From being a poor village in the past, to now making a fortune by growing peach trees - selling fresh peaches, making wine with small peaches, using peach blossoms as scenery, and growing mushrooms on peach branches. The tens of thousands of acres of peach orchards in the Yellow

Dahe Daily·Dahe Client Reporter Duan Weiduo

"In Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, there are peach blossom fairies under Peach Blossom Temple; Peach Blossom Fairies plant peach trees and pick peach blossoms in exchange for wine money." "Song of Peach Blossom Temple" by Tang Bohu hundreds of years ago ” has become a true portrayal of the villagers of Yandianzhuang Village in the Yellow River Beach District today. From being a poor village in the past, to now making a fortune by growing peach trees - selling fresh peaches, making wine with small peaches, using peach blossoms as scenery, and growing mushrooms on peach branches. The tens of thousands of acres of peach orchards in the Yellow River floodplain area are exploring various possibilities for extending the industrial chain. sex, and create a “peach blossom economy” in an all-round way.

This great change caused by a peach was initiated by Guan Yuanqun, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and secretary of the Party branch of Yandianzhuang Village. In the early days, he had a "domineering style", but now the villagers are willing to exclaim "it smells really good".

[Change] Dropped out of high school to take care of his parents at home, and increased his income six to seven times by planting peach trees

In the Yellow River floodplain area in early winter, thousands of trees were withered, and there were large tracts of peach forest. Some branches and leaves had fallen off, leaving only strong branches. ; Some late-maturing varieties still have sparse leaves hanging on them - the cold wind blows, and the peach forest is silent, but it secretly accumulates nutrients, waiting for the next spring to accumulate and grow.

37-year-old Jiang Hongchao is a villager in Yandianzhuang Village, Qiaobei Township, Plain Demonstration Area, Xinxiang City. Now he is leading a poor household to become rich, and he was once a poor household.

Jiang Hongchao is the youngest child in the family and the only boy. In high school, he took the initiative to drop out of school because he had to take care of his elderly and frail parents. At that time, his sisters were married. Because he had to take care of his sick mother, he had to get up early to feed his mother every day, go out to bask in the sun at noon, and take medicine and sleep at night. Therefore, he could not go out to work and could only make a living by growing crops on the few acres of land at home. .

Later, he also tried to do something with the crop land, raised mushrooms, and started his own business. However, because it had not reached a large scale, the income from growing mushrooms could only make a living, and he could not make a fortune.

"At that time, the annual income was more than 10,000, which was also the only source of income for our family. My father was injured in his leg and could not do heavy work." Jiang Hongchao said that a turning point came in 2011, when the village called for planting peach trees and provided saplings and teachers for free. Technology, he thought, was an opportunity, so he replanted more than ten acres of land at home with peach trees.

Peach trees have a three-year growth period, and then they get better and better year by year. By 2016, his annual income from growing peaches had reached 100,000 yuan, six to seven times more than before, and he was able to escape poverty that year.

[Story] He took the lead on the journey, and the villagers said after planting peaches, "it smells really good"

The village called for planting peach trees, and Jiang Hongchao was one of the first villagers to respond, and also one of the first to benefit. Guan Yuanqun, the initiator of this great change, made tremendous efforts in the early stage.

"I was born in the Yellow River beach and grew up by the Yellow River. I am an authentic beach area person." Guan Yuanqun said that there was once a jingle circulated in the village, "Yandianzhuang, a wasteland. Sand on sunny days, mud on rainy days. Plant whatever you want. If something doesn’t grow, you’ll be hungry every day.” After Guan Yuanqun was elected secretary of the village party branch in 2008, he began to consider how to change the traditional planting model, turn barren land into fertile farmland, and increase people's income. He successively visited Shaanxi, Shandong and Jiangsu for inspection and repeated demonstrations, and determined the idea of ​​"developing high-quality early-maturing peach planting".

However, at first, the villagers were skeptical about growing peaches. They were worried that the peaches would rot easily when ripe, could not be stored and transported, and that they would not be able to make money. Guanyuanqun bought peach saplings for everyone and distributed them free of charge, but many people still preferred to let the saplings dry in the ground rather than "change."

