After Lan Zhenglong married Zhou Youting in 2014, he gave birth to a pair of children within 3 years. After being tempered by family life, he gradually became more relatable and reclusive in the past. Recently, he was directly criticized by the media. He appeared at the Yonghe Le

Lan Zhenglong married Zhou Youting in 2014 and gave birth to a pair of children within 3 years. After the training of family life, he who used to be lonely and slow-tempered has gradually become more people-friendly. Recently, he was directly criticized by the media. He appeared in Yonghe Lehua, New Taipei City. At the night market, not only did I send flower baskets to congratulate the store owners, I also stayed in the night market for 4 hours to enjoy the rare time for dad to relax.

Lan Zhenglong has not had many film and television works in the past three years and rarely appears in public. However, while he is busy taking care of his children, he also enjoys the life of a common man. A few days ago, he had a gathering with friends at the Lehua Night Market. The group ate from salty crispy chicken to a breakfast restaurant late at night. Because of the geographical location of his home and the fact that he had filmed a movie there, Lan Zhenglong was familiar with many stores and enjoyed eating.

Breakfast shop's stall is renewed. Hold an umbrella to protect flowers

At around 10 o'clock in the evening on June 11, the media directly reported that Lan Zhenglong appeared at the Lehua Night Market Salty Chicken Restaurant near his home. A group of people, mostly men, were gathering in the store, and the atmosphere was quite joyful.

Wearing a hat and a white T-shirt, Lan Zhenglong stood out among the crowd. There was a flower basket he sent at the door of the store, which seemed to celebrate the new opening. He stayed in the store for more than 2 hours. At around 1 o'clock in the morning, he was inseparable from one of the men in gray clothes and couldn't stop. Finally, three men and three women continued to stand at a nearby late-night breakfast shop. During this period, many vendors recognized him and took the initiative to say hello to him.

At around 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, the group finally broke up. Lan Zhenglong left with the two women. After walking down a few alleys, the woman in black left first, leaving Lan Zhenglong and the girl in white to continue walking.

Lan Zhenglong started to act as a flower protector at this time. He originally kept a distance from the girl in white when holding an umbrella together. At this time, his hand suddenly put on her shoulder, and they walked for a short distance before they separated. Finally, when they walked to an alley, Bai Yi The girl returned home, leaving Lan Zhenglong to go home alone.

Teenage Experiences Made into a Movie

The media asked Lan Zhenglong’s manager Billy. He said that when Lan Zhenglong and Zhu Geliang were filming the movie " Chicken Chop Hero " 10 years ago, he knew the local vendors, especially the owner of the salty and crispy chicken shop. We have been friends for many years, so it was natural to celebrate the opening of the new store. As for the girls walking together, they were friends' children and escorted them home because they were along the way.

It is reported that Lan Zhenglong has been busy recently. The youth growth film "Successful Tutorial", which has been in preparation for 3 years, was originally going to start filming, but was delayed due to the peak of the epidemic. It is expected to be officially filmed in September. He will put his own teenage experiences on the big screen. , inviting screenwriter Wang Jingdun to collaborate on the script. He will serve as producer, screenwriter and director, and will also make a guest appearance.

In fact, most of the works that Lan Zhenglong has shot in recent years are related to family themes, and he has also rejected many commercial works. Most people believe that his changes have a lot to do with becoming a parent.