> Hello everyone, I am Shen Ruiyun, a health care physician. I am very happy to join the popular science doctor team of "Medical Knowledge Kangaroo". If you have any questions about parenting, you can

Hello everyone, I am Shen Ruiyun, a health care physician. I am very happy to join the popular science doctor team of "Jjkkczj" (jjkkczj). If you have questions about parenting, you can follow "Jizhi Kangaroo" and consult me.

Infants and young children have imperfect immune systems and poor resistance. They are easily affected by external factors and become sick. This not only affects their growth and development, but can also cause disability or life-threatening illness in severe cases. Therefore, vaccination is very necessary.

New parents often have many questions about vaccination: For example, which vaccine should be used when? What should I pay attention to when getting vaccinated? Under what circumstances should you not be vaccinated...

April 25 is National Vaccination Day. Taking this opportunity, I will introduce to you in detail: the specific time and precautions for vaccinating your baby.

Vaccines are divided into Category I and Category II

Category I vaccine : , also known as "vaccines specified in the immunization plan", refers to vaccines that the government provides to citizens free of charge and citizens should be vaccinated in accordance with government regulations.

mainly includes: hepatitis B vaccine, BCG vaccine, polio vaccine , diphtheria-tetanus pertussis vaccine, measles-mumps vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine , meningitis vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine , and in key areas Hemorrhagic fever vaccine, anthrax vaccine and leptospirosis vaccine are administered to key groups.

Category II vaccine: , also known as "vaccines outside the immunization plan", are other vaccines that citizens pay for and receive voluntarily. But this does not mean that second-category vaccines are not important. If conditions permit, children should also be vaccinated. Because the second-category vaccine is a supplement to the first-category vaccine, the diseases it targets have a high incidence rate and are very harmful. The more vaccinations you get, the more protection your child will have.

So at what age should a baby get vaccinated? On December 29, 2016, the National Health and Family Planning Commission released the "National Immunization Program Child Immunization Procedures and Instructions (2016 Edition)" , which clarified the vaccination time of a class of vaccines. You can refer to the following figure to understand:

National Immunization Program Vaccine Childhood Immunization Schedule (2016 Edition)

Can’t understand something? Don’t worry, here is a detailed introduction to you: the role of each vaccine and the precautions for vaccination.

The functions of different vaccines and precautions for vaccination

1, Hepatitis B vaccine:

Disease prevention: Hepatitis B

Vaccination time: Hepatitis B vaccine usually requires 3 vaccinations. The first dose is usually within 24 hours after the baby is born, depending on the location Vaccination is given at the delivery hospital. The second dose is given at 1 month of age, and the third dose is given at 6 months of age. The vaccination dates for the second and third shots can be later, but not earlier.


1) can be used with other vaccines, but they must be injected at different sites.

2) Babies with allergies, severe eczema, immunocompromised, fever or serious diseases are prohibited from vaccination.

3) Critically ill newborns, such as extremely low birth weight infants, severe birth defects, severe asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome, etc., should be vaccinated after their vital signs stabilize. However, if it is a premature infant or a low-birth-weight infant born to a mother with hepatitis B, the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine should be vaccinated as soon as possible within 24 hours after birth. After the baby is one month old, complete 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine according to the 0, 1, and 6 month procedure.

4) If the baby fails to be vaccinated on time due to some reasons, he should be re-vaccinated as soon as possible to make up for the unvaccinated doses. When reseeding, the interval between the first and second doses of should be ≥28 days , and the interval between the second and third doses of should be ≥60 days .

5) Some babies will develop moderate to low fever or slight pain at the injection site after receiving the hepatitis B vaccine, but the reaction is generally mild and disappears within 24 hours. Parents only need to take appropriate symptomatic treatment.

2, card vaccine:

disease prevention: tuberculosis

vaccination time: only needs to be vaccinated once, and healthy newborns need to be vaccinated as soon as possible within 24 hours after birth. From 2 to 4 weeks after vaccination, redness, swelling and hardening will appear at the vaccination site, which will gradually soften from the center to form small white pustules.The pustules rupture and form scabs, which fall off and leave scars, which are what we call scars. This process is a normal reaction and usually takes about 8 to 12 weeks.


1) Infants with immunodeficiency diseases (such as hyperimmune globulin E syndrome), low immune function caused by malignant diseases such as tumors, leukemia, etc., and infants treated with immunosuppressants such as adrenocortical hormones should be contraindicated in vaccination. .

2) If the vaccine is not received in time, the baby can be revaccinated directly within 3 months. Babies aged 3 months to 4 years old need to undergo a PPD test. Only if the test is negative can they be vaccinated. Children older than 4 years old do not need to be vaccinated.

3) Babies who have been vaccinated with BCG do not need to be revaccinated even if they do not have BCG.

4) When the abscess ruptures, do not squeeze the pus; avoid the baby picking the scab with his hands. The scab should be allowed to fall off on its own to avoid local infection.

5) When cervical, supraclavicular or subaxillary lymph node enlargement occurs on the same side as the vaccination site, if the diameter of the enlargement exceeds 10 mm and does not improve after treatment, you should promptly go to the district or county tuberculosis prevention and control center for treatment.

3, polio vaccine:

preventable diseases: polio. Poliomyelitis, also known as poliomyelitis, is a highly contagious and highly disabling disease. Babies often have sequelae such as unilateral or bilateral lower limb muscle atrophy and lameness after the onset of the disease. Some children may even die as a result. .

Vaccination time: Since May 1, 2016, most areas across the country have switched to an immunization schedule of 1 dose of IPV + 3 doses of bOPV. IPV refers to the injected polio inactivated vaccine, and bOPV refers to the oral bivalent polio live attenuated vaccine (drops). Among them, IPV should be vaccinated at 2 months of age, and the other three doses of bOPV should be vaccinated at 3 months of age, 4 months of age, and 4 years of age respectively.


1) Have primary immunodeficiency, thymic disease, symptomatic HIV infection or low CD4