To be able to meet a leader who teaches everything when he is young, to be able to enter a promising industry and a rising company, to have a leader who allows himself to try and make mistakes... In contrast, Su Mingyu's two brothers are slightly different. Unfortunately, graduat

In the finale of " is good ", everyone is discussing how to reconcile with the original family. Only the editor is secretly poking at and envying Su Mingyu's good job.

When you are young, you can meet a leader who teaches you everything, you can enter an industry and a rising company with money and , and you can have a leader who allows you to try and make mistakes... Is Su Mingyu spending all his money? It took a lifetime of luck to get such a bright and splendid career? In contrast, Su Mingyu's two brothers are in a slightly worse situation. They graduated from prestigious schools but can only rely on "Mr. Ming" to solve work problems.

The workplace is like this. As long as you have the ability, your background is not that important. Su Mingyu can achieve such results not only because Bole is reliable, but also because of her hard work. Among them, insisting on reading in is a shortcut. The big bookshelf at Su Mingyu's home is one of the reasons why she can stand out in the workplace.

In this issue, the editor will recommend 30 good CITIC books to everyone. Of course, there are no skills in these books that will make you fly into the sky, but they can definitely become a stepping stone for your career and even your life.

Economics and Management

"Principles" "Debt Crisis"

Rui Dalio

Everyone longs for a counterattack in life, but few people can achieve sustainable development.

After his first bankruptcy when he was young and frivolous, Ray Dalio spent many years and developed more than 500 principles of his own. Under these principles, he established a debt cycle model and successfully predicted the 2008 financial crisis. When others were losing money so much that they went to the rooftops, those who followed Dalio could not only eat meat and drink a lot, but even have the privilege of shouting loudly.

After resigning from Bridgewater Associates which manages US$150 billion in assets, Ray Dalio decided to reveal the secret of his success. Why don’t you quickly find a small book and copy it down, just in case you find a place to paste it one day? What's up?

"Cycle" " The most important thing in investing "

Howard Marks by

What is a cycle? To put it bluntly, means that where there is a beginning, there is an end, and when it ends, there is a new beginning. The principle of

sounds simple and easy to understand, but in actual operation, the gap between people is always much larger than the gap between people. This is why even big guys like and Buffett need to often learn from Howard Marks.

The advantage of Howard Marks is that he has been writing memos for half of his life. He later compiled these memos into a book called "The Most Important Thing in Investing." Although it is the most important thing, there are actually 18 things mentioned in it (it feels like the teacher has listed the entire book as key points during exam week). In "Cycles", Howard Marks focuses on the concept of cycles and explains many cycles.

"Poor Charlie's Almanac"

by Charlie Munger

The aura of successful people and the suffering of losers are two things that easily attract people's attention, but they are useless. because success cannot be copied, and suffering will not be reduced because of sympathy.

Everyone has seen the passage from failure to success and tried to find shortcuts. But Charlie Munger did not study the upward channel like everyone else, but studied the downward channel, and then he discovered that the mistakes people made are actually more or less the same.

If you make a mistake, you will fall into a pit. If you never make a mistake, over time, you will naturally be much better than others. This is Charlie Munger’s philosophy of survival.

"Small Island Economics"

Written by Peter Schiff

Have you seen " A Good Show" directed by Huang Bo? That movie perfectly explains what "Island Economics" is.

Why do some people work hard all their lives and fish constantly, but they can barely have enough food and clothing? Some people have no crops and no crops, but they can live in fine clothes and fine food? From the rich to the impoverished, the story of wealth distribution is clearly explained by a fish ticket .

Why is the world so complicated? Because it’s such a simple scam that everyone can spot it.

"The Inescapable Economic Cycle"

by Russ Tweed

Why are opportunities important?

Because if you are in the right year and want to start a career, and you happen to encounter the upturn of economic cycle and , then naturally you can have a car and a car, and have fun with your family, even if you drink and talk and blame Fang Qiu. . , but if you encounter a downhill road, is still immature when it comes out. If you fall into the ditch all of a sudden, it will be difficult to fly again.

The problem is that we cannot choose which cycle we are in. But if you master the economic cycle and understand the mountains before walking, you can pay less IQ tax. If we can't escape the economic cycle, then we will go with the flow, may be a good way out.

"Black Swan"

by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The so-called black swan event , is that I never thought of , but what follows is not "la la la la", but - Ahhhhhh . Whether it was 9·11 or Titanic , no one thought that something like that would happen on that sunny day...

However, black swan events do exist in all areas of life, you It cannot be predicted or avoided. But when it hits you on the head, don't stay there, because with the flutter, there may be beautiful accidents, just like Jack and "Shredded Pork".

