Ma Weikun, male, born in 1993, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He joined the public security work in 2018 and currently serves as a community police officer in the Overpass Police Office of the Mancheng North Street Police Station of the Jinfeng District Public Secur

Ma Weikun, male, born in 1993, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He joined the public security work in 2018 and currently serves as a community police officer at the Overpass Police Office of the Mancheng North Street Police Station of the Jinfeng District Public Security Bureau. In the three years since has been a police officer, he has worked in anti-grabbing and security positions within the station. In June 2020, he was transferred to the Overpass Community as a community police officer. In 2018, he was rated as an "Excellent Class Cadre" by the Police Training Corps of the Ningxia Public Security Department for his excellent new police training. In 2020, he was awarded an award by the Jinfeng District Public Security Bureau for his outstanding performance in fighting the new coronavirus epidemic. In 2021, he was reformed in the police stations of the district's public security organs. His outstanding performance at work was rated as the "Outstanding Community Police Officer in the District" by the Public Security Department. In June 2021, the Overpass Police Office he led was rated as the first batch of "Maple Bridge Police Officers on the Fortress" by the Jinfeng District Public Security Bureau due to its outstanding work performance. Office".

Diligence-oriented, active service and timely work to win the hearts of the people

Ma Weikun is based on his duties as a community police officer. In his daily work, he combined with the work content of the community police officer to sum up a unique "six-step" work method, that is, "walk, watch, and communicate , four management, five touch and six prevention", in order to achieve the purpose of familiar people, familiar places, familiar situations, clear base numbers, smart situations and smart information, and fully applied the "six-step" work method to the work, and achieved good results. Effectiveness. On September 16, 2021, the Overpass Police Office received calls from people claiming that their mobile phones were lost. After receiving the call, Ma Weikun led two auxiliary police officers to deal with it. By calling the surveillance camera, he recognized the man who had picked up the mobile phone at a glance. Then Ma Weikun took full advantage of familiarity with people, places and situations to quickly find the man in the jurisdiction. After conducting legal education on the man, the man returned the phone to the owner, and both parties expressed their sincere gratitude to Ma Weikun.

Meeting the needs of the masses, increasing the relationship between the police and the public, solving various "difficult" problems of the masses in a timely manner, and preventing ordinary civil disputes from being transformed into public security and criminal work because they cannot be resolved in time are the foundation of community police work. Ma Weikun insists on quick handling and early resolution in community work. Starting from the smallest unit and cell, he builds diversified mediation mechanisms such as "police office-community committee-judicial office" with "organic connection, coordination and linkage, efficiency and convenience" , many times jointly with community grid members and judicial offices to resolve conflicts and disputes in the community, controlling civil disputes in the bud, and winning the trust of the masses. On the morning of January 16, 2021, when Ma Weikun went home to rest after his shift, he discovered that there was a noise problem in a WeChat group of owners because their children were running and playing at home at 10 o'clock in the morning. Both owners cursed in the group. In order to avoid the further escalation of the conflict between the two parties and the negative impact, Ma Weikun gave up his rest time and took the initiative to chat through WeChat to comfort and mediate the two owners. He gave up his rest and immediately rushed from his home to the owner's community, and at the same time contacted the grid police and community comprehensive management. people go together. After more than an hour of mediation, both parties realized their mistakes, apologized to each other, and finally made peace with a smile and shook hands.

Since June 2020, the Overpass Police Office led by Ma Weikun has successfully resolved 12 conflicts and disputes through a diversified mediation mechanism, with a resolution rate of 90%.

Dare to think and do, reform and improve ideas to reduce cases

Facing the complicated community work, Ma Weikun once backed down, but his character of not being afraid of hardship and willing to endure hardship made him secretly make up his mind: "Either you don't do it, or you do it. Do a good job.” The overpass community is a special area where Alxa Plaza, Huining Plaza, Huameihui Parent-Child Plaza, Xinhualian Plaza and three stations including the railway station, high-speed rail station and West Bus Station are gathered together. The social situation is complex and social security control is difficult. Due to the large number and complexity of past tourists, there are accommodation registration problems such as "one person registering for multiple check-ins" and "using other people's ID cards to check in", which also breeds hidden dangers of illegal and criminal activities such as "pornography, gambling and drugs".In order to further improve the management and control capabilities of the hotel industry in the jurisdiction, strengthen anti-terrorism awareness, strengthen industry self-discipline, clarify work responsibilities, and reduce the occurrence of illegal and criminal activities, the Overpass Police Office actively changed its work ideas, innovated management models, and took multiple measures to ensure standardized hotel operations.

