When she walked to the first floor, she found that the security door of her neighbor Mr. Li's family was open. At first, she thought the neighbor had forgotten to close the door, so she stood outside the door and shouted inward several times.

Case Review

On October 11, 2017, in No. 52 Courtyard, Handan District, Handan City, Hebei Province, resident Aunt Zhang was carrying a shopping bag early in the morning, preparing to go to the supermarket to buy some fresh vegetables.

When she walked to the first floor, she found that the security door of her neighbor Mr. Li's family was open. At first, she thought the neighbor had forgotten to close the door, so she stood outside the door and shouted inward several times.

"Strange, isn't there anyone at home?" Seeing no one answered, Aunt Zhang took out her mobile phone and called Mr. Li in a hurry, then walked into the room to check the situation.

"Hey! Did you unlock it..." Before she finished speaking, Aunt Zhang caught a glimpse of the mess in the bedroom. Realizing something was wrong, she immediately exclaimed: "Come back quickly, your home may have been stolen."

learned Mr. Li's mind went blank when he heard the news. Since he was currently not in the local area of ​​ Handan , he could not rush home in time, so he could only ask his brother who was not far from home to check the situation first.

The anxious brother quickly ran to the scene and after confirming that Mr. Li had indeed been stolen, he quickly reported the police to the Hanshan Branch. The brother could not clearly explain the specific amount of the theft. He only knew that the amount his brother said was 400. million in cash.

4 million! There are several houses available to buy in this area, where does the cash come from? How did the thief know that Mr. Li's family had money? What secret is hidden behind a bizarre theft case?

Disappeared 4 million in cash

After receiving the alarm, the Hanshan Branch immediately rushed to the scene of the crime. The door of Mr. Li's room was violently opened by the thieves, and the bedroom was turned into a mess, with sheets and quilts scattered randomly on the floor.

The four million in cash stored under the lifted bed board had long since disappeared, and there was no trace of anything found in the living room and kitchen of the home.

The police immediately took photos, examined and collected evidence. After careful on-site investigation, a police officer found a very shallow footprint on the back wall of the house, and successfully found two unclear fingerprints on the bedside table in the bedroom.

However, the fingerprints were sent for verification and repeated comparisons in the database did not yield any results, and no other useful clues could be found from the footprints.

It stands to reason that in a normal theft case, every part of the victim's home would be messed up, but the bedroom of Mr. Li's house was the hardest hit area, giving people the impression that the thieves had clear goals and knew the home well.

He may know where the cash is stored in advance! The police boldly guessed that the thief had either stepped on the spot in advance or was an acquaintance who committed the crime.

Moreover, the stolen house was on the first floor, and the locks of the front door and the back door had been picked. According to the on-site inference, it is very likely that the suspect entered through the back door to commit the theft, and left through the front door after getting the cash.

The whole process was familiar, but this behavior also made the police puzzled. Escaping from the main entrance would increase the risk of being discovered. Didn't the thieves consider this?

In addition to the loss of a huge sum of 4 million, all the gold and silver jewelry in the house were placed on the dressing table safely. Several boxes of valuable wine were piled in the corner of the living room. However, the thief carried two boxes and placed them at the front door without taking them away.

"These wines are relatively heavy, and it is difficult for the suspect to climb over the wall with them." the police speculated.

4 million in cash was already heavy enough for him. If he carried the wine again, he would definitely have to carry it several times. In such an emergency, the thief would probably choose to save the big thing and abandon the small one.

While the police were searching for evidence, Mr. Li also rushed back by plane. He had just left home yesterday and had closed the security door before leaving. Unexpectedly, the money disappeared overnight.

This is the capital of his business! The cash that he had specially gone to the bank to withdraw before was just missing. The grief-stricken Mr. Li almost fainted.

"Please, you must help me get it back." Mr. Li prayed to the investigators.

At this time, the police who came back from visiting the community brought the latest report. In this community, only this family had theft, and there were no problems with other homes.

Moreover, due to the old environment, the monitoring facilities of the community are incomplete. The gate office has not yet found any suspicious persons in the monitoring, and is still communicating with the property management to obtain useful monitoring images of the back door.

