On June 3, during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Wang Lingyun came to handle the household relocation procedures for Kang Yumei, an expectant mother in Zhongchuan Village, Xinzhuangji Township. Wang Lingyun is a registered police officer at the Xinzhuangji Police Station of th

htmlOn June 3, during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Wang Lingyun came to handle the household relocation procedures for Kang Yumei, an expectant mother in Zhongchuan Village, Xinzhuangji Township.

Wang Lingyun is a registered police officer at the Xinzhuangji Police Station of the Hongsibao District Public Security Bureau. She received a telephone consultation call from Kang Yumei’s husband Wu Xinghu that day. It turned out that Kang Yumei had been married for more than a year, but her household registration had not been transferred to her hometown. She was about to give birth in about 10 days, and she wanted to transfer her household registration to facilitate the registration of her child in the future. Considering Kang Yumei's mobility difficulties, Wang Lingyun took the required materials and went to her home to handle the matter.

"Because the household registration book and ID card are closely related to the lives of the people, many businesses are inseparable from the ID card, and student registration and cooperative medical reimbursement also require the household registration book. In order to serve the people well, we insist on being on duty during holidays to let the frontline staff Those who come to apply for household registration services will not be allowed to go a second time if they can do so in one go.

html On May 31, when Wang Lingyun was browsing the online household registration application in her jurisdiction, she found a declaration information on "Internet+": Candidate Su said that his ID card was lost and he needed to take the exam on June 1, but he could not because he was not in Ningxia. Go to the household registration window to apply for a household registration certificate. Wang Lingyun contacted Su immediately. It was learned that Su was taking the test for the special equipment certificate. If he did not take the test this year, he would have to wait until next year. Subsequently, Wang Lingyun guided Su to submit relevant materials according to the process and issued a household registration certificate, which was scanned and sent to Su.

So far, the household registration window of Xinzhuangji Police Station has handled more than 1,500 ID card services online and offline through "Internet +", and answered more than 200 "Internet +" online and offline inquiries, "365 days × 24 hours" 86 business cases were handled during non-working hours, effectively meeting the urgent work needs of the masses.

Tell good police stories and make good public security voices

Integrated Media Center of Hongsibao District Public Security Bureau

Source | Xinzhuangji Police Station

Editor | Wang Hui

review | Zhang Peng Proposal of the Anti-Fraud Center" APP

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