Debuting in Run's 11th year, the sheer beauty still captures the hearts of many fans. Even though the competition in the idol circle is fierce, she still has high popularity.

Talking about the representatives of Korean natural beauty, I believe Girls’ Generation must be one of the representatives. Debuting in Run's 11th year, the sheer beauty still captures the hearts of many fans. Even though the competition in the idol circle is fierce, she still has high popularity. However, in recent days, ", my naughty child " starring Rune has aroused suspicions of plastic surgery. Viewers pointed out that the "gel noodles" were different from the previous one. What if it’s another Korean goddess Song Ji Hyo?

In yesterday's episode of "My Little Naughty Child", Run'e participated in the show as a guest. Initially, it was praised by regular members Kim China, Hong Jinyoung and Tony An. In addition to the beauty of the run, even the height and cooking shown in other performances were praised. Tony An's mother is more outspoken about her hope that Runny will become her daughter-in-law. Since her debut, Runyu has been praised for her beauty. She was asked if she was willing to take it for granted. She said frankly: "Of course, the better, the better, I like it better now." Sure enough, women still like to be praised.

However, after the show aired, there were rumors circulating on the Internet about a suspicious facelift. Some viewers said that the run in "My Little Bear" looked old, the laws were more obvious, the expressions were unnatural, and the handling was suspect. Some netizens even suggested that the forehead and cheekbones became different after the old photos were taken, which means she is similar to Song Jixiao. Since Runyu has been praised for her natural beauty since her debut, the appearance of plastic surgery immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Some fans said that the red light in the show made the idol's face look unnatural. Ruyi's mood didn't seem to be affected. Yesterday, I posted photos from my bandmates’ concert with Sooyoung.