Based on reports from the Russian TASS News Agency, "Izvestia", "Russia Today" and other media, Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Konashenkov reported on the 14th that during the Russian army's recent special military operations in Donetsk, more than 30 people The Ukrainian s

Source: Global Network

[ Global Network report] Based on reports from the Russian Tass News Agency, "Izvestia", "Russia Today" and other media, Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Konashenkov reported on the 14th that the Russian military has recently During the Donetsk special military operation, more than 30 Ukrainian soldiers decided to lay down their weapons and surrender. Just as these soldiers started to move towards the Russian position with white flags in their hands at night, Ukrainian "nationalists" nearby "He shot at them, causing 32 Ukrainian soldiers to die after being seriously injured.

Konashenkov said that day that the incident occurred in the Novomikhailovka residential area in Donetsk. One night, when the Russian army took an offensive action, more than 30 soldiers from the 2nd Battalion of the 54th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces asked the Russian army to cease fire and open evacuation channels. After consultation, these Ukrainian soldiers took white flags and began to move towards the Russian position. . At this moment, Ukrainian "nationalists" who had arrived nearby in an armored vehicle opened fire on them, causing 32 Ukrainian soldiers to be seriously injured and then died.

"This incident and many others like it clearly show that, against the background of repeated defeats and the demoralization of the Ukrainian army, Kiev the nationalist regime in Kiev is trying to prevent its troops from retreating and surrendering through punitive actions," Konashin Kove said, "For the current leadership of Ukraine, the lives of Ukrainian soldiers and territorial defense force combatants are meaningless."

As of now, there is no official response from Ukraine to this.