On June 30, Zhang Yinglan posted on her Instagram: "The weather is very gloomy. I feel like I want to tell everyone bad news. I'm sorry. It's so difficult to talk. When I went to the hospital for a checkup today, Fuxing's heart was not beating." The child was miscarried.

Zhang Yinglan

html On June 30, Zhang Yinglan posted through her instagram: "The weather is very gloomy, and I feel like I want to tell everyone bad news. I'm sorry. It's so difficult to talk. When I went to the hospital for a checkup today, Fuxing's heart was not beating." The child in her belly was aborted.

Zhang Yinglan

Zhang Yinglan said: "I'm fine. I'm just blaming myself. I was too excited, because I was so happy, so I spoke too quickly and received blessings too quickly. It seemed like it was all my fault. I was too careless. I felt Regardless of my age, I was able to maintain good health until the end, so I am very complacent, as if it was all my fault." "I really want to give hope to people who desperately want to get pregnant, but it is very heartbreaking and sad."

Zhang Yinglan and Han Chang

Zhang Yinglan also said: "I have received support and congratulations from many people. I am sorry to convey the heartbreaking words to everyone. I will overcome it. Don't worry too much. I am strong. But today I will blame myself." I will reflect, be sad, and cry.

After seeing this sad post, many people in the circle also left messages of comfort.