Source: Global Network [Global Network Comprehensive Reporter Zhao Youping] On March 1, Taiwan’s Taiwan TV News used the gimmick “You have to know”, saying that Australian scientists have discovered through research that enzymes extracted from pineapple stems can reduce human inf

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Comprehensive Report Reporter Zhao Youping] On March 1, Taiwan TV News used the gimmick "You have to know", saying that Australian scientists have discovered through research that enzymes extracted from pineapple stems can reduce The possibility of human infection with COVID-19. In response, some netizens on the island sarcastically said that pineapples are so powerful, why should we buy vaccines?

Taiwan News Network report screenshot

Taiwan TV News said that Taiwan has recently launched a craze for buying pineapples to save farmers. In fact, Australia has already had scientists with "brains" "Move fast", the enzyme extracted from the stem of pineapple was used for research. It was found that pineapple enzyme can destroy the spike protein on the outside of the new coronavirus, inhibit the two receptors of human cells from binding to the virus, thereby reducing the chance of infection. , it is expected to be made into a nasal spray in the future to treat COVID-19.

Screenshot of Taiwan TV News report

Taiwan News also interviewed Su Yifeng, the chief physician of Taiwan's Department of Thoracic Surgery. Su Yifeng said that in addition to its function of reducing swelling, pineapple enzyme was also found in an American laboratory to destroy new types of Coronavirus binds to the ACE2 receptor on the cell to reduce the infection of the cell. The amount of infected virus can be reduced by 100 times. Su Yifeng said that animal research and even human experiments can continue on this matter. Perhaps in a year or two in the future, everyone will hear how bromelain enzyme can become a good drug for treating the new coronavirus.

Su Yifeng reminded the people on the island that pineapple enzymes are mainly extracted from the stems, and the content and concentration in the fruits are low. Therefore, you cannot get too much by eating pineapples alone. In addition, it is still in the research stage to actually inhibit the virus. The effectiveness needs more scientific data to prove.

Su Yifeng

It is worth mentioning that on the same day as March 1, the green media Sanli News Network also published a report that "Pineapple has many benefits: it can not only eliminate fatigue and reduce cardiovascular diseases." ↓

Screenshot of Taiwan's "Sanli News Network" report

Regarding the Taiwan media report, some netizens on the island sarcastically said, pineapples are so powerful, why buy vaccines??? It is obviously an attempt to help pineapples advertise. ↓

Some netizens said that in order to sell pineapples, they have to deceive people again. ↓

Some netizens joked about the magical effect after taking pineapple enzyme: "My brain becomes much better, and I get 100 points in every exam!" ↓