is organized online and offline to resolutely prevent "black hotels". Since most of the hotels in the area are apartment hotels, in order to avoid the appearance of "black hotels" operating without licenses in the apartment buildings, Ma Weikun led the grid police to conduct inspections of the rooms in the apartment buildings from time to time and set up a WeChat group for apartment residents, " By sending text messages "point-to-point", the rental rooms and personnel are registered and recorded. At the same time, through network software such as "Meituan" and "Ctrip", strange hotels and B&Bs whose addresses are marked with words such as "Xinhualian" and "Alxa" are checked. Prevent the occurrence of illegal and criminal cases caused by "black hotels" operating without licenses. Three levels of verification are connected to ensure the physical and mental safety of minors. In order to care for and protect the safety of minors, and to prevent and eliminate cases of violations of minors in hotels, the Overpass Police Office requires hotel operators who accept minors to check in, and must inform the minors to go to the hotel for identity verification first. The on-duty staff will contact the minor's parents to verify their parents' identity information, their personal identity information, their purpose of coming to the bank, and the reason for their stay. Only after obtaining their parents' consent and recording it can they go through the check-in procedures to fully protect the minors' personal safety. Safety.

Diligent knowledge, hard work, small points, big safety

Because the three stations are concentrated here, there are as many as 58 apartment hotels in the surrounding area, with a total of 1980 rooms and more than 2840 beds. The accommodation registration point is "one room with multiple registration points" ", face-to-face, door-to-door characteristics, competition for customers occurs from time to time, which greatly increases the difficulty of hotel management. "How to control it?" "How to do it?" Ma Weikun was in trouble for a while. Not giving in to difficulties, he read and studied a lot of laws and departmental regulations on hotel industry management, and innovatively formulated the hotel "Points Management Measures" system. The system consists of three major items, twelve minor items, and twenty-seven detailed rules. That is to say, a unified basic score is set for each hotel, focusing on the hotel certificate system, "four o'clock" information registration at the front desk, hotel accommodation supervision, hotel safety precautions, employee inspection, and assisting the public security organs in investigating and handling cases. The points standard provides detailed and unified requirements for hotels. In addition to investigating and handling corresponding incidents in accordance with laws and regulations, points will be added or subtracted for the corresponding hotels. The public security management status of the hotel will be displayed in real time with numbers. Targeted measures will be taken based on the hotel's score. management measures.

The implementation of the point system management not only effectively promoted the enthusiasm and initiative of hotel employees in the jurisdiction, but also gave birth to the "Safe Hotel" patrol team. The patrol team is composed of community police, grid police and people in the overpass community jurisdiction. It consists of more than 160 staff members in 58 hotels. The establishment of "Safe Hotel" not only effectively maintained the public security and stability of the society around the railway station, but also enhanced the enthusiasm and sense of honor of hotel employees in the area to participate in volunteer services. It has also been unanimously recognized and highly praised by passing tourists and residents of the area. . Since the implementation of the "Points System" + "Safe Hotel" patrol team, the hotels in the jurisdiction have proactively provided 15 suspicious clues to the public security organs, verified the information of 50 suspicious persons, participated in the patrol of more than 55 hotels with 420 people, and suspended 6 hotels for rectification within a time limit. 10 companies were rectified. At the same time, from January to November 2021, the police situation and cases in the overpass community have declined compared with 2019, which has further improved the sense of security, happiness, and satisfaction of the people in the jurisdiction.

The practical results of the "Safe Hotel" + "Small Points" system he innovated and successfully ran were not only recognized by the branch party committee, but were also used as a reference by brother units and published by the People's Public Security News for promotion nationwide. .

Ordinary "community" work is a powerful cornerstone for the public security organs to crack down on crimes and effectively carry out community management. If this cornerstone is not laid deeply and firmly, any public security work and social security management will be "helpless" and "half the result with twice the effort." .Community work does not highlight "achievement", but someone must do it patiently. Ma Weikun is a member of the "community police". He is ordinary but contains powerful and irreplaceable power, day after day, year after year. , always keep in mind the original intention of joining the police, always take "fewer crimes, good order, social stability, and people's satisfaction" as the highest goal, and fulfill their mission and solemn commitment with practical actions.

review | Xing Jing

editor | Xiao M

material source | Mancheng North Street Police Station