Dajiang.com/Dajiang News Client (Zheng Zhouyun) reported: Public compulsory education schools are not allowed to charge tuition fees and miscellaneous fees. It is strictly prohibited to collect donations related to enrollment and enrollment. Schools must strictly implement the ed

Dajiang Net/Dajiang News Client ( Zheng Zhouyun ) reported: Public compulsory education schools are not allowed to charge tuition and miscellaneous fees, and are strictly prohibited from collecting donations related to enrollment and enrollment. Schools must strictly implement the education fee disclosure system. No fees will be charged after public notice... The spring semester is about to start, and the school's various charging standards have become the focus of attention of the majority of parents. On February 11, Dajiang.com and Dajiang News Client learned that the Nanchang Municipal Education Bureau and Nanchang Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Earnestly Doing a Good Job in Charges for the Spring Semester in 2022" (referred to as the "Notice"), "Notice" 》Announced the fee standards for urban schools in Nanchang City in the spring of 2022.

Public compulsory education schools do not charge tuition fees and miscellaneous fees.

The reporter saw in the Nanchang urban public school charging items and standard announcement board in the spring of 2022 that Nanchang urban public school charging items mainly include tuition fees, service charges, agency fees and certain fees. Range of charges, etc. Among them, service fees include meals, after-school service fees, social practice activities, and study travel fees, and agency fees include textbook fees, teaching supplementary materials fees, student physical examination fees, and school uniform fees.

Nanchang urban public kindergarten fees and high school fees are strictly implemented in accordance with the current document regulations. Compulsory education is fully included in the scope of financial security, and public compulsory education schools do not charge tuition fees and miscellaneous fees. The standard for exempting students from private compulsory education schools from tuition and miscellaneous fees shall be based on the per-student public funding benchmark. It is strictly prohibited to collect donations related to enrollment and enrollment.

Vocational technical secondary school tuition is 425 yuan/person·semester, vocational high school tuition is 265 yuan/person·semester, general high school tuition (including key construction high schools) is 270 yuan/person·semester, and key high school tuition is 400 yuan/person ·In each semester, special high schools charge according to the standards of key high schools.

The first-year textbook fees for ordinary high schools (including key construction high schools) and key high schools are 592.45 yuan/person·semester, and the second-year liberal arts and science textbook fees are 314.2 yuan/person·semester and 290.1 ​​yuan/person·semester respectively. Textbook fees for liberal arts and science subjects are 155 yuan/person·semester and 137 yuan/person·semester respectively. Textbook fees for general technical secondary schools, vocational technical secondary schools and vocational high schools are based on actual fees.

In terms of teaching aid material fees (maximum limit), the third to sixth grade of elementary school is 87.8 yuan/person·semester, the seventh grade of junior high school is 204.15 yuan/person·semester, the eighth grade is 262.45 yuan/person·semester, and the ninth grade is 338.35 yuan/person. ·Semester; for general high schools (including key construction high schools) and key high schools, the first-year tuition fee is 281.95 yuan/person·semester. The second-year liberal arts and science subjects are 218.25 yuan/person·semester and 187.85 yuan/person·semester respectively. The third-year liberal arts and science subjects are 218.25 yuan/person·semester. They are 320.8 yuan/person·semester and 320.4 yuan/person·semester respectively. Fees for teaching and supplementary materials for general technical secondary schools, vocational technical secondary schools and vocational high schools are based on actual fees.

In terms of student physical examination fees, the first, second and third grade students in ordinary high schools (including key construction high schools) and key high schools are respectively 15 yuan/person·year, 10 yuan/person·year, and 10 yuan/person·year. General technical secondary schools, vocational technical secondary schools and vocational high schools shall be implemented with reference to the standards of ordinary high schools.

Regarding school uniform fees, each school must announce specific standards. In terms of accommodation fees, the general accommodation fee for vocational technical secondary schools, vocational high schools, general high schools (including key construction high schools) and key high schools is 120 yuan/person·semester, and the apartment accommodation fee is 220 yuan/person·semester below. The specific price is determined by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission. Implementation of approval standards.

A one-time charge of no more than 6 yuan for meal heating and rice processing service fees

Primary and secondary school service charges refer to the school (compulsory education schools, high school schools, secondary vocational schools, the same below) in addition to completing normal teaching tasks. Fees charged by school students for providing services voluntarily chosen by students or their parents. Fee collection for primary and secondary schools refers to fees that schools collect and pay on behalf of units that provide services on the premise of the students or their parents' willingness to facilitate students' study and life at school.

Primary and secondary school service charges and agency charges must strictly comply with relevant document regulations. Educational and teaching activities and matters within the scope of teaching management arranged by primary and secondary schools in accordance with national and local curriculum reform requirements shall not be included in service charges and agency fee matters.It is strictly prohibited to use lecture materials, test papers, electronic reading, computer access, bicycle care, heating, cooling, drinking water, campus security, lunch breaks, commercial insurance, etc. as service charges or agency charges.

School cafeterias charge meal fees to students who eat at school based on student voluntariness and public welfare principles. School cafeterias must establish meal accounts, publish meal fee income and expenditures on a monthly basis, and consciously accept social supervision; schools provide students with off-campus meals. , no additional service charges shall be charged in addition to food charges.

Rural compulsory education schools that provide their own meal heating or rice processing services can charge students a one-time meal heating and rice processing service fee of no more than 6 yuan per semester, which is mainly used for water, electricity and fuel expenses.

after-school service fees include after-school care service fees and after-school interest activity service fees. After-school care services refer to schools in the compulsory education stage providing student care services to parents in need after school in the afternoon; after-school interest activity services refer to schools using weekends, winter and summer vacations and other holidays to provide students in need with sports, art, Popular science and other interest services. After-school service fees for primary and secondary schools must be collected strictly in accordance with relevant document requirements.