" 1st Century Capital "

Thomas Piketty by

Recently, the entire office has reached a consensus on the matter of getting rich - silently replacing the mobile phone case with "getting rich". Why is everyone so eager to get rich suddenly? It’s not because of poverty. When have you seen ? Wang Sicong’s dream is to become rich.

Why do we feel poor? Don’t doubt that you are selling badly, we are really getting poorer. If your salary increases by 300, then prices will increase by 300%, and the wealth of the rich will accumulate 128 times as much as yours. (Although this sounds a bit exaggerated, I know your salary has not increased at all)

The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. This is the reality this book tells us. As for the solution, the author gives a solution-tax the rich. (Rich man:???)

"The Great Game"

by John S. Gordon

It is a recognized fact that there are no good people on Wall Street. The so-called industry norms and policies of are just tricks used by big liars to guard against the troubles caused by small liars.

On the road to upgrading from an ordinary snack street to an Internet celebrity street, Wall Street has done a lot of things. The financiers here dare to take money from the president's pocket, the judges here dare to eat the plaintiff and the defendant, and the people here dare to use 1 billion to buy 100 billion worth of goods, and the country still has to protect him. How much does a group of liars like

have anything to do with the word great? In fact, Wall Street has always believed that greed makes America great. If there weren’t so many scammers, how could Wall Street have so much money? If there weren’t so much money, what would the United States use to achieve KPIs?

" Xue Zhaofeng Lecture Notes on Economics "

Xue Zhaofeng writes

Economist, Internet celebrity, treasure boy, sexy... there are many popular tags.

tearing apart these tags, we found that if you want to get started with economics in , Professor Xue Zhaofeng is a good choice. He explained many complex economic issues clearly through examples. Different from falling asleep every time listening to theory in class, with Professor Xue, you can at least read the interesting examples before falling asleep.

But when you want to sleep, you will find that the principle is in the story. The story is over, and the principle is now understood.

Wu Xiaobo Enterprise Series

Wu Xiaobo

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, everyone’s life has experienced tremendous changes - Did people who were born 40 years ago never expect that they would be 40 years old? (Manual here@post-80s, please line up to be sad after 90)

So, what have our companies experienced in ? In Wu Xiaobo's "Agitation Series", we saw the development path of Chinese enterprises from reform and opening up to the market. In the 40 years since entering the market, Chinese companies, like those born in the 1980s, have experienced passion, joy, shouting, pain and grief, and have reached their forties.

Social Sciences and Humanities

"A Brief History Trilogy"

Written by Ray Dalio

( "Hey, why did you appear again?" "I'm not the only one who reappeared. Which book here has not reappeared?" "Okay, okay, it's all our fault for being too good." "Perfect")

Yuval Harari is good at scaring people. A sentence like "Humanity is about to become waste" scared the editor a lot, but later, the editor The editor realized, what is about to happen, isn’t it the past? Then the whole person let go happily.

Yuval said, humans dominate the earth because of their outstanding storytelling ability. In the past, we told stories about myths, religions, and countries, but now, our stories can’t be told anymore...

Penguin History of Europe

Written by Mark Greengrass

This set of books is very advanced, just look at the author I know, they are all top academics from Oxford, Cambridge, and Princeton. They gathered together just to empty our wallets and restore a real European world in .

Europe is undoubtedly a vested interest in the current world. Although they have lost their leadership of the world for some time, they still live a good life relying on the savings of their ancestors. They still need to work hard for a car and a house. We are different.

This series is relatively ambitious. It is a comprehensive review of Europe by famous scholars. There are nine books in total. Currently, has published five, six, seventy-eight, and has left those teachers who have delayed the draft. Count down to five. Let them send the blades.

"Six Hundred Years of the Ottoman Empire"

Patrick Balfour by

The mighty Central Asian men have always traveled around the world on horseback, reaching the westernmost tip of Asia, and decided to build a country for fun. This play of has six hundred years of the Ottoman Empire. The first three hundred years were glorious, "seeing him build tall buildings and watching him entertain guests"; the next three hundred years were depressing, "seeing his buildings collapse."

When European countries stepped onto the stage of history, Osman, the aging and incompetent sick man of West Asia, finally died, leaving a riddled mess behind him.

"Second-hand Time"

by S.A. Alexeevich

In an instant, everything suddenly became vulgar...

When the Soviets were struggling for their dreams, they suddenly changed their names and divided their territories. , Russia belongs to Russia, and other regions also belong to each other. It was as if the world had changed in an instant.