Subsequently, Guan Yuanqun led party members and cadres to plant 80 acres of peach trees on a trial basis. Two years later, after a bumper harvest, he held a commendation meeting, invited villagers to watch, and gave a formula with a rather "domineering CEO style": "Be obedient = make money."

Villagers who saw the results started to join the peach planting army one after another. A few years later, they also reaped a bumper harvest, and they were willing to exclaim "really fragrant". (Note: Zhenxiang is a popular Internet term, which means that a person is determined not to do or do something, but the final behavior is completely opposite.)

Everyone is planting peaches, and the yield has increased. How to open up the market? Guanyuanqun traveled all over the country, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and coastal cities, to help open up sales for peaches in the Yellow River beach area."From 2011 to 2017, we traveled abroad. After that, we no longer needed it. Every year during the harvest season, large trucks from outside came to the village to pull peaches."

By 2019, peach tree planting in the village had grown to more than 10,000 acres. " With the reputation of "10,000 acres of peach orchard", the annual per capita income of the people has reached more than 13,000 yuan, successfully eliminating poverty, and driving the planting of peach trees in 30 surrounding villages.

[Development 1] Turn waste into treasure, grow mushrooms on peach branches

"High-quality fresh peaches are now easy to sell, but we hope to extend the industrial chain and ask for money from sub-peaches, peach branches , peach gum , etc., to increase the additional It’s worth it,” Guan Yuanqun said. Among them, the mushroom technology that Jiang Hongchao started his own business a few years ago has been put to use.

"Our family's situation is quite special. The first secretary in the village always comes to talk to me." Jiang Hongchao said that when he learned that he had grown mushrooms before, he asked if he could use peach branches as a culture medium to grow mushrooms? In this way, the otherwise useless peach branches can be used.

Today, Jiang Hongchao has established a cooperative and leads six poor households in the village to grow high-quality mushrooms using peach branches as the main raw material as a culture medium. Each pound can be sold for 2-3 yuan. Jiang Hongchao no longer needs to worry about money, and the poor households who work together have also achieved an annual income increase of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

"We plan to continue to expand varieties and add fungus planting projects next year." Jiang Hongchao said that his cooperative can "digest" all the surrounding peach branches.

"In the past, peach branches were useless, so they were piled in the ground, dried and burned." Wang Changhui, director of the People's Congress Liaison Office of Xinxiang Pingyuan Demonstration Zone, said that now, villagers not only turn waste into treasure, increasing their income, but also Environmental pollution is avoided.

[Development 2] Build a peach wine production chain and increase the added value

In the past, Tang Bohu "picked peach blossoms again to exchange money for wine." Now, the villagers of Yandianzhuang Village plan to use peaches to make wine in exchange for money.

Guan Yuanqun said that before selling peaches, villagers would pick out some small defective products and throw them away before. How can we increase the value of these peaches that cannot be sold at a high price? After some research, they decided to use peaches to make wine. At present, the village has conducted various experiments with a winery and developed a peach wine. After being put into production, the value of small fruits can be increased, thus increasing the income of peach farmers. One acre of land can increase the income by about 1,000 yuan.

[Development 3] Eat peach blossom chicken, drink peach blossom wine, and live in Taohuawu to create a "peach blossom economy" in an all-round way

In addition to the above two methods, Yandianzhuang Village will also use peach trees and peach blossoms to make more "articles" and communicate More "luck".

"Eating peach blossom chicken, drinking peach blossom wine, living in Taohuawu, giving away peach blossom fans, and building a 'peach blossom economy' in an all-round way is the direction of future development." Wang Changhui said.

"In the next step, we will take advantage of the unique location advantages of the Yellow River floodplain area to develop rural tourism with its own characteristics, consolidate the economic foundation, and promote high-quality development of the floodplain area." Guan Yuanqun said that in addition to peach wine, we will also develop peach blossom cakes, Peach gum, peach nectar and many other by-products; in the next step, it will also build B&Bs and hold a peach blossom festival, so that the whole village can truly realize their dream of getting rich relying on the "10,000 acres of peach orchards".