As a community policeman, he has a detailed understanding of various situations in his jurisdiction and has resolved many disputes and conflicts among the masses. He is a multi-talented policeman who not only does a good job in community work but also optimizes the work process,

As a community policeman, he has a detailed understanding of various situations in his jurisdiction and has resolved many disputes and conflicts among the people; he is a multi-talented policeman and does a good job in community work while also optimizing the work process, which not only improves work efficiency but also improves work efficiency. Convenient for the masses. Before retiring, he still remained true to his position and stayed true to his position. He was Lei Xingfu, a community policeman from the Xinyang Police Station of the Tinghu Branch of the Yancheng City Public Security Bureau. He cared about the masses and interpreted his purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly with persistence and enthusiasm. .

Observe the technical defense

Understand the situation

"The masses' affairs are their own affairs. No matter how small the masses' affairs are, they must help to deal with them." Lei Xingfu often warned himself like this. He believed that the masses gave the problem to themselves, which was their trust in themselves. . "One night last summer, I went to my neighbor's house to handle some minor matters. I thought I would be home soon, so I left the door unlocked. Unexpectedly, in just a short while, an uninvited guest came to the house. "What a thief, if Lei Xingfu, who was on patrol, hadn't discovered it in time, I don't know how much property would have been stolen from my home." Mr. Li is a resident in the area, and he is still a little scared when he recalls what happened that night. "When we people encounter difficulties, we will go to Lei Xingfu, which takes up a lot of time for him to spend time with his family and rest. Every time we go to trouble him, we feel embarrassed." Aunt Liu from the jurisdiction said about Lei Xingfu With her face full of gratitude, she said that Lei Xingfu did not care about the work in the area, and many villagers in the village often left their electric scooters and bicycles unlocked for convenience. Lei Xingfu would arrange for someone to do this when he found out. We will uniformly take care of and keep the vehicles so that the property of our villagers can be safely protected.

According to Rong Haidong, the deputy instructor of the station, Lei Xingfu is in charge of Weiyang Village within the jurisdiction of the Xinyang Street Police Station. In order to strengthen publicity and education on public security and improve the public security awareness and security skills of the people in the jurisdiction, he used traditional We have worked hard with the method of conducting door-to-door publicity to each household, talking to the people about prevention and safety through door-to-door visits, and targeted one-to-one publicity for special groups such as the elderly and middle-aged women living alone, and issued police and citizen contact cards. Tell them not to be greedy for petty gains, and to check the authenticity of calls and messages made in the name of staff of the "Public Security Bureau" and other departments, and to call the police when necessary to prevent their property from being defrauded; Lei Xingfu also visited bank branches, supermarkets, and ATMs Publicly post financial fraud prevention leaflets in public gathering places and key locations so that the public can “see, remember, and know how to prevent”.

"I don't have any earth-shattering things. All I do are trivial things. It's okay if I'm a little bit tired or a little bit tired. As long as I can help the people more and get their approval, I'll feel at ease." Lei Xingfu said this , does the same thing. There are many shops in the jurisdiction, and many business owners are resting indoors at noon. The shops are open and unattended, which gives criminals an opportunity to take advantage of them and steal the goods easily. After Lei Xingfu carefully observed and studied repeatedly, and with the strong support of the masses, he organized veteran cadres and minimum living security personnel, and implemented fixed positions and responsibilities for patrol team members. This not only strengthened the patrol team, but also strengthened the performance appraisal system. In order to increase the sense of responsibility and work quality of the security team, unite the security of various units, strengthen patrols at noon and night every day, install video surveillance, focus on guarding in some special areas, and let the people in the jurisdiction conduct self-examination and self-correction. Through long-term patrol monitoring and severe crackdowns, community patrol work has achieved good results without leakage or loss of control. (Wang Dengke, Wu Jian, Wang Cheng)