The terrain and environment here are also relatively complex. If you are new to this community, it will be difficult to easily find Mr. Li's home without anyone's guidance.

Now the investigation difficulty has escalated, and because the amount of lost cash is huge, it is also rare in Handan City . Realizing the seriousness of the case, the police immediately set up a task force to solve the case within a time limit.

Disguise at night

Judging from the clues found so far, the police believe that this is not an ordinary theft. The thieves may have planned it for a long time in advance and even studied the escape route.

Then people who know this money are more likely to commit crimes! The police first investigated people in the community one by one, and then asked Mr. Li to confirm who knew where the cash was stored.

Not many people know about this matter. Mr. Li’s brother, two nephews, including his daughter and his wife, a nephew, and a nanny, a total of seven people, are all people who know the ins and outs of the matter. People are convinced.

The police immediately launched an investigation around them, looking for detailed evidence through the timeline and motive of the crime.

Mr. Li’s wife and nanny have been staying with Mr. Li in Beijing, and his two nephews are in South Korea and have no time to commit the crime. When asked by Mr. Li’s brother, there is no motive for the crime, and there is no possibility for his daughter and nephew.

Informed persons were eliminated one by one, and the investigation results were disappointing. The police turned their attention to surveillance. The on-site survey personnel found a surveillance probe outside the courtyard of the stolen house. After

retrieved the surveillance video, the police discovered a suspicious-looking car with a black body on the night before the incident. The car entered the yard around 11 o'clock at night and stayed for two hours before leaving.

Although the picture is very blurry, you can still see two black figures carrying two bags of things and getting into the car. The two people moved very quickly during the whole process. After placing the things, they looked left and right carefully before hurriedly driving out of the community.

This residential building is basically inhabited by the elderly, and few people come in and out in the middle of the night. Therefore, regardless of the time of the crime or the behavior of the two black figures, it is basically certain that they have serious suspicions.

The police immediately shifted the detection direction to the off-road vehicle , but the resolution of the night video was too low. Apart from a rough outline of the car, the model and license plate number of the vehicle could not be seen even after several proofreadings.

The police then combined with the Skynet system to conduct a large-scale investigation of vehicles across the city in order to confirm the model of the suspect vehicle.

checked the Skynet records for the past two months and finally filtered out some effective information in a level information. Among 4,000 photos of similar vehicles, the police searched for the suspect vehicle that matched the crime. The car in the

photo is a black off-road vehicle of a certain brand with the license plate number "Ji A·B386D". Through comparison of the license plate system, it was found that this license plate number was originally from a van in Shijiazhuang.

"This van has been abandoned and has not been in contact with Handan people." After investigation, the relevant departments in Shijiazhuang fed back useful information to the Handan police.

set of fake cards! Then the suspicion of this car was even greater. The police quickly retrieved the footage of the cross-country road crossing, and finally made new progress in the multi-day investigation.

On the off-road vehicle, there were two people who were behaving strangely. They were driving around two or three o'clock at night. They not only wore masks and hats to cover their faces, but also put down their sun visors.

In the picture, the police did not even see the eyes of the two people, which makes people suspect that their disguise was to avoid the police pursuit.

And the camouflage doesn’t stop there. The top of the left headlight of the vehicle was covered with mud. The place where the annual inspection mark was located above the right window was also covered with mud so that no trace could be seen, including the fuel cap at the rear of the car. , also used the same blocking method.

Through the car's trajectory query, the police learned that after the car drove into the city from the south, they went straight to the crime scene. The crime target was very clear. After

succeeded, he drove away from the scene. He always deliberately avoided the surveillance video and took a winding route. When he drove to Linzhang County and Cixian , he lost track because there was no surveillance. The

case has reached a deadlock. The suspect has not yet been identified, and the whereabouts of the suspect vehicle are unknown. The two clues they have are interrupted, and the police can only turn back and start research on the off-road vehicle.

After repeated viewing of the photos and videos, there was nothing special about the car, but by zooming in on the details, the police found differences. The police found that the handles of the car were red and black, the wheel hubs were diamond-shaped, and there was no sunroof.

