In this regard, Taiwan Power Acting Chairman Zeng Wensheng said that it is already planning a "power grid resilience plan", starting from strengthening regional decentralized power grids, allowing power plants to supply power to nearby science parks, reducing the pressure on main

The economic department of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities went to the legislative body yesterday (10th) to make a review report on the "303 blackout" incident. Regardless of the blue or green "legislators", they strongly criticized and criticized last year's power outage, saying that they wanted to strengthen the resilience of the power system, but This report talks about the same thing again. In this regard, Taiwan Power Acting Chairman Zeng Wensheng said that it is already planning a "power grid resilience plan", starting from strengthening regional decentralized power grids, allowing power plants to supply power to nearby science parks, reducing the pressure on main transmission lines, but the cost is estimated to be at least 1,000,000 yuan. Projects above 100 million (New Taiwan Dollars, the same below) must be invested from the public budget, and have been supported by the administrative agencies of Tsai Ing-wen and the Democratic Progressive Party authorities.

Before Wang Meihua, the head of the economic department of the Democratic Progressive Party authority, took the stage, the Kuomintang "legislator" first held up a sign and mocked him as the "minister of power failure" and demanded to step down. Wang Meihua confirmed for the first time that when she first applied for disciplinary action, she had actually expressed her intention to resign to Su Zhenchang, the head of the administrative agency. But Su Tseng-chang stressed that she hoped she and Taipower would work together to come up with an improvement plan within six months.

Taipower said that it will amend its regulations in the near future to establish an elimination mechanism for those who cause "major power outage accidents" or "significant losses to the company".

Democratic Progressive Party "legislator" Chen Tingfei pointed out that in the past, major blackouts such as May 13 and May 17 also said that the resilience of the power grid should be reviewed and strengthened. How can we build it first? People's Party "Legislator" Gao Hongan said helplessly that after two power outages last year, the economic authorities had established a power system improvement team to strengthen the resilience of the power system, but the "303 Report" also said that power resilience should be strengthened. After all, these 8 What is the monthly improvement team doing?

Wang Meihua responded that she would start by accelerating the promotion of decentralized power grids. However, due to Taipower's long-term low electricity prices, power grid improvement funds have dropped significantly in recent years. Power grid improvement requires the investment of public resources, and she will assist Taipower in obtaining relevant budgets.

Zeng Wensheng said that a more detailed "grid resilience plan" will be proposed before the end of the month. In the past, the centralized power design was to integrate the entire Taiwan and transmit electricity from the south to the north. In the future, it is hoped that power plants can be supplied to nearby science parks to reduce the need for electricity. Send it to the main road and allow the power grid to be grouped into groups to even out the space and reduce the pressure.

In addition, when more renewable energy is added, how can the grid side make green electricity "ready to use" and how to match it with the user end? It is also necessary to improve the 69KV line. The total cost of these is at least For projects worth more than 100 billion yuan, we must think from a public perspective rather than a profit-making perspective. It cannot be done by public institutions using their own budgets, but requires public investment.

As for the "busbar protection relay" in the switchyard of Xingda Power Plant that failed to function, causing a major power outage, the "protection relay setting adjustment" will be completed next week, and the normal protection and isolation mechanism is expected to be exerted in the future. (Lin Jingxian/editor)