Source: New Fujian Chen Baiwei. (Photo from China Review News Agency) According to China Review News Agency, Secretary-General of the Democratic Progressive Party Lin Xiyao recently stated at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that the Green Camp will help Taiw

source: New Fujian

Chen Baiwei. (China Review News Agency file photo)

According to China Review News Agency, Secretary-General of the Democratic Progressive Party Lin Xiyao recently stated at the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that the Green Camp will help Taiwan's "Fundamental Progressive Party" Taichung City "Legislator" Chen Baiwei respond to the recall case, but he and the DPP tried to maintain Compared with the strength of Kaohsiung City Councilor Huang Jie, who is not a party member, he is obviously weaker. On the 20th, Tsai Ing-wen went to Taichung for a trip, and she did not even see Chen Baiwei accompanying her. This shows that although the DPP verbally supports it, it keeps a distance. The reason may be that it is wary of the strength of local factions in Taichung, and Chen's personal controversy is intense. The DPP is unwilling to Fight an uncertain battle.

The Democratic Progressive Party held its central regular meeting on the 17th. In response to the recall of Chen Baiwei, nicknamed "3Q Brother", DPP Secretary-General Lin Xiyao said that the DPP will fully assist Chen Baiwei, and the party's public officials in the central region will also fully assist in responding to this recall. Activity. However, although the Green Camp made a declaration in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, at this stage, it seems that it is weak in its support.

Chen Baiwei and Wu Siyao, a "legislator" of the Democratic Progressive Party, have both been included in the recall targets of the "Operation Cutting Lai Committee". Chen Baiwei's recall case has now entered the second stage of co-signing. Although Wu Siyao is being considered for removal, there is no actual co-signing yet. The progress has even been suspended a few days ago, and the situation is relatively stable. However, it can be found that the DPP is particularly concerned about the risk that its own "legislators" may be dismissed. Tsai Ing-wen recently went to Wu Siyao constituency to attend an event to support her, and even personally issued the "Ai Yao Order" to help. Compared with the urgent situation of Chen Baiwei's dismissal However, Tsai Ing-wen did not say anything about the case.

Tsai Ing-wen went to Taichung for a trip on the 20th. She made no mention of Chen Baiwei’s recall case, which the Democratic Progressive Party announced that she supported it. It is worth noting that there were many “green committee members” at the scene, but Chen Baiwei was not present. It was all announced by the Democratic Progressive Party. In the democratic era that they strive to protect, the treatment of Chen Baiwei and Wu Siyao is far different, and there is a clear gap with the previous involvement of the Democratic Progressive Party in the recall case of Kaohsiung City Councilor Huang Jie.

The Democratic Progressive Party verbally supports Chen Baiwei, but actually keeps a distance. The main reason may be that it is concerned about the strength of the Yan Qingbiao family of the Taichung black faction, and it is related to Chen Baiwei's personal controversy. In the last "legislator" election, Chen Baiwei ran against Yan Kuanheng, a member of the Kuomintang, a young leader of the black faction. He narrowly won by a slight margin of 5,073 votes. Adding in Yan's 107,766 votes, the recall threshold only required the consent of more than 72,000 people. , the blue camp can successfully remove him as long as he can get 60% of the votes obtained in the previous term. With the Yan family's long-term local operation, it is quite easy to mobilize to reach the removal threshold.

In addition, Chen Baiwei has frequently made controversial remarks when facing the recall case recently, including saying that the recall group is not worthy of being called a citizen and does not need to pay attention to the demands of "non-citizens". He also constantly involves the recall on the sensitive issue of unification and "independence", and his remarks are extreme. It also caused personal hatred to continue to rise, forcing the DPP to keep a distance to avoid being affected.

In addition, Chen Baiwei is an unorthodox green camp after all. When the threshold for recall is easy to meet and the person to be recalled is highly controversial, if the DPP mobilizes to support him, the situation will be thankless. If Chen Baiwei fails to protect him, there is a risk of self-inflicted harm. . In addition, if Chen Baiwei is dismissed, the subsequent by-election process will be an opportunity for the DPP to plant its flag. These will be the DPP's calculations and considerations. It can be said that the green camp keeps a distance from Chen Baiwei for a reason.

Chen Baiwei's recall case is currently entering the second stage of signing, and the number of signatures must reach 29,113 within 60 days. According to the recall threshold, the number of voters in the second district of Taichung City (Shalu, Longjing, Dadu, Wuri, and Wufeng) is 291,122. The first stage proposal threshold for recall is 2,912 people, and the second stage requires 29,113 signatures. Only if there are more than one person, the case can be completed. A vote to recall requires the consent of about 72,000 people, which is higher than the number of votes that do not agree to recall.