Based on these characteristics and the confusing situation, the police retrieved photos of all the vehicles of this model in the jurisdiction within two months. After comparing them day and night, they finally found a similar tall vehicle.

The newly found car license plate is "Ji D·931JB". Where the car with the fake license plate was covered with mud, the new car shows three very iconic car logos pasted on it, and the characteristics of the two cars are exactly the same.

But there is one difference. One of the door handles of the car is black and the other is silver. The police immediately launched an investigation on the owner of the new car and learned that the owner was a man named Cui from Wei County . He had been there many times before. Pass through Handan City.

The police immediately rushed to Wei County to investigate, and something unexpected happened.

The hidden mystery behind the burned vehicle

This car had just been involved in a car accident and had been burned beyond recognition. Cui, who was listed as a suspect by the police, was also admitted to the hospital for treatment due to injuries.

The incident happened too suddenly. The Handan police had just arrived in Wei County and were learning about the situation from the relevant departments. The traffic accident police call came as a coincidence.

The accident address was on a small road in the south of the village. According to Cui's description to the police, he had a heart disease. While driving, his vision went dark. The car accidentally hit a wall and spontaneous combustion occurred. The

fire department had arrived at the relevant location first and fed back the live footage taken at that time. The car was parked on a bumpy road. The body of the car was badly burned, with almost only a shell left.

The police rushed to the scene overnight and found a mutilated license plate among the rubble. Everything was so bizarre that everyone was puzzled.

This traffic accident is certainly not simple! The police officers began to investigate the crime scene, and as a result, more and more doubts surrounded the car accident.

It stands to reason that on this kind of country road with uneven pavement, and next to the very narrow Zhanghe River Embankment, most cars will not run too fast, and traffic accidents rarely occur. Why was the suspect vehicle burned so seriously?

Moreover, the damage to the wall was not great, there was no sign of braking on the road, and the basic speed could not be increased. The impact of the car seemed like a carefully designed maneuver.

Handan police came to the hospital where Cui was staying. Cui looked very nervous after seeing the police, his eyes kept evading, and his words were vibrating.

The police asked him about the process of the car accident. He hesitated and couldn't describe clearly. He kept giving different explanations for a while. In the end, he couldn't justify it. However, he always insisted that it was the fire in the car accident that caused him to be hospitalized.

asked him to recall the details, but he kept talking nonsense and even chose to remain silent. This also made the police more suspicious of Cui.

From the outside, he didn't look seriously injured. He only had a few skin wounds and no scratches or bruises like those caused by a car accident.

's basic physical condition was intact. The police felt that he was pretending to be ill. Although he was pretending to be injecting fluids on his hands, his mental state did not look like a patient.

According to what he said before that he had a heart disease, the police decided to let him do a heart test first to see if what he said was true.

The electrocardiogram showed that Cui was fine. After the doctor found out that he had no other problems, he was taken back to the Public Security Bureau for review.

Before the interrogation, the police visited places where Cui often appeared, but the information collected was unexpected. He did not commit the crime on the day of the crime, and he did not know Mr. Li's family, so why did his vehicle appear in Handan? The neighborhood where the crime occurred?

In the interrogation room, Cui refused to answer questions. He refused to admit it when he took out the photos of the vehicle. The police had no choice but to start ideological work on him. Later, they realized that the case was serious, and he also confessed what he knew. .

The night before the theft, Cui lent his car to two people in the same village, named Guo Aimou and Guo Xuemou. The two people's original words when they came to borrow the car were as follows: "I'll borrow your car." Let’s go to a relative’s house to pick up some things.”

Due to the reputation of his fellow villagers, Cui lent the car to them after hesitating for a moment, and the two of them returned the car as promised the next day.

"Then why did you fake the traffic accident?" The policeman looked at Cui, he sighed, and then said regretfully: "It's all my fault for being obsessed with money."

The two found Cui again a few days after the incident, and hurriedly They panicked and told him that something happened to the car they borrowed, and Cui asked them what happened and they didn't answer.

The three of them argued for a long time, and Guo Aimou suggested: "How much did you buy this car for? How much will I give you." In addition, Cui's son got married, and Guo Aimou and others agreed to give him 100,000 yuan after discussion. .

