People in the green camp said that Lai Qingde must abide by the distinction between deputy leaders, while Zheng Wencan is involved in the local epidemic prevention war. Both sides have their own limitations. There is not much action on the table yet, but the ducks are still paddl

As the COVID-19 epidemic eases on the island, the two most popular candidates for the 2024 general election in the Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan Deputy Leader Lai Ching-te and Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-can, have drawn renewed attention. People in the green camp said that Lai Qingde must abide by the distinction between deputy leaders, while Zheng Wencan is involved in the local epidemic prevention war. Both sides have their own limitations. There is not much action on the table yet, but the ducks are still paddling under the table. In 2024, the competition between the two powerful parties within the party has become increasingly obvious.

It is understood that Lai Qingde starts from familiarity with governance. Currently, in addition to the deputy leader's office, it is presided over by his core staff. He has another office, divided by policy areas, and occasionally seeks out "legislators" and scholars and experts in the party. To conduct policy discussions, for example, the Olympics have attracted public attention recently, and Lai also held meetings and discussions with the party’s “legislators” in this field on policies related to sports reform. People in the Democratic Progressive Party pointed out that although Lai Qingde adheres to the status of deputy leader, from the perspective of intra-party politics, this seems to have the prototype of a "campaign for office".

The first priority in seeking "big office" is harmony. One of the "exercises" that Lai Qingde needs to solve in the DPP is the friction with the British faction that was sown after challenging Tsai Ing-wen for re-election in 2019. Faction sources said that Lai Qingde and the British faction had a dinner at the Xiaoying Friends Association headquarters at the end of last year. Although it was the first step towards reconciliation between the two parties, the relationship was not completely repaired; in addition, the Democratic Progressive Party 2022 Tainan City Facing the divisive crisis in the primary election, it remains to be seen whether Lai will play a unifying role.

Zheng Wencan continues to build good relationships. At the end of last month, Wang Dingyu and Zhao Tianlin, "legislators" and key figures in the "Speaking Committee" of the Democratic Progressive Party, successively posted photos with Zheng Wencan on Facebook. Wang even said that he was discussing "Taiwan's future" with Zheng, triggering political associations within the party.

People familiar with the matter revealed that Zheng originally planned to invite the Democratic Progressive Party’s Taoyuan City Council, Taichung City Council, and Nantou County Council to a dinner party in Taichung at the beginning of this month. Although the dinner party was canceled due to further changes in the epidemic, "the treat "We have already invited China to Taiwan" has also touched the sensitive nerves within the party.

Pro-Zheng Democratic Progressive Party figures analyzed that Zheng Wencan’s maintaining communication with various factions within the party is the established route for ducks in water, but at present, doing a good job in epidemic prevention and stabilizing the county and mayor elections next year will still be the top priority. Zheng will definitely be there by then He will assume the role of general in the Taoyuan election; if the Taoyuan battle is successful, it will also have the effect of consolidating the party's strength for the "general election" first. (Xue Yang/Editor)