In August, the sun was scorching, and the students of Class 2, Class 2, 2020, Taidong Sixth Road Primary School, Qingdao, met at the Qingdao Cruise Home Port during the summer vacation to visit and study the "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Part

In August, under the scorching sun, the students of Class 2, Grade 2, 2020, Taidong Sixth Road Primary School, Qingdao, met at the Qingdao Cruise Home Port during the summer vacation to visit and study the "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China - Qingdao Theme Exhibition".

After gathering, the students entered the venue in an orderly manner and devoted themselves to studying the exhibition with great interest. The instructor explained to the students the background, time and other elements of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In particular, the founding of the party has a deep connection with Qingdao. After the First World War, the imperialist countries ignored our sovereignty and interests. At the Paris Peace Conference, the "victorious country" Japan wanted to destroy the "defeated country" Germany in Shandong. The sphere of influence - Qingdao was taken as one's own, which aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of the people across the country, especially students and workers everywhere. In the end, the spark of "giving me back Qingdao" ignited the new democratic revolution that changed the destiny of the entire nation and country. Fire cord - "May 4th Movement".

The founder of the Communist Party of China, one of the participants in the "Big" and one of the party's top leaders in Qingdao, was the teacher of our Taitung Sixth Road Primary School. The "Enming Building" of our school was renamed to commemorate him on the 100th anniversary of the school's founding!

The exhibition explains the great achievements Qingdao has achieved in different historical periods under the leadership of the Party from various important historical nodes such as the founding of the Party, the Anti-Japanese War, the War of Liberation, the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, reform and opening up, and the new era. When the students saw what the Taitung 3rd Road Pedestrian Street near the school looked like before and what it looked like in the early stages of development in the eastern part, they all said, where is this now? Was it like this before? This photo allowed them to understand the development process of the city. When everyone saw the large model of the Liaoning ship with Qingdao as its home port, everyone became excited again.

The students watched and listened. In the carefully decorated hall, pictures of the great changes in our city in recent years were also displayed, such as international airports, automated container terminals, subway networks, third-generation EMUs, marine technology, biomedicine, etc. The models left a deep impression on the students and aroused strong interest.

Finally, all the visiting students sang the "Song of the Chinese Young Pioneers" under the party banner, which brought the visit to a successful conclusion.

[Written by: Gong Ke’s father and Zeng Yi’s mother]