Those things that were once defined as life no longer exist, and all happiness has gone away. When the word meaning loses its meaning, there are still people looking for hope. Sadly, for the poor, has changed the world, but the world has not changed. The so-called hope of is just a new round of sowing in spring.

"Glory and Dream"

by William Manchester

The United States is a country without history, but they are very brilliant now, so brilliant that they do ridiculous things. (There is a kind of attitude that if you have money, you can do whatever you want, so angry)

This book reviews the 40 years of history from Roosevelt President came to power to Watergate incident . These 40 years happened to be the era of creating brilliance.The author of wrote interestingly, "When Truman walked up the steps, you could hear the sound of his two testicles colliding." is also very emotional. "So we turned the ship around, went against the trend of the times, and continued to move forward." Go past."

" The Temperature of History "

Written by Zhang Wei

Compared with the previous serious history books, "The Temperature of History" makes people see more humanity. It is easy for serious history to have an indifferent face that does not allow strangers to enter. However, in those detailed stories, we can always find more than one face of history.

For example, everyone knows the photo "The Hungry Sudan", in which a waiting eagle squats behind a dying child. The photo won the Pulitzer Prize , but the public did not know that the child had been protected, and pointed at the photographer, forcing him to commit suicide.

"The pain of life far outweighs the joy" . When the "human nature" of history is exposed to us, this warm world will be more meaningful to us.

"The Book of Life" "The Book of Death"

Written by Sherwin B. Nuland

Life and death, at both ends of life, support the heaven and earth of this world for us.

What kind of faces do life and death have? In the writing of Yale University Professor Sherwin Nuland, we see the radiance of life and the helplessness of death. The organs, tissues and systems that make up our lives are no different from stones, but now they function in the most exquisite way. Death gives life completeness.

We are busy living and dying, and we are not treating life decently. Get the tissues ready and follow Sherwin Nuland to experience a wonderful journey of life.

"Gene Biography" + " Cancer Biography"

Siddhartha Mukherjee

In order to understand life, some people go to God and some people go to science.

Starting from Mendel ’s pea experiment, humans began to explore themselves. Over the years, we have made progress, and some people have even tried to modify genes to "change their lives." However, we still face many problems.

Technology has developed, but cancer is not idle either. On the road of evolution, everyone has his or her own abilities. After understanding the reality and existing problems of medicine, where should we go? This uncontrollable problem of is worthy of our deep thought.


"A Movie Dream in Ten Years: The Biography of Ang Lee"

by Zhang Jingbei

" In life, I am the forbearing Yu Xiulian, but in my heart, I am the willful Yu Jiaolong. " Li An describes himself this way .

Whenever Ang Lee is mentioned, everyone says he is great. When it comes to his career, he is forbearing and would rather take care of his children at home than to wear off his talents in any job; when it comes to love, his wife will never leave her, so he will be responsible to the end.

Ang Lee himself said: "When I couldn't compete with fate, I stayed in the film industry shamelessly and continued to work in this industry. When the time came, I stepped forward, that's all. "

We want to start from success People look for the secret to success, but all they see is that they take life seriously.

" Steve Jobs Biography "

Walter Isaacson by

"My scumbag dad Steve Jobs", Steve Jobs's daughter can certainly describe her father like this, because that is the fact.

Great people are never perfect, but the way Jobs changed the world was through the pursuit of perfection. The path that Steve Jobs took is different from the path that most people take. Many of us go to great lengths to always try to be number one within the framework. and Steve Jobs's pleasure was to create a framework by himself and achieve a level that no one else could catch up with.

What did Steve Jobs change? In addition to people shouting and buying new and apple , he also made people understand what is the real way to change the world.


Alice Schroeder

When Buffett was a child, he played a snowballing game, and he was obsessed with it. Later, he changed the snowball in his hand into money.

There are many reasons for Buffett's success. The opportunity part of is left to us to envy, but the hard part is worth learning - he has been interested in numbers since he was a child and continues to learn. Of course, his ability to save so much money is even related to the length of his life - more than 90% of his money was accumulated after he was in his 50s.

For many people, the first step in learning Buffett is to find the right "snowball" in their hands.

" Chu Shijian's Biography of "

Zhou Hua

Chu Shijian The legend of Mr. Chu Shijian has come to an end! The ups and downs in his life are worthy of his goal of " living a life without mediocrity".

The reason why Mr. Chu was able to live his life in despair every time was because he took life very lightly. No matter what situation he is in, he is always down-to-earth, never complains, and is never idle. He did "chucheng" not because he had a big dream, but because he wanted to find something to do. There is no perfect entrepreneur in this biography of , there is just a real person.