A few years ago, Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, applied to UNESCO to become a city of gastronomy. It’s true that Taipei is the most famous tourist destination on the island, but a lot of food comes from Tainan, Taiwan’s oldest city. The kitchens here are all makeshift, and cheap

A few years ago, Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, applied to UNESCO to become a city of gastronomy. It’s true that Taipei is the most famous tourist destination on the island, but a lot of food comes from Tainan, Taiwan’s oldest city. The kitchens here are all makeshift, and cheap food, especially seafood, is the king of cuisine.

Eat Taiwan ● Danzi noodles are eaten all over Taiwan

This delicacy is as important to Taiwanese food culture as Bruce Lee is to Chinese Kung Fu. It is made with oil noodles as the main ingredient, paired with meat floss and fresh shrimps, and a small amount of noodle soup.

Danzi noodles means "Hongshang's shoulder noodles". It was invented by a fisherman, Hong Taro, in 1895. At that time, he often carried a bamboo pole in front of the Shuixiangong Temple in Tainan City to sell noodles to make a living.

Hong Yatou’s legacy is two stores founded by his family. Among them, "Du Xiaoyue" has become one of the most famous chain restaurants in Taiwan. At the same time, "Hong Taro Danzi Noodles" is considered the most authentic local dish.

Eat Taiwan ● Eat shrimp rolls all over Taiwan

This is the quarrel between Taiwan and Japanese tempura, except that the shrimps in the shrimp rolls are wrapped in tofu pads, filled with green onions and other spices, and then fried. The most famous shop is called "Zhou's Shrimp Roll", which was founded in 1965.

Eat Taiwan ● Eat bowl cakes all over Taiwan

The local salty eight-treasure porridge is called "Wa Gui", which is a bowl cake, which is mixed with duck egg yolk, mushrooms, pork and shrimp. This eight-treasure porridge is made from rice milk and mixed with soy sauce and sesame oil to give it a light brown color.

Eat in Taiwan ● Eat oyster omelet in Taiwan

The ingredients for oyster omelet are sweet potato starch, oysters, eggs and lettuce, with some minced bean sprouts added, and finally wrapped in a layer of sweet brown sugar sauce.

"Castle Oyster Omelette" was established in 1958. Its owners claim that their ancestors invented this famous delicacy.

Eat in Taiwan ● Coffin boards are eaten in Taiwan

Invented in the 1940s, the coffin board is Taiwanese’s counterpoint to Western bread bowls. This delicacy consists of a smorgasbord of seafood, pork, mushrooms, peas and carrots wrapped in a slice of extra-thick toast. It got its name from its coffin-like shape.

The coffin boards of "Anping Guiji" are famous for their crunchy and delicious taste. Of course, there are also bite-size mini versions.

Eat in Taiwan● Braised noodles are eaten all over Taiwan

Braised noodles are a kind of salt water noodle soup in a thick corn starch broth. Boiled with fungus slices, egg white and pork.

Eat in Taiwan ● Eat pig's trotter rice all over Taiwan

After the pig's trotters are marinated in the aromatic soybean herb soup, and placed on a large spoon of rice, the delicious pig's trotters rice is completed. Some restaurants will serve it with braised tofu, eggs and lots of bamboo shoots.

Eat Taiwan●Eat eel noodles all over Taiwan

Although eel noodles can be found all over the island, they are especially famous in the south. Most restaurants use farmed eel. They are cooked and stir-fried separately, which gives them a crispy exterior. After seasoning with black vinegar and soy sauce, add broth and cook together with noodles and fungus.

Eat Taiwan●Eat turkey rice all over Taiwan

Shredded turkey rice has never been so delicious. The poultry is so tender and delicious thanks to hours of careful cooking. The rice is infused with lighter fluid.

"Roubo Turkey Rice" has a history of 70 years, and the price per bowl is less than 7 yuan.

Eat Taiwan●Duck Soup Pot Eat All Over Taiwan

The broth contains pork bones, garlic, dry-fried sole, etc., and the cabbage will be cooked until it dissolves in the soup. The duck is first poached and brine, then simmered in broth over charcoal for three hours while more ingredients are added.

Eat in Taiwan ●Eat eight treasures shaved ice soup in Taiwan

Shaved ice is a very popular dessert in Taiwan. Although it comes in different forms, there is a shop in Tainan that has the traditional flavor and the real one has "eight treasures", including glutinous rice balls, red beans, mung beans and peanut. A hot bowl of sweet broth is especially delicious in the winter.

Eat in Taiwan ● Mackerel is eaten in Taiwan

Mackerel is a very popular fish in Tainan and can be bought in any market. Peak season for this fish is late summer to early fall.The most common and best way to try mackerel is sautéed with lemon.

Eat Taiwan ● Zongzi is eaten all over Taiwan

This is a staple food during the Dragon Boat Festival across the country and is also a common breakfast. But it is said that Tainan’s rice dumplings taste better, they are chewy and juicy. There are two options: meat rice dumplings and vegetable rice dumplings, which are best eaten with sweet sauce and peanut crumbs.

Eat Taiwan ● Eat white tapioca milk tea all over Taiwan

Boba milk tea was invented in Taiwan, but its detailed origin remains to be studied. Some say it originated from the Chun Shui Tang Teahouse in Taichung, while others insist it comes from Tainan.

A competitor in Tainan is the "Hanlin Tea House", established in 1986 by tea expert Tu Zonghe. Tu Zonghe originally used white tapioca, which explains why bubble milk tea is often referred to as pearl milk tea.

Eat in Taiwan ● Squid soup is eaten in Taiwan

Squid soup is a common side dish in Tainan. Although they can be found everywhere, there are still some that are more unique.

The squid soup of "Floating Flower Branch Soup" is covered with a layer of minced milkfish and flour, and is seasoned with a small poke of coriander and shredded bamboo shoots.

Eat Taiwan ● Tofu pudding is eaten all over Taiwan

Taiwanese tofu pudding is topped with a layer of sweet sauce, usually with brown sugar, mung beans and taro, and crushed ice in summer. The bean curd of "Anping Liangfen" is relatively famous. Another shop is called "Xiu'an Biandan Douhua". It started as a shaved ice shop and later became a douhua shop.

Eat in Taiwan ● Eat meatballs in Taiwan

Meatballs are a kind of sticky translucent meatballs, and people are full of praise for their super delicious taste. The main ingredients of this giant dumpling are pork, mushrooms and bamboo shoots, served with sweet sticky sauce, and some restaurants will add coriander to color it.

There is always a long queue at the door of "Wumiao Meatballs", a 40-year-old restaurant.

Eat Taiwan ● Milkfish is eaten all over Taiwan

Milkfish is the most popular food in Taiwan. It is so popular that Anping District has its own museum selling milkfish popsicles. "Chikan Danzai Noodles" includes fried boneless fish with a small amount of citrus, as well as milkfish ball soup.

Eat in Taiwan ● Eat braised pork rice all over Taiwan

This kind of braised pork rice puts the meat that has been stewed for several hours on the rice, and sprinkles a little coriander. The fatty meat can also be delicious.

Note: The above information comes from the hearts of girls on the Internet

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