If the school organizes students to carry out off-campus activities, which are personal consumption of the students and must be paid by the school, the social practice fee can be charged to the students on a per-time basis. The portion of study travel expenses that should be borne by students or their parents is collected from students on a voluntary and non-profit basis. Fees are reduced or exempted for students from poor families.

Primary and secondary school service charges and agency fees must adhere to the principle of voluntariness.

Urban and rural compulsory education schools implement a unified "two exemptions and one subsidy" policy, distributing national curriculum and local curriculum textbooks to students free of charge. High school textbook fees, including the digital audio-visual materials accompanying the textbooks, will be charged in strict accordance with the approved prices.

If students voluntarily choose teaching aids from the "Recommended Catalog of Teaching Aids for Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangxi Province" and apply for school purchasing, the teaching aid material fees will be collected by the school in strict accordance with the approved price. The school should follow the principle of "one subject, one subject". Based on the principle of "assisted assistance", we provide students with unified purchasing services free of charge.

During the compulsory education stage, physical examinations organized by schools for students shall be paid out of the school's public funds and shall not be charged to individual students. Schools at the high school level organize student physical examinations and collect them in accordance with relevant regulations. School uniform fees are also implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.

The authority to manage service charges and fee collection projects in primary and secondary schools lies with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Education. Counties and districts are not allowed to illegally add service fees and fee collection items for primary and secondary schools. Primary and secondary schools must adhere to the voluntary principle of students or parents of students when charging services and collecting fees on behalf of students. It is strictly prohibited to force or covertly provide services and charge fees; the principles of public welfare and non-profit must be adhered to, and settlements must be made on a semester or monthly basis, with no compensation for excess or less; schools and teachers are not allowed to obtain benefits in the process of serving students and handling related matters on their behalf. Financial benefits, no kickbacks of any kind may be received. If there is indeed a discount, it must be returned to the student in full; service charges and agency fees are collected uniformly by the school's financial department and included in the unified management and accounting of the school's financial department; it is strictly prohibited for any unit or individual to withhold, misappropriate, or squeeze out service charges and fees for any reason. Fee collection funds.

Public primary and secondary school fees are collected through the "Education Payment Platform"

Public primary and secondary school fees are collected through the "Education Payment Platform" and collected through payment notices. The payer chooses the "Jiangxi Finance" WeChat official account of the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Government Payment channels such as "Ganfutong", the provincial government service network and the provincial financial portal's unified payment platform for government services, 22 agent bank outlets, mobile banking, and personal online banking completed the collection.

Non-profit private schools charge fees strictly in accordance with relevant documents. For-profit private schools should also establish a school running cost accounting system, based on school running costs and market demand and other factors, follow the principles of fairness, legality and good faith, consider economic and social benefits, and reasonably determine fee items and standards. All private school fee income should be paid into the school's bank account registered with the education administrative department and managed uniformly. It should be mainly used for educational and teaching activities, improving school running conditions and ensuring the treatment of faculty and staff, and withdrawing development funds in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.For private schools established before November 7, 2016, the charging policy will be managed as a non-profit private school before completing the relevant procedures for classification registration.

Seriously investigate and punish those who charge arbitrary fees for Qiaoli projects or raise the fee standards on their own.

Schools at all levels and types in Nanchang City must strictly implement the education fee disclosure system, and no fees may be charged without publicity. The school must indicate the charging items, standards and fee approval documents in the admission brochure and admission notice, and make the school charging items, charging standards, fee reductions and exemptions clear by placing public notice boards, public notice boards, public notice walls, etc. in conspicuous locations in the school. Policies, complaint hotlines, report mailboxes, etc. are disclosed to the public before the start of school, and we actively accept the supervision of students, parents and society to enhance the transparency of school fees. If the disclosure is not made according to the regulations or the content of the announcement is inconsistent with the policy provisions, no charge shall be made.

In addition, it is necessary to establish and improve the system of student aid for students from poor families, and continue to implement financial aid policies and measures including bursaries for poor students, reduced and exempted tuition and miscellaneous fees, etc., to ensure that they do not drop out of school due to family financial difficulties.

The principals of primary and secondary schools are the first person in charge. They must constantly strengthen the sense of responsibility and responsibility of "the industry must regulate the style" and "whoever is in charge is responsible", and do a good job in supervision and inspection of the implementation of tasks. Departments of education, development and reform, finance, auditing, press and publication, market supervision and management in all counties and districts must strengthen daily supervision and regular inspections of education fees, and establish and improve education fee risk early warning, petition acceptance, supervision and supervision, public notification and interviews Mechanism, and serious handling of illegal charging issues discovered. Establish and improve an accountability mechanism. Units and relevant responsible persons who fail to fulfill the responsibilities of charge management entities, fail to take appropriate measures, damage the vital interests of the people, and cause adverse social impact must be held strictly accountable. If private schools illegally charge illegally and have a negative impact, enrollment plans, financial support funds, etc. will be deducted in accordance with laws and regulations, until the school is stopped and the school license is revoked. Implement the leadership responsibility system and accountability system for school fee management, and intensify the punishment of arbitrary fees; those who accidentally charge fees for projects or raise fee standards on their own must be seriously investigated and dealt with, not only to investigate direct responsibilities, but also to implement "one case" "Double investigation", and seriously hold accountable units and individuals who fail to perform the "two responsibilities".