Routine 1: In social reality, the deceptions of professional liars keep pace with the times, and their tricks are constantly updated, making it difficult for people to detect them. "There is also a way to thief." Scammers are protected by a protective umbrella. Although they have

Routine 1:

In social reality, the deceptions of professional scammers keep pace with the times, and their tricks are constantly updated, making it difficult for people to detect them. "There is also a way to thief." Scammers are protected by a protective umbrella. Although they have harmed society for a long time and exposed many clues, due to the role of the protective umbrella, they can succeed repeatedly and stay safe. When the victim woke up in shock and wanted to seek compensation from the scammer, the scammer had already evaporated and fled with the money, leaving the victim in tears. The case of Li Xiang, the owner of Henan Meiyijia Express Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Meiyijia Company), who set up a trap to defraud and misappropriate huge assets of Mr. Ji Yongjun is such a typical example.

Picture: Mr. Ji Yongjun’s complaint letter to the news media.

Recently, many people who were deceived reported to reporters that Li Xiang, the owner of IKEA, deceived them miserably by using the tactics of "investment dividends" and "mutual benefit and win-win" franchises. Among them was an investor named Ji Yongjun. He said that he was so devastated by Li Xiang that he even had thoughts of death. He strongly implored reporters to report.

Picture: Li Xiang, Chairman of Henan Meiyijia Express Hotel Management Co., Ltd.

Mr. Ji told reporters: "Li Xiang is from Nancheng, Henan. He has no education or background, but he is slippery and eloquent. His deceptions are hard to guard against. People who have no special awareness of precautions, I simply can’t stand the temptation of Li Xiang. Li Xiang can make people fall into his trap unknowingly. I fell into his trap unknowingly under his deception.

In 2007, I was introduced by someone. , I met Li Xiang. I didn’t have much contact with him at first. Later, after he learned about my financial situation, I was secretly targeted by him.

"Starting from 2009, Li Xiang." He tried to trick me many times with the idea of ​​'high profits and quick returns'. Under his deception, I invested more than 10 million yuan in several branches (stores) of IKEA in Xinmi, Gongyi and Zhengzhou, which he actually controlled. In order to induce me to invest more funds in him, Li Xiang gave me some symbolic dividends at first, but later he stopped giving me any dividends.

Picture: Mr. Ji Yongjun’s agreement and equity certificate with IKEA.

Since I didn’t pay dividends or pay accounts for a long time, I asked Li Xiang the reason, and he made up lies and excuses to fool me. Later, I noticed something was wrong, so I went to the branches where I had invested and made in-depth inquiries. As a result, I found that Li Xiang had transferred and sold the seven branches that I and others had invested in. Our assets were illegally seized and all taken away.

Picture: The boss Li Xiang took advantage of his position to transfer and sell off some of the facades (hotels) of the IKEA branch after all the funds were taken away from the shareholders.

When I went to the Huaihe Road branch in Zhengzhou where I had invested to inquire about the situation, Li Xiang secretly ordered his relatives to beat me up. I looked for Li Xiang, but he had disappeared long ago. No matter how I called his phone number, I couldn't reach him. Having suffered heavy losses, I am angry and anxious. Recently, I have had thoughts of committing suicide again and again, and I really want to die. I really didn’t expect that Li Xiang, a liar, could be so immoral and bad!”

In order to have a deeper understanding of the relevant situation, under the guidance of Mr. Ji and insiders, the reporter drove to Henan Meikea Company in Xinmi, Gongyi, Seven branches in Mengzhou, Xinxiang, Xingyang, Zhengzhou Huaihe Road and Tongbai Road were investigated, and the results were exactly the same as what Mr. Ji and other insiders reported.

In order to understand the situation reported by Mr. Ji from multiple aspects, according to Mr. Ji and other insiders. The mobile phone number used by Li Xiang was provided, but the reporter could not get through at all. Li Xiang had evaporated without a trace.

Mr. Ji told the reporter: "In the beginning, Li Xiang used his three inches. He had a sharp tongue and tried his best to encourage me to invest in Henan IKEA Express Hotel Management Co., Ltd. He made up many reasons and cases to explain to me the most "ideal" investment in IKEA. What ideal? It turns out to be bullshit ‘Li Xiang’! A deceptive ‘Li Xiang’.

Mr. Ji made a rough calculation with his fingers and told the reporter: "Because Li Xiang set up a trap to deceive people, my investment and dividend losses have reached more than 20 million yuan. Li Xiang deliberately used it for the purpose of illegal possession." They set up a trap of investing in stocks to trick me into investing a huge amount of money, and then took advantage of my position to misappropriate all my funds, and then played the game of evaporation. I had no choice but to file a complaint with the relevant departments, but their protective umbrella used various excuses to make things difficult for me!" Mr.

Mr. Ji told reporters that he and his friends who were deceived must recover their investment and losses from Li Xiang. I can't find it. They will never give up if they cannot dig out Li Xiang's protection and recover their losses.

During the interview, a deceiver told reporters two jingles about Li Xiang's misdeeds and scams, which made the reporter feel. Quite deep, lost in thought. The deceived person said: "Li Xiang is really a coward. He kills people without using a knife. He uses investment dividends as bait to deceive people into a trap. "Li Xiang, Li Xiang is really bad. He is the number one villain in the Central Plains." He who makes a career out of deceiving people is a scourge to society. "

During the interview, an unnamed insider reported to reporters that the reason why Li Xiang dared to break the law and commit crimes, and dared to take advantage of his position to take huge amounts of other people's funds for himself, was because of the strong protection behind him. Inseparable.

