Basic expenditures include three contents: 1. Salary and welfare expenditures. The Bureau of Finance all issues government revenue and expenditure classification accounts for specific subjects. Project expenditure refers to the expenditure of a certain amount of personnel due to

Introduction: The editor of Accounting School has collected some relevant information. In this article, we will focus on analyzing what the financial subsidy expenditures of public institutions include? Friends who are interested in this topic may wish to use the editor's collection as a reference for thinking and reading. I hope you can find your own satisfactory answer through reading.

What are the financial subsidy expenditures of public institutions?

Basic expenditures include three contents

1. Salary and welfare expenditures (salaries, allowances, bonuses, overtime pay, various social insurances for working personnel).

2. Expenditures on goods and services (i.e. daily Office expenses, water and electricity expenses, travel expenses, trade union fees, welfare fees ...).

3. Subsidy expenditures for families and individuals (retirement benefits for retirees, living allowances for employees in need, pensions, schools Scholarships, personal work awards for employees, only child health care expenses, , etc.).

The Finance Bureau all issues government revenue and expenditure classification accounts.

Project expenditures refer to a certain amount (item) due to the business needs of the unit. If the amount of funds for business expenses is relatively large, these businesses with relatively large expenses should be classified and declared when preparing the department budget. For example, public institutions can have special funds for purchasing equipment, and administrative units can have special research expenses.

Administrative institutions What do public expenditures include?

Answer: Public expenditures of administrative institutions include official expenses, business expenses, equipment purchase fees , repairs and other expenses.

Expenditures of administrative institutions refer to the professional business activities of administrative institutions. Expenditures incurred by and its auxiliary activities. Mainly include:

(1) Personnel expenditures refer to personal expenses for the purpose of carrying out professional activities. Such as basic wages, subsidy wages, other wages, employee welfare fees, social Security fees and bursaries.

(2) Public expenditures refer to expenditures for public services in order to complete business activities. They include official expenses, business expenses, equipment purchase fees, repairs and other expenses.

Official expenses. It is Refers to the expenses incurred by administrative units for daily administrative management, including office fees, postal and telecommunications fees, water and electricity fees, travel expenses, heating fees, conference fees, rental fees, vehicle and ship maintenance and repair fees, motor vehicle and ship oil and fuel fees, etc.

business Expenses. It refers to the consumable expenses required by administrative units to complete their majors and the costs of purchasing low-value consumables, including business expenses for party groups above the county level, religious business expenses, and the temporary overseas personnel system of foreign affairs departments and other administrative units. Installation expenses, travel expenses, living expenses subsidies abroad, travel expenses for foreign guests, entertainment expenses, printing fees for bulk account books, forms, tickets, rules and regulations, information, materials of relevant departments, etc.

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