Peninsula Reporter Sun Yaqin Currently, Qingdao is deepening the reform of the school running system and promoting the group operation of high-quality schools. How to make group schools better and more effective in driving more schools to become better will be an important educat

Peninsula reporter Sun Yaqin

Currently, Qingdao is deepening the reform of the school running system and promoting the group operation of high-quality schools . How to make group schools better and more effective in driving more schools to become better will be an important educational proposition in this city. On November 27, the Shibei District Education and Sports Bureau held the "Shibei District School Group Promotion Meeting for Compulsory Education Stage" at Qingdao Qinglu Primary School. Principals of 94 primary and secondary schools in Shibei District attended the meeting and discussed the issues related to group school running. Topics were shared and exchanged.

The "Doctoral Caravan" drives into every child in the group

"It turns out that the curriculum between junior high schools and primary schools in the school district is not connected, teachers and students do not communicate, and management is not connected. No. 53 Middle School Education Group is Qingdao's first nine-year consistent The Zhizhi Education Group hopes to change this situation and expand the radiation and promotion of high-quality educational resources to meet the deep needs of more students and parents for high-quality educational resources." Li Hongmei, principal of Qingdao No. 53 Middle School, said at the promotion meeting. Typical experience exchanges were conducted from the perspective of "education group curriculum integration".

Qingdao No. 53 Middle School Education Group was established in April this year. After the start of the fall semester, the group officially opened seven doctoral studios in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology, geography and 3D printing. Recently, the "Doctoral Caravan into Campus Activity" of the Doctoral Studio of Wusan Education Group went to Liaoyuan Road Primary School, Dongsheng Road Primary School and Shandong Road Primary School within the group, and provided guidance to nearly a thousand teachers and students of the three primary schools. Come to a wonderful audio-visual feast. "In class, I got to know dragonflies and reptiles that are bigger than airplanes. It was very shocking! I am looking forward to Dr. Uncle coming to teach us again." A sixth-grade student from Shandong Road Primary School told reporters, associate professor and master's tutor at Ocean University of China Professor Li Anlong’s lecture on “Lands and Oceans on Earth” was unsatisfactory.

"Doctoral Caravan" allows children in the education group to be exposed to a different world, and this is just a microcosm of the No. 53 Middle School Education Group's sharing of high-quality resources and overall promotion of common development. The education group also pays attention to the connection between junior and primary school through exchange student projects; pays attention to the connection between junior and primary school subjects through physics bridging courses; and pays attention to students' career planning education through the "1+X" Colorful Sunshine Studio. The amplification effect of high-quality education brought about by Qingdao No. 53 Middle School’s “group-based education” is constantly being demonstrated, with more students in the group moving from excellence to excellence.

Seven education groups have fully radiated high-quality resources

The reporter learned from the promotion meeting that currently there are Taitung Sixth Road Primary School Education Group, Pingan Road No. 2 Primary School Education Group, Qingdao No. 44 Middle School Education Group, Qingdao No. 2 There are 7 compulsory education groups including Experimental Junior High School Education Group, Anshan Erlu Primary School Education Group, Shangqing Road Primary School Education Group, and Qingdao No. 53 Middle School Education Group, with a total of 24 primary and secondary schools joining them. Various education groups have rapidly radiated and promoted high-quality resources through famous schools leading new schools, famous schools leading old schools, and famous schools leading private schools, and also met the society's deep-seated needs for high-quality and balanced education.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Education and Sports Bureau of Shibei District, since Shibei District implemented the group-based school running reform, it has strengthened top-level design and has formulated and issued a series of reform supporting documents such as the " Shibei District District Implementation of Group-based School Running Experimental Plan" and other reform supporting documents. Concentrate effective resources to guide reform experiments. Lead new schools through famous schools, so that new schools such as Haiyi School, Shibei No. 2 Experimental Primary School, Qiyuan School, Binhai School, Hongyi Middle School, etc. can develop with a high starting point and high standards, and achieve the goal of "rapid growth of new schools and full recognition by the people" Phased goals; through famous schools leading old schools, we strive to practice the sharing, co-construction, integration, and common advancement of member schools within the group, stimulating the vitality of old schools; through famous schools leading private schools, more students enjoy the second-highest quality education in Qingdao Quality education in experimental junior high schools. "Group-based school running strengthens the concept of sharing, shares resources and joint facilities, jointly researches and jointly creates teaching projects, and shares management linkage characteristics, which promotes all-round positive interaction and balanced development of education and teaching levels among the member schools of the education group, allowing more students to A good school at your doorstep,” the person in charge said.

Shibei Education Group’s “map” will get bigger and bigger

In addition to the integration of courses, the creation of culture within the education group is also quite bright. Li Hua, principal of Qingdao Qinglu Primary School, shared from the perspective of “education group culture creation”. “The football features of Shangqing Road Primary School, the Junior Military Academy of Taizhan Road Primary School, and the unicycles of Luoyang Road No. 1 Primary School each have their own highlights. At this year’s Children’s Day celebration, the three of us are in schools in different school districts. This broke the geographical restrictions and enabled three schools to co-organize the event, with more than 2,000 students participating in the performance, allowing the children to feel the diversity and richness of the event more deeply," Li Hua said.

It is reported that the Shibei District Education and Sports Bureau will further expand the scale of group-run schools, and more public primary and secondary schools will participate in group-run schools, making the "map" of education groups larger and larger. At the same time, Shibei District will also actively explore and implement the development model of a compact education group; further promote the sharing and co-construction of high-quality resources within the group; establish a growth exit mechanism for group member schools and a new education group cultivation mechanism; explore integrated primary, junior high school, and long-term courses. Construction; explore the mobility mechanism of cadres and teachers within the group; increase preferential support for education groups; implement "bundled" integrated evaluation of education groups, deeply implement the group's school-running strategy, and comprehensively improve the quality of Shibei education.