Marvel is not a troublesome little goblin. Two days ago, it was officially announced that "Avengers 4: Endgame" will be released in China on April 24! Mainland China will be released two days ahead of North America. We will be the first batch of people to cry for the first genera

Marvel is not the annoying little goblin yet. Two days ago, it was officially announced that " Avengers 4: Endgame" will be released in China on April 24th!

You must know that this is the earliest release in the world! Mainland China will be released two days ahead of North America. We will be the first batch of people to cry for the first generation of Avengers!

Unexpectedly, we, who have tried every means to cut off the internet connection to refuse spoilers for many years, will finally be promoted this time! You can be the first batch of moviegoers to enter the cinema with dignity.

From 2008 to now, the Marvel Universe has been with us for 11 years.

Before this, Marvel has created 21 movies (excluding short films and spin-offs)

I have to sigh that the Marvel universe is really a huge series. While admiring it, people can't help but want to watch all the Marvel movies. Fuck it over and over again.

Today, Sister Ba will sort out the viewing order and timeline of these 21 movies for everyone (not the release timeline), so that everyone can review in advance before the release of Avengers 4~✨

" Captain America "

Year : 2011

The timeline of this work is fixed during World War II, which is the beginning of the entire Marvel series.

It tells the story of Steve Rogers who became a strong super soldier after being injected with the super soldier serum;

and participated in World War II and defeated the Hydra army brought by the Red Skull, but he was also frozen for 70 years.

Easter egg : Director SHIELD meets Captain America and forms the Avengers to save the world.

"Iron Man"

Year: 2008

"Iron Man" is the earliest film released in the " Marvel Cinematic Universe ", directed by Jon Favreau , Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth ·Starring Paltrow and others.

Back then, Marvel risked bankruptcy to make this movie. It was this gamble that successfully solved Marvel's financial crisis and brought about the MCU's unprecedented prosperity.

The story tells the story of industrialist and inventor Tony Stark who was kidnapped due to a conspiracy and was forced to make the most deadly weapons;

He was seriously injured, but secretly made a set of high-tech armor to protect himself and escape. ;

and completely changed his corporate philosophy, decided not to produce arms, and then transformed into "Iron Man" to defend the earth.

Easter egg: SHIELD The director told Iron Man that you are not the only superhero in the world, laying the groundwork for the next characters to appear.

"Iron Man 2"

Year: 2010

The plot of "Iron Man 2" takes place six months after Tony announced his identity as "Iron Man", which brought him an unexpected chain reaction.

Iron Man refused to sell his steel suit to the government and was poisoned by the palladium in the reactor.

Iron Man found the key through his father's video, invented new elements to avoid palladium radiation poisoning, and finally united with Iron Man to defeat the villain.

It is worth mentioning that the "Black Widow" played by Scarlett Johansson made her first appearance in this film.

"The Incredible Hulk"

Year: 2008

This work tells the story of Bruce Banner's cell mutation due to a failed experiment, and when his heartbeat reaches a certain level, he will transform into the Hulk Hulk.

On the one hand, Bruce Banner has to avoid being hunted by the military. On the other hand, he is still looking for ways to control his anger. At the same time, he has to face the threat of a powerful evil force.

At the end of the film, "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr. comes to Hulk and invites him to form the Avengers, which serves as the plot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Year: 2011

In this film, Marvel begins to spread into the universe, introducing us to another "Avenger" - Thor;

also introduces us to the most popular character in the Marvel universe. Villain - Rocky .

The story tells the story of Thor, the God of Thunder, who was exiled to Earth and learned how to become a true hero.

Hawkeye also makes his first appearance, and the Easter egg is the appearance of the Cosmic Cube.


Year: 2012

The film tells the story of Director SHIELD restarting the Avengers plan in order to resist the threat of evil forces to the earth.

found Team America, Hulk, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Thor to form an alliance to work together to capture Loki.

Easter egg: The Chitauri leader reports to his master Thanos about the failure of the Battle for Earth.

