On March 12, a piece of information about the emergence of 19 new cases of COVID-19 in Miluo, Yueyang, Hunan was widely circulated in the WeChat group, making many people vaguely worried.

On March 12, a piece of information about the emergence of 19 more cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in Miluo, Yueyang , Hunan, was widely circulated in the WeChat group, making many people vaguely worried.

learned from the Yueyang City Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters that since the outbreak, the City Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters has been truthfully reporting epidemic information to the authorities in accordance with relevant regulations. There has been no concealment of information and the information spread online is just a rumor.

html On the afternoon of March 14, Yueyang City held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. At the meeting, the latest epidemic developments such as the status of asymptomatic infections of five cases of asymptomatic infection in Miluo and Quyuan were reported. Reporter

: The province’s emergency response has been adjusted from Level 1 to Level 2, and Yueyang City has had no confirmed cases for more than 20 consecutive days. I would like to ask Wang Yaoping, deputy director of the Yueyang Municipal Health Commission, can we breathe a sigh of relief now? Is it possible to have dinner parties? Can I take off my mask?

Wang Yaoping, Deputy Director of Yueyang Municipal Health Commission: Thank you this journalist friend for your care and attention. Now I will answer the question you just mentioned from the following three aspects.

First of all, my country's epidemic prevention and control levels are divided into four levels: extremely serious, serious, relatively serious, and general. Adjustment of the response level does not mean that the alarm is lifted. Lowering the emergency response level is a positive signal, which means that the province's epidemic prevention and control has achieved a staged victory. The lifting of the level one response does not mean that the "alert" has been lifted, and zero growth in cases does not mean zero risk. With the orderly resumption of work and production in various places and the return of crowd flows to normal, the risk of agglomeration is still high. In addition, the epidemic is spreading around the world. The epidemic situation in some surrounding countries is in a period of rapid rise, and the risk of "influx" of the epidemic has become increasingly prominent. , the task of epidemic prevention and control is still arduous and arduous, and it is not yet time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Second, epidemic prevention and control is still an important task at present. The second-level response is the emergency response to major public health emergencies. It is initiated by the provincial joint prevention and control mechanism to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the impact of public health emergencies and their development trends, and is decided by the Provincial People's Government. Under the second-level response, we must take care of the "five gates": epidemic import gate, community prevention and control gate, enterprise prevention and control gate, key site management and control gate, and citizen self-prevention gate. No unit, enterprise or individual must be responsible for emergency response. The adjustment of levels leads to slackness, paralysis of thoughts and a sense of luck.

Third, there is still a risk of the epidemic recurring. The new coronavirus is very cunning. Judging from the current development trend of the epidemic, there are some asymptomatic infections. There are no obvious symptoms of physical discomfort in daily life. The incubation period is also difficult to estimate. There is a certain risk of infection. Academician Zhong Nanshan also said : "Some people without symptoms are also virus carriers, and these virus carriers actually have a certain risk of infection."

There have been some rumors recently that Miluo City and Quyuan Management District had cluster infections caused by dinner gatherings some time ago. takes this opportunity to give you a briefing on the situation of the five asymptomatic infections in Miluo and Quyuan: During the screening of past fever patients, it was found that there were five asymptomatic infections among the close contacts. For these five The asymptomatic infected persons were immediately concentrated in the South Branch of the city's No. 1 Hospital for medical isolation and observation in accordance with the requirements of the national prevention and control plan. An in-depth and detailed epidemiological investigation was conducted, and it was found that nearly 100 close contacts were also Quarantine medical observation was conducted in Miluo and Quyuan respectively.

The case reports of new coronavirus pneumonia are divided into: suspected cases, confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections. Currently, these five asymptomatic infections have no fever, cough or respiratory symptoms, and no viral pneumonia has been found in lung imaging examinations. The manifestations of infection are in line with the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s standards for asymptomatic positive infections. All the test indicators of all people under medical isolation and observation are normal, their emotions are stable, and their physical health is in good condition. Please do not believe or spread rumors, let alone spread them. There is no need to panic.

Therefore, although our current epidemic prevention and control situation is very good, we cannot relax our thinking and our epidemic prevention and control work.Here, we would like to remind the general public to take personal protection during this period, wear masks when going out, wash hands frequently, do not gather for meals or gatherings, and try to reduce crowd gatherings.

Popular science about asymptomatic infections

What are the main sources of discovery of asymptomatic infections?

1. Close contacts of COVID-19 cases were discovered during the medical observation period;

2. During the investigation of cluster epidemics, active detection was carried out;

3. During the process of tracking the source of infection of COVID-19 cases, active testing was conducted on exposed groups It may be discovered;

4. It may be discovered when active testing of people with a history of travel and residence in areas with new coronavirus cases or continued transmission.

Who will become an "asymptomatic infection"?

The asymptomatic infections currently discovered are mainly close contacts of patients, and more of them occur among family members. What is the transmission channel of


Whether it is a symptomatic patient or an asymptomatic infected person, the main transmission route of the new coronavirus is still through respiratory droplets and contact.

Will asymptomatic infections become super spreaders?

Judging from the current situation, the proportion of asymptomatic infections is very low, the condition is relatively mild, the number of viruses they carry is relatively small, and the transmission ability is relatively weak. The harm is also relatively small.

Do asymptomatic infected people need to be quarantined?

Close contacts of confirmed cases should be subject to centralized medical observation, and asymptomatic infected persons should in principle be subject to centralized isolation and observation. Close contacts of asymptomatic infected persons and close contacts of cases also need to be quarantined for 14 days for medical observation.

Does information about asymptomatic infected persons need to be released?

In accordance with the relevant regulations of the national epidemic release, only confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia are announced to the public. Asymptomatic infected persons are not considered cases and do not need to be announced to the public. If asymptomatic infected persons develop symptoms during the centralized isolation period and become confirmed cases, the provincial health administration department will officially announce it to the public.