Girls' Generation member Tiffany has always been known for her iconic smiling eyes, and her friendly and sweet image is deeply rooted in people's hearts. However, recently she rarely got angry in front of the camera during her personal online show "Breakfast with Tiffany", and ev

Girls' Generation member Tiffany has always been known for her iconic smiling eyes, and her friendly and lovable image is deeply rooted in people's hearts. However, recently she rarely got angry in front of the camera during her personal online show "Breakfast with Tiffany", and even used vulgar gestures to express her feelings. What happened?

Since the Korean drama "The Goddess Arrives" became very popular after it was aired, the original cartoonist behind it, Yaongyi, has also caused discussion because of her exquisite appearance and status as a single mother. Recently, she appeared on Tiffany's online show "Breakfast with Tiffany" and talked about the bitterness behind it. Among them, she said that she had been personally attacked by many netizens because of her appearance, and many malicious comments were left on her appearance, which made her emotionally disturbed for a time and required her to seek help from a psychologist. Yaongyi thinks that if the comments are only about her works, she will accept them all. But she is obviously a painter, why does her appearance need to be judged by the public?

Tiffany heard this and immediately couldn't help but give the camera a domineering "middle finger" in response to the netizens who left personal attacks. She shared that one of the reasons why she decided to participate in this program was to spread positive energy. Rather than hate, she hopes to see more voices of appreciation in the world. Whenever she goes on stage, she spends a lot of time preparing, so if there are any constructive comments, she will be happy to listen, but if the comments are just personal attacks on her, she will not accept them. She also pointed out that now is the era of popular social media, so she hopes that the public can view others with warmth and kindness.

Raising the middle finger to the camera is definitely a very controversial move, but Tiffany has gained support from countless people this time, thinking that this is the best demonstration of "women supporting women", and the true temperament and confidence she shows are even more valuable. . Tiffany's voice for women's dominance this time made many netizens feel very warm, and she was even praised as a role model for women.

South Korea, which has always adhered to Confucian culture, has been accused of exploiting women's rights from time to time. In particular, it has very strict requirements and formulaic standards for women's appearance. In recent years, local awareness of gender equality has also emerged as a protest against the patriarchal society.