the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, with the efforts of President Zhou Zhigang, Vice President Zhou Shukun, Secretary General Wang Guoqiang and other members, based on the principles of unity and mutual assistance, we have actively responded to the government’s call. Give full play to the role of the Chamber of Commerce and organize many public welfare activities.