China had its last emperor. As a vassal state of the Qing Empire, Vietnam imitated the Qing Empire in many places. Vietnam also had its last emperor, named Nguyen Phuc Ho, also called Nguyen Phuc Vinh Thuy. His reign name was Bao Dai, so he was also called Emperor Bao Dai.

China had its last emperor, Vietnam was a vassal state of the Qing Empire, and many places imitated the Qing Empire. Vietnam also had its last emperor, named Nguyen Phuc Ho, also called Nguyen Phuc Vinh Thuy. His reign name was Bao Dai, so he was also called Emperor Bao Dai.

Listen, Fu, Yong, Rui, Da are all good words for good luck. However, good words do not necessarily bring good luck. The fate of this Emperor Baoda was really rough. To be honest, he was not as good as Puyi, the last emperor of China.

In 1926, 13-year-old Bao Dai inherited the throne and became the last emperor of the Nguyen dynasty. When he came to power, Baoda went to France, the sovereign country, to learn advanced culture, preparing to imitate Japan's Meiji Emperor and also carry out a reform in Vietnam.

However, this child is too naive. Emperor Bao Dai is just a puppet of France. He even needs French approval to change a tire on his car. How can he talk about reform? Baoda, who had nothing to do, became depressed and indulged in hunting and playing cards all day long without caring about worldly affairs.

After playing chess, I don’t know how the world has changed. When I look up, I can see the stars moving. Since then, Vietnam has experienced great changes, with the Japanese driving away the French and then being driven away by the Allies, but Bao Dai has always been just a spectator. After the victory of the revolution led by Ho Chi Minh , Emperor Bao Dai had to announce his abdication:

I would rather be a citizen of a free country than the emperor of a slave country. Having said that, Ho Chi Minh did not dare to let him just be an ordinary citizen. Instead, he appointed Bao Dai as the "Supreme Advisor" of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and accompanied President Ho Chi Minh to inspect the country.

This was a good job, but Baoda felt that he was still just a pitiful pawn. Soon he ran to Chongqing to get Chiang Kai-shek's approval letter for entry, and went to Hong Kong to become a wealthy idler - an apartment.

But just one year later, the French colonists made a comeback, and Baoda put on the emperor's new clothes and made a grand appearance. He was exactly the same as Puyi back then, and he did not understand the general trend of the world at all. The great cause of restoration was short-lived. In 1955, Baoda went into exile in Paris, where he spent the rest of his life.

(Baoda and his French wife in his later years)

Until 1997, Emperor Baoda passed away and was buried in Passi Cemetery after his death. He was 84 years old. He never set foot in his motherland until his death, and ended up dying in a foreign land.