"Iron Man 3"

Year: 2013

"Iron Man 3" takes place half a year after the ending of "Avengers". It tells the story of Tony falling into unprecedented anxiety after the battle in New York, so he began to escalate crazily. Make steel suits.

He must rely on sophisticated high-tech equipment and extraordinary talent to protect himself and the people closest to him.

At the end of the film, Tony successfully recovered himself. He understood that he was Iron Man, not the iron suit on his body.

Easter egg: Banner chatted with Tony, but Banner fell asleep...

" Thor 2: The Dark World"

Year: 2013

This "Thor 2" involves the aftermath of the "Avengers" incident, After the Battle of New York, Thor escorted Loki back to God's Domain for trial. Thor will face the challenge of the dark elves.

This film introduces the aether particle-the reality stone. In addition, Thor finds his new opponent.

" Captain America 2: Winter Soldier "

Year: 2014

The story takes place in "Avengers" two years after the battle in New York. Captain America Steve Rogers has settled in Washington and is trying to adapt to life in modern society.

However, when a mysterious attack hurts important figures in S.H.I.E.L.D., the US team must go back to work with the Black Widow to find out the real murderer behind the scenes. They also recruited Falcon with special training experience to join their team. During

, Captain America and the Winter Soldier controlled by Hydra fell in love and killed each other.

Easter egg : The Philippine Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver appear.

"Guardians of the Galaxy"

Year: 2014

"Guardians of the Galaxy" expands the scope of the Marvel Universe again, allowing us to see a more complete side of the MCU.

tells the story of Star-Lord and four members of the Galaxy Guardians working together to save the galaxy;

The connection between the boss-level villains, gems, aliens and the earth behind the scenes... are also unfolded in this film.

The overall style is relaxed and funny, completely different from the paths of previous heroes~

"Avengers 2: Age of Ultron "

Year: 2015

When Iron Man tried to activate the dormant peacekeeping plan, things went awry. .

So, when the earth faces a critical juncture of life and death, the superheroes step forward and take on the heavy responsibility of saving the world;

They will prevent the terrifying artificial intelligence robot "Ultron" from formulating a terrorist plan. The

alliance also recently added Falcon, Scarlet Witch and Vision.

Easter egg: Thanos puts on the Infinity Gauntlet and says "I'll do it myself".

" Ant-Man "

Year: 2015

In this film, Ant-Man , who can be big or small, and can shrink his body freely, appears, which also leads to the quantum realm.

The entire movie takes place after " Avengers 2: Age of Ultron", and it also represents the end of the "Second Phase".

Easter egg: Captain America found the Winter Soldier, but due to certain agreements Iron Man could not help the Winter Soldier, leading to "Captain America 3".

"Captain America: Civil War"

Year: 2016

Due to a series of political issues triggered by the Ultron incident, internal conflicts among the Avengers intensified. Captain America and Iron Man each assembled hero teams, bringing new " the Avengers".

Starting from " Captain America 3", "Marvel Phase Three" gradually reaches its climax.

Easter egg : Spider-Man, played by Dutch brother, appears. Black Panther, a well-known character in the comics, also plays an intuitive and important role in this film.

" Doctor Strange "

Year: 2016

The story tells the story of neurosurgeon Stephen Strange who lost the ability to use his hands in a car accident. Finally, with the help of the mysterious Sorcerer Supreme, he became a possessor. The magical Doctor Strange.

In this film, Marvel introduced the wizard Doctor Strange and the Time Stone, successfully introducing magic and mysticism into the MCU, and at the same time, it appropriately opened up other parallel spaces for us.

" Guardians of the Galaxy 2"

Year: 2017

tells the story of the members of the Guardians traveling across the universe and continuing their adventure in outer space. They must fight together;

While protecting each other, they must also solve the mystery of Star-Lord's life experience.

" Spider-Man : Homecoming"

Year: 2017

The copyright of Spider-Man returned to Marvel at this time. The film tells the story of Peter Parker 's choice between superhero identity and high school life.

