After a day and a half of marathon debate, on May 17, local time, 188 of Finland's 200 members of parliament voted in favor of joining NATO. This was a dramatic change in Finland's 75-year military non-alignment policy.

After a day and a half of marathon debate, on May 17, local time, 188 of Finland's 2,200 members of parliament voted to join NATO . This is a dramatic change in Finland's 75-year military non-alignment policy. In the next few days, Finland will submit a joint application with Sweden to join NATO. The country's road has been paved, but NATO member Turkey expressed its disapproval of the two countries' joining, and Russia also made its voice heard at the right time and made retaliatory moves.

Turkey prevents Finland and Sweden from joining NATO

Recently, Finland and Sweden broke their century-old policy tradition of adhering to neutrality and wanted to join NATO. However, Turkey acted like Cheng Yaojin and opposed the two countries' joining.

Turkish President Erdogan on Monday accused the two countries of not taking a clear stance on counter-terrorism and made it clear: "For those countries that sanction Turkey, we will not agree to allow them to join the security organization NATO."

It takes 30 years to join NATO. All member states agreed unanimously. Türkiye's statement seems to have given Finland and Sweden a blow.

Erdogan held a press conference immediately after Sweden stated that it would join NATO: "We will not say 'yes' to those who impose sanctions on Turkey's membership of NATO, because then NATO will no longer be a security organization, it will "Both countries have not taken a public and clear stance against the terrorist organization," he said, referring to Finland and Sweden's support for the Kurdish Kurdish Party. has been fighting against the Turkish government for independence for more than ten years and has been listed as a terrorist organization by the Turkish government. In recent decades, Sweden has accepted hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East, including Syria and Iraq. and Turkey's Kurdish people.

Erdogan even said at the press conference that Finland and Sweden should not bother sending delegations to persuade Turkey to approve their membership in NATO. He said that it is a waste of effort in Finland, Sweden and Turkey. In the meeting held by the president, neither country clearly opposed terrorist organizations and would not hand over the terrorists Turkey needs. He even accused Sweden of having pro-Kurdish workers' members of parliament, which made Turkey's ambassador to the United States even more untrustworthy. Olofsdotter was taken aback by Turkey's opposition, saying: "We have a strong counter-terrorism agenda and a lot of these accusations are simply not true. "

Finnish Foreign Minister Haavisto said that he was surprised by Turkey's position and that his government was not interested in "bargaining" with Erdogan.

In fact, Turkey and Finland and Sweden have long been at odds. In 2019, the two After the start of the Syrian war , a Nordic country imposed an arms embargo on Turkey

Finland and Sweden's willingness to join has excited NATO, which wants unlimited military support for Ukraine

NATO promised to provide unlimited military support to Ukraine on Sunday. Military support.

This commitment comes after Finland abandoned decades of military non-alignment and proposed joining NATO.

German Foreign Minister Berberck made the decision at a NATO foreign ministers meeting in Berlin. "It will provide military assistance as long as Ukraine needs this support to realize its national self-defense,"

said. "Ukraine can win this war." Ukrainians are bravely defending their homeland," NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg added.

Sweden expressed its support for joining NATO hours after Finland announced its membership and is likely to apply together with Finland later.

Stoltenberg said the alliance would seek to provide temporary security for both sides while the application was processed, including possibly through additional troops in the region,

while US Secretary of State Blinken said he believed both Finland and Sweden would join. , despite Turkey’s objections.

Putin: Finland and Sweden joining NATO will definitely cause a reaction from the CSTO

Recently, Putin said at the Collective Security Treaty Organization televised summit that NATO’s expansion to Sweden and Finland “does not pose a direct threat to us... but the military The expansion of infrastructure into these territories will certainly elicit a reaction from us."

Russia's military alliance consists of 6 countries: Russia, Belarus , Armenia , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan , which were all originally part of the Soviet Union.

Putin said, "This is a completely artificial problem, because it is for the foreign policy interests of the United States and NATO has become a foreign policy tool of one country. All this has exacerbated the already difficult international security environment."

The Kremlin Palace spokesman Peskov said on Monday that Finland and Sweden's decision to join NATO would not improve European security.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that Russia summoned the Finnish ambassador to Moscow and asked two employees of the Finnish embassy in Russia to leave Russia. This was in response to "Finland's proposal to join NATO." The statement also accused Finland of taking a "confrontational line" against Russia, providing weapons to Ukraine and "covering up the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists against civilians."

The Kremlin has apparently started retaliatory mode. Recently, Russia cut off the power supply to Finland. (Inoue frog)