Huaxin Town has formulated an effective work plan for "resuming work in batches with bright signs": implementing the "red and blue sign" management method for all registered shops in the town, by posting red notices indicating prohibition of resumption of work and permission to r

Huaxin Town, Qingpu District, has a large number of shops and small supermarkets along the street. Under the dual pressure of the current epidemic and the resumption of work, how can these business places open their doors as soon as possible while taking various protective measures?

Huaxin Town has formulated an effective work plan of "showing signs and resuming work in batches": implementing the "red and blue sign" management method for registered small and large shops in the town, by posting red notices indicating that resumption of work is prohibited and allowing resumption of work A blue notice was issued to effectively regulate the order for stores to resume operations. All stores will first have a "red card" to prohibit operations. After approval by relevant departments, they will then change to a "blue card" to allow resumption of operations. So far, more than 2,000 "red cards" have been posted in Huaxin Town, and 17 "blue cards" have been replaced.

html December 14th was the first day that the dim sum shop "Maixiang Renjia" in Huaxin Town officially resumed operations. In the store, customers are carefully selecting bread, the clerks are busy, and the business order has basically returned to normal. Maixiang Renjia, which has just been replaced with a "blue label", is one of the first batch of shops in Huaxin Town to pass the review and resume operations. It has been suspended before.

Xu Yu, the owner of "Maixiang Renjia", told reporters that on February 12, she found a red notice at the door of the store and immediately called the Huaxin Town Market Supervision and Management Office for resumption of work consultation. Under the guidance of the staff, Xu Yu quickly prepared the approval materials. On the 13th, staff from the town market came to "Maixiang Renjia" to conduct inspections and reviews on the situation of workers returning to work, the dispatch of prevention and control materials, etc. After review, "Maixiang Renjia" meets the conditions for resumption of work and can open for business.

"I am not afraid of trouble, but I am afraid that the store will not be able to open. The problem has been solved, and I am very happy. Now think about it, the 'red and blue card' management law is actually responsible for everyone's life safety and health. As merchants, we must also actively cooperate , and work together," Xu Yu said.

Good epidemic prevention and control is a prerequisite for shops to resume operations. In response, "Maixiang Renjia" has set up many epidemic prevention "checkpoints" in the store. In accordance with the epidemic prevention requirements of shops along the street, "Maixiang Renjia" requires every customer to have their temperature taken before entering the store. Only if there is no abnormality in body temperature can they enter the store; the store is equipped with masks, gloves and other protective equipment for store employees; employees have their temperatures measured regularly every day. Information registration is done well and the health status of personnel is disclosed in a timely manner; employees use disinfectant to clean floors and desktops at irregular times every day to avoid cross-infection and ensure a clean and tidy environment.

"Because of the epidemic, most customers now choose to order takeout." Xu Yu said. In order to allow more consumers to eat with peace of mind, Xu Yu attaches a takeout love card to each takeout package. There is a form printed on the card, and the names of the producer, packer, and delivery person are filled in in the blank spaces. and body temperature to ensure food safety and traceability, allowing consumers to purchase with peace of mind.

Huaxin Town has nearly 3,000 shops and stores, all of which currently implement "red and blue card" management. In order to accurately meet the needs of merchants for resumption of work, Huaxin Town divided shops into five major categories and provided industry resumption consultation hotlines for merchants to inquire. After

receives the merchant's application for resumption of work, the staff will immediately go to the store to conduct a door-to-door review to check whether the personnel information sheet and other materials are fully prepared and whether the business environment meets the standards. Stores that meet the conditions for resumption of work after approval can officially open for business. For shops that have resumed work, staff will also conduct dynamic inspections from time to time. The "red and blue card" management law not only serves as a warning and reminder to businesses, but also adds a layer of protection for the life safety of citizens.

column editor: Tang Ye text editor: Mao Guanjun

 picture source: Huaxin Town