When the people need it, the police respond.

When the people need it, the police respond. Since the beginning of this year, the Dongfeng Street Police Station of the Linwei Public Security Bureau has always adhered to the people-centered approach, deeply promoted the implementation of the "Three, Three, Five" special activities of the household registration window, paid close attention to the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the masses, and implemented "I do practical things for the masses" In detail, we have continuously streamlined the household registration work process, created new household registration service items, optimized the household registration service environment, and launched a number of measures to facilitate household registration management. We have implemented the purpose of serving the people with practical actions and won praise from the general public.

"Mobile household registration room" makes application for certificates more flexible

In conjunction with the "I do practical things for the masses" activity, we will continue to deepen the work on services for the elderly and special groups, and do a good job in policy interpretation, form filling, etc. for special groups such as the elderly and the disabled and pregnant. Guidance services such as process introduction and cash collection are provided; for those who need special help, service methods such as assistance, mailing, and door-to-door service are provided. The household registration police understand the difficulties and demands of the elderly during the door-to-door service process, and provide them with more comprehensive and heart-warming services. Convenient services to open up the "last mile" of serving the masses. Since the beginning of this year, we have prioritized more than 40 services for the elderly, including collecting ID photos for 3 people and delivering ID cards to 21 people, which has been well received by the people in the jurisdiction.

"Heart-warming household registration room" makes the masses more satisfied

Dongfeng household registration room policemen firmly establish people-oriented awareness, vigorously improve service levels, and strive to create a warm and considerate "warm window" and "civilized window" to allow the masses to , the principle of completing the most things in the least number of times, the household registration police provide the masses with guidance and handle the tasks as soon as possible, effectively saving a lot of time for the masses, delivering services to the masses, and keeping the work in the minds of the masses. On April 15, police officer Chang Shujuan gave up her rest time and worked overtime with the archives office staff to search for historical files for an elderly man in her jurisdiction, promptly issued relevant certificates to the elderly, and ensured that her husband received timely blood transfusion treatment, which was highly praised by the elderly man. So far, the Dongfeng Street Police Station has done more than 20 practical tasks for the masses and received 6 banners from the masses.

"Online Household Registration Room" makes services more convenient

With the development of society and economy, migrant workers and students have caused frequent population movements. As an "old residence" in the city, Dongfeng Institute has serious separation of households. Many people need to travel thousands of miles to handle household registration services. For the convenience of the masses, Dongfeng Street Police Station has specially expanded its service channels and launched a household registration mailing service for such groups. On April 25, the household registration office of Dongfeng Institute received a request for help from Weibo netizen Yan. Yan has lived in Dongguan, Guangdong all year round. His registered permanent residence is in the jurisdiction of Dongfeng Institute. He now needs to settle in Guangdong. Due to the epidemic, he cannot come back to apply for help. He specially consulted the household registration police for help. Can be processed online? Household registration police officer Chang Shujuan promptly completed Yan's household registration by mail. Yan thanked the police excitedly and praised the police for making reasonable arrangements and doing their best to solve a big problem for him.

The branches and leaves are always related to love, and the original intention can be seen in every detail. There is no end point in serving the people, only a continuous new starting point. Dongfeng Street Police Station will be more pragmatic, more detailed, and more practical in terms of how to better serve the masses, innovate service measures, and improve mass satisfaction, so as to "warm the hearts" of the masses with "heartfelt" services, and strive to create a more high-quality household registration service window.

Picture and text source: Dongfeng Institute

Picture and text editor: Chen Hui