Recently, Qingdao Electronic School’s “Cultivating Morality and Working Spirit”-Implementing the “Ten Ones” Action Plan Education Forum was held in the lecture hall of Taitung Campus. The forum invited Wang Ping from the Production Protection Department of the Qingdao Federation

Peninsula News on March 4th Recently, the Qingdao Electronic School "Morality and Work Spirit" - Implementation of the "Ten One" Action Plan Education Forum was held in the lecture hall of Taitung Campus. The theme of this forum is "Cultivating people with moral integrity and the spirit of work". The forum invited Qingdao Federation of Trade Unions Production Protection Department Wang Ping, Qingdao Municipal Education Bureau Ideological and Political and Moral Education Department Deputy Director Wang Xingang, Qingdao Port Authority Guo Lei, Qingdao Public Transport Group Wang Yan, Qingdao CRRC Co., Ltd. Liu Achievements, Tuandao Navigation mark Wang Bingjiao, Qingdao Cigarette Factory Wang Bin, Haier Refrigerator Zhongyi Internet Factory Cui Huifeng, Qingdao International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co., Ltd. Mou Xiaoqi, Qingdao Hake Production Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Zhao Zongjun, Pingdu Zhang Guocai from the Agricultural Base of Zhanggezhuang Village, Yunshan Town, as well as representatives of cooperative enterprises, representatives of outstanding graduates, parents, teachers and students, and representatives of major media.

Qingdao Electronic School held an education forum on the implementation of the "Ten Ones" action plan

Cui Xizhan, principal of Qingdao Electronic School, said that in order to further implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's proposal at the National Education Conference to "strive to cultivate socialist builders with comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor and successors" meeting spirit, and thoroughly implement the document requirements of the "Qingdao City's "Ten One" Project Action Plan to Promote the Comprehensive Development of Primary and Secondary School Students". The school must always make cultivating students to advocate, respect and love labor as a top priority Strengthening labor education and adhering to lifelong learning are the only way to cultivate qualified builders and reliable successors who are worthy of the great responsibilities of the times. Let the "spirit of labor" be deeply rooted in the campus, and let the "spirit of model workers" take root in the hearts of students. The merits will be present and benefit for life.

Wang Xingang, deputy director of the Ideological, Political and Moral Education Department of the Qingdao Municipal Education Bureau, said that in-depth discussions allow students to sow the seeds of labor in their teenage years, which is an important carrier for the spirit of model workers and the spirit of labor to be passed down from generation to generation, and is also an important carrier for the creation of labor in the whole society. The most glorious and important way for workers to have the greatest good habits. Making advocating, respecting and loving labor a fashion is an effective measure to cultivate secondary vocational students with both moral and technical skills.

Forum Finally, Qingdao Electronic School hired Wang Bingjiao, Cui Huifeng and other Qingdao Electronic School teachers as labor spirit instructors.

In June 2017, the Qingdao Municipal Education Bureau and the Federation of Trade Unions jointly organized the "Model Workers and Craftsmen Entering Vocational Schools" event. As one of the first units of "Model Workers and Craftsmen" entering vocational schools in Qingdao, Qingdao Electronic School established the city's vocational school 's first model worker and craftsman studio invites model workers to give reports to students, allowing students to have close contact with model workers, feel the spirit of model workers, listen to model worker stories, and share the feelings of craftsmen, guiding students to inherit the spirit of model workers, promote the spirit of craftsman, and gradually settle into the school campus culture,. Help develop core competencies. In 2018, the school built the "Agricultural Labor Base" in Pingdu, which expanded a platform for students to practice labor; today's forum also invited labor craftsmen and outstanding graduates to share their growth experiences, interpret the "craftsman spirit", and realize their dreams. A brilliant life.

2019 is the year for the implementation of various tasks in Shandong Province. Qingdao Electronic School will continue to be realistic, pragmatic, implement various tasks and "striving to be first-class" as its goal, carry out work in a down-to-earth manner, carefully sum up experience, continue to build a characteristic brand, and lead China's The development of vocational education must achieve more effective results especially in cultivating moral character and cultivating people.

One flower blooming alone is not spring; a hundred flowers blooming together fills the garden. The spirit of labor is an excellent quality that benefits the country and the people and affects students throughout their lives. We must continue to spare no effort to study in depth, innovate methods, build platforms, expand positions, enrich the fertile ground for themed campus culture, and promote the spirit of model workers to take root. Guide students to establish correct labor values ​​and cultivate deep labor sentiments, so that every student can achieve unity of knowledge and action and mutual promotion of knowledge and action during the school learning period. When they grow up, they can work hard, work honestly, and work creatively, and become moral and intelligent. Socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of body, art, and labor, they will contribute their own strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

reporter You Xiao

[Editor: Wang Chunxue]