Insiders also told reporters that this Li Xiang is very deceitful and clever. He knows that taking advantage of his position to embezzle huge amounts of other people's assets is a serious crime, and he evades the law in order to prevent accidents. Li Xiang usually pays great attention to buying and cultivating protective umbrellas among government officials, especially among public security officers. Li Xiang understands that if something happens, someone will protect him, either openly or covertly, to allow him to escape legal investigation. Therefore, Li wanted to take advantage of his position to embezzle and take away huge amounts of property from many people, which constituted a serious criminal offense and should be investigated and punished by law. However, under the covert protection of his umbrella, he escaped justice. How could he be safe and at large for a long time?

Based on the factual evidence provided by Mr. Ji and other victims, the reporter asked several celebrities in the legal field to judge Li Xiang's illegal actions. They all agreed: As long as the evidence is conclusive, Li Xiang has been suspected of official embezzlement. and contract fraud, he will be sentenced to a severe sentence after trial.

Recently, Mr. Ji Yongjun contacted the reporter again. He once again reflected and stated that Li Xiang took advantage of his position to misappropriate his huge assets, which put him in financial trouble. The extreme predicament makes him miserable. He will take up legal weapons to protect his legitimate rights and interests. He will accuse Li Xiang of illegal and criminal acts and is determined to recover his huge losses.

Mr. Ji also told reporters that he would. He also wants to complain to more news media and is determined to dig out Li Xiang's backers and protectors. He asked reporters to report on Li Xiang's illegal crimes while taking advantage of his position, and also to investigate the illegal acts of Li Xiang's protectors. Conduct in-depth reporting.

Mr. Ji Yongjun also strongly requested reporters to follow up on the criminal cases he filed against Li Xiang.

At the request of Mr. Ji and many people who were deceived, reporters will continue to follow up on Li Xiang and others. We will conduct more in-depth follow-up investigations into the transfer, sale and related situations of the Meijia Company and its branches that are secretly controlled by relatives, and report them in a timely manner to deeply expose the truth and widely warn the world.

(Reporter of this website: Zhang Kechaowu). Reported by Xi Jun and Ma Junyong)

Picture: Mr. Ji Yongjun’s solemn statement

Reprinted from: Sohu account:

Routine 2:

At the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017, Li Xiang promoted the achievements of Zhengzhou Cultural Building on Renrentou Internet crowdfunding platform. Hotel equity crowdfunding project, said the total investment of the project is 12 million yuan, divided into 480 shares, 25,000 yuan per share. He invested 2.4 million yuan himself, accounting for 30% of the shares (including 10% management shares); to the whole country. Investors from all over the country raised 9.6 million yuan, accounting for 70% of the shares. In January and March of 2017, the A and B bids for the project financing were released respectively (each bid was 6 million yuan,国产), and the financing was successful.

Meiyijia Li Xiang promised to ensure that the annualized income will not be less than 18% when Renren invests and finances. The project can be repurchased and exited in various ways. The contract also stipulates that if the hotel does not open within 6 months, it will also be charged (1+ 20%) repurchase, investors exit.

However, after Shuoguo’s financing was successful, after Li Xiang received investors’ money from Renren Investment, he delayed opening the business for various reasons, and did not disclose the project information and progress to investors and shareholders as stipulated in the contract. Various reasons and means are used to deceive investors.

On August 29, Li asked everyone to exchange the shares of Shuoguo to two other old and loss-making hotels. He also threatened everyone: If there is no replacement and the project party is required to buy back and exit, the company will face unprecedented pressure and even lead to a crisis in the enterprise, and the achievements will no longer exist (meaning that investors will have nothing)! At the same time, he also promised that when Shuoguo opens, everyone can return to Shuoguo. He also falsified the operating data of the two hotels, etc., to trick investors into switching to other stores (there are 5 people in Shuoguo B, including me). never participated in the replacement).

Later, some investors discovered that before Li Xiang proposed the replacement, Li Xiang had sold the Shuoguo Hotel without everyone’s knowledge. The Shuoguo Hotel also made industrial and commercial changes as early as August 2, 2017. Industrial and commercial information shows: Li Xiang has withdrawn from Shuoguo, and Shuoguo has changed hands! So far, investors have neither received shares in Shuoguo Hotel, nor have their investment funds gone! Investors have repeatedly requested Li Xiang to return their investment funds, but to no avail. The Shuoguo Hotel also opened successfully in November 2017. The majority of Shuoguo shareholders who were defrauded of the replacement were extremely angry and demanded a refund from Li Xiang and compensation for losses.

However, what everyone is waiting for is not Li Xiang’s refund, but a bigger crisis!

At 7 pm on December 18, 2017, Li Xiang suddenly announced that his capital chain was broken and the company might go bankrupt! It was said that the original debtor, who had two investments in the past, had a debt of 90 million. The creditor applied to Zhengzhou City Court to freeze the accounts, real estate, etc. Bad news. Since December 18, 2017, Li Xiang has not appeared again. The replaced store cannot operate normally at all, or is about to close down, due to many reasons such as dilapidation, continuous losses, and heavy foreign debts! Investors who were defrauded of the replacement not only failed to obtain income, but may also be burdened with the debt of the old store! For investors like me who are unwilling to exchange, they have been indifferent and have no explanation.

Judging from the financing, deception, and sales operations of Shuoguo Hotel, combined with Li Xiang’s financing of 44.5 million yuan for multiple projects in Renren Investment, we have reason to believe that Li Xiang’s purpose in Renren Investment and Financing is to Illegal possession and misappropriation to fill one's own capital hole is not really used for the development of the company's corresponding projects. According to relevant legal provisions, concealing the truth and using financing funds other than for project development, and illegally occupying and misappropriating them for other purposes is fraud.

comes from: Real investors reveal