But the premise is that Cui must cooperate to burn the car. Following their instructions and finding a suitable location, Cui drove the car and hit it, pretending to be injured and went to the hospital for intravenous drip.

The two of them would take the opportunity to pour gasoline on the car to cause a traffic accident. Then they would report it to insurance and Cui could get another insurance compensation.

Being tempted by money, Cui agreed to help them destroy evidence when he only knew that the police might be investigating the two men, but he did not know that he was also involved.

Through Cui’s description, the police could roughly guess the reason for burning the car. The two people may be worried that following the clues will eventually find them, so they desperately want to destroy the car to escape pursuit.

Where are they now? Police continue to investigate the two men.

Liyingwaihe stole huge sums of money

Guo Aimou, born in 1972, was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 18 years in Tongzhou District, Beijing for theft in 1998. Guo Xuemou was also sentenced to Civil Rights in Henan and Liaoning for theft. Sentenced to prison for several years.

The police visited the village where they lived, and learned from the villagers that the two of them were not at home. Guo Xuemou's old father also said that his son had been away from home for many days.

Did they already run away after hearing the news? While the police were conducting secret surveillance at their residences, they also went to the countryside to investigate the situation.

Local villagers reported that Guo Xuemou is a very smart person. Even if he escapes, he will not leave the city. It is very likely that he is still hiding in the local area.

The police immediately searched for possible hiding places. A few days later, they received reports from the masses that Guo Xuemou was hiding in an abandoned farm to the east of the village.

This place has a wide view and a special geographical location. The police came to the scene and arranged personnel, and successfully arrested Guo Xuemou, who wanted to escape over the wall.

He refused to explain in the interrogation room, but in the face of all the evidence, Guo Xuemou still confessed to the fact that he had committed the crime. As for the whereabouts of the cash, he said that it was all under the management of Guo Aimou.

Guo Aimou’s whereabouts are now unknown, and the whereabouts of his money are also unknown. The police continue to monitor his possible hiding place, but still found nothing.

Later, during the investigation of interpersonal relationships, the police learned that he had married a second wife, and the two had a close relationship. Maybe this wife Zan was an insider, so they transferred the breach to his wife.

Zan was at home and was taken back by the police for investigation on suspicion of cover-up. From her confession, the police learned that the cash was hidden next to the toilet in the yard, while Guo Aimou was hiding there in Dalian .

The police officers divided into two groups and dug a hole more than one meter deep in Zan's home. Finally, they found 1.1 million in cash. Guo Aimou also chose to surrender due to heavy pressure.

However, there was a huge difference between the money found and the lost cash. The police interrogated Guo Xuemou again, and he confessed that the remaining 2.9 million was placed in an abandoned house.

Now all the huge sum of 4 million has been recovered, and the criminal suspect has been arrested. However, in the face of such uneven distribution of the spoils, the police suspect that the key figures in the case may not have been identified yet.

But who is this person? After intensifying the interrogation, the police obtained new clues. The person who provided information about the huge sum of cash at home was one of Mr. Li's nephews, Cao.

Mr. Cao usually does not do his job properly and spends money lavishly. He recently got a new girlfriend. When he was extremely short of money, he came up with the idea of ​​​​this huge sum of money.

He took the initiative to find Guo Aimou and two people, told them the location and drew a sketch of the room, and asked them to steal it themselves. In order to create an alibi , he went to South Korea in advance to cover up others' eyes.

After Cao was arrested, Mr. Li was heartbroken when he knew the truth. He was usually very kind to his nephew, but he did not expect that he would eventually lead a wolf into the house and steal the money.

So far, a total of six suspects have been arrested in this case, including Zan's sister who was harboring Guo Aimou. Under the temptation of money, they embarked on a path of no return.

Tianwang is very careful and careful. Don't try to hide the crimes you have committed. Under the clear observation of the police, those who break the law will eventually face trial.

And if you think you take shortcuts, you will fall into an abyss of eternal destruction. Doing your job down-to-earth is more important than anything else.

This case also reminds everyone that they must take good care of their own finances and be vigilant to prevent them from being seen by interested people, otherwise it will be you who will be harmed in the end.

Source: Hall of Fame