This set of operations by the Taiwanese separatists not only fed the Hong Kong chaos elements, but also deceived many Hong Kong people into migrating to Taiwan. According to Global Times news on November 11, a Hong Kong couple who moved to Taitung County tried to communicate with

During the "rebellion over the amendment bill", the separatists on the island expressed "support" to the Hong Kong troublemakers in various forms, and even called Taiwan a harbor to "protect" the Hong Kong troublemakers. This set of operations by the Taiwanese separatists not only fed the Hong Kong chaos elements, but also deceived many Hong Kong people into migrating to Taiwan. However, do the Taiwan authorities sincerely "welcome" the troublemakers in Hong Kong?

According to the Global Times on November 11, a Hong Kong couple who moved to Taitung County wanted to communicate with local officials, but they were scolded by Taitung County Construction Director Xu Ruigui to "go back to Hong Kong."

Officials from the Taiwan authorities were "rude" to the couple, which was mainly the result of two factors: First, the construction project in Taitung County caused conflicts and disputes between the government and the people, and there was no good communication mechanism, so that the conflicts Second, the couple failed to correctly view their status as " immigrants ". When communicating with Taiwan officials, they kept saying "How are we in Hong Kong?" This naturally aroused great resentment from Taiwan officials.

To a certain extent, the couple was completely humiliated by Taiwanese officials for being so insulted. It can be seen from this incident that some Hong Kong residents have difficulty adapting to local life after immigrating. This is entirely due to the tolerance and restraint of the Hong Kong government. When they were in Hong Kong, they were slightly dissatisfied with the Hong Kong government and launched anti-government demonstrations, which made the Hong Kong government so timid that they could not do anything. The forces destabilizing Hong Kong and interest groups have taken full advantage of this. In order to achieve their own ulterior purposes, they used money to bribe people in Hong Kong who did not know the truth or who were originally seeking some benefits to participate in demonstrations, thus forcing the Hong Kong government to We have to succumb to the so-called "public opinion". A child who was studying in Hong Kong once told the author that when he was in middle school, people often paid him to go to parades. Every time he participated in a parade, he would get 200 Hong Kong dollars, but he had no idea what the purpose of the parade was. I don’t know.

This Taiwanese couple claimed that they came to "democratic" Taiwan to escape the "high pressure" in Hong Kong, but reality gave them a slap in the face. Hong Kong, which they once despised, is truly democratic, while Taiwan, which keeps claiming "democracy", completely disrespects public opinion.

The Taiwanese officials insulted the couple in such a bad manner, which can also clearly show the attitude of the Taiwanese authorities towards the troublemakers in Hong Kong. During the "rebellion over the amendment bill", in order to encourage the troublemakers in Hong Kong, the Taiwan authorities gave them a lot of "big cakes", making them think that they still had a way out by immigrating to Taiwan, so they became even more unscrupulous in causing trouble. . However, when some of the Hong Kong chaos elements fled to Taiwan, they found that the Taiwan authorities were not ready to receive them. Instead, they regarded them as "hot potatoes" and wished they could be kicked away as soon as possible. All their promises in advance were mirrored. , the moon in the water. As a result, he originally had a bright future, but now he lives like a stray dog.

There are still many people in Hong Kong who believe that Taiwan is the "holy land of democracy" in their minds, and they immigrate to Taiwan one after another. I believe that what happened to this couple is not the last case. More Hong Kong residents who have immigrated to Taiwan will be treated roughly. I can only say two words about their experiences: They deserve it!