Spider-Man's character is more down-to-earth than Iron Man and Captain America, and he is also one of my friends' favorite characters.

talkative max, not good at middle school, a completely clever little guy~

"Black Panther"

Year: 2018

T'Challa returned to this technologically advanced but isolated country after the death of his father, the former king of Wakanda. The isolated African country succeeded as its new king.

However, when an old enemy reappears, T'Challa, as the "Black Panther" and king, is caught in a dilemma and sees Wakanda and the whole world in danger.

Faced with betrayal and danger, the young king united his allies and unleashed the full power of the Black Panther to defend his people and land.

Easter egg : The Winter Soldier is taken in by Wakanda~

It is worth mentioning that "Black Panther" won the 91st Oscar for Best Costume Design, Art Direction, and Best Score.

" Ant-Man 2: The Wasp appears"

Year: 2018

The time of this Ant-Man is synchronized with " Avengers 3". Ant-Man entered the quantum realm and rescued the Wasp, which resulted in being placed under house arrest and did not participate in the Avengers. Link 3.

Easter egg : The Wasp reminds Ant-Man not to enter the time vortex. The quantum realm and the time vortex are both important plots in "Avengers 4". It's up to you whether you can defeat Thanos this time!

" Thor 3: Twilight of the Gods"

Year: 2017

This film brings a perfect end to the Thor series: Odin dies, Thor avoids the mixture of the crown and the eternal flame to cause Ragnarok, while facing powerful enemies. Hela, the god of death.

Easter egg : Thanos boarded the Asgard refugee's spaceship, leading to "Avengers 3".

"Avengers 3: Infinity War"

Year: 2018

The plot of "Avengers 3" released last year is connected with "Thor 3" and "Black Panther". In order to save the universe, Captain America and Iron Man settled their differences and reorganized the Avengers. Alliance and stop Thanos from destroying the universe.

However, after Thanos collected all the gems, he had a showdown and half of everyone was wiped out...

Easter egg: Nick Fury and Hill discovered that there was an alien invasion, and immediately took out their pagers to call Surprise Captain comes for help. As a result, after calling out the signal, Nick Fury and Hill also turned into ashes...

"Captain Marvel"

Year: 2019

A character called in despair by the director of "Avengers 3", "Captain Marvel" is Marvel's first Movies featuring female superheroes.

tells the story of Captain Marvel who crashed in 1989 and accidentally gained superpowers. In 1995, he established a friendship with Nick Fury, the young director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and jointly defeated the alien conspiracy.

A cosmic-level superheroine appears with unprecedented abilities, and Captain Marvel is also the key to defeating Thanos in "Endgame"~

"Avengers 4: Endgame"

Year: 2019

This is known as the first-generation revival "Final Assembly" describes the story that happened after Thanos wiped out half of the creatures in the universe and severely damaged the Avengers. The surviving heroes will continue to fight with the faith of their companions.

The sixth day of the Avengers + Raccoon + Nebula + Ant-Man + Captain Marvel, will they start a battle for gems in the new timeline?

Can half of the heroes disappear and come back again?

Marvel President Kevin Feige once said in an interview that they will "give this series of movies an ending in an unprecedented way."

According to IMDb, "Avengers 4" has a length of 182 minutes, setting a record for Marvel movies. Duration record, real bladder battle!

From "Iron Man" to "Avengers 4", the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been with us for eleven years.

Along the way, there have been too many exciting moments, too many surprises and touches, and too many memories of youth.

Marvel is like a partner that has accompanied us through countless long years. It has always used superheroes to tell us that youth should be so passionate.

With the release of "Avengers 4", the "Avengers" series will finally come to an end.

This time, we may have to witness their disappearance and fall... When we walk out of the theater, we will no longer discuss the plot development of the next story with great interest...

The memory of 21 films in eleven years, will be gathered together in one battle; laughter and tears will eventually be the Marvel mark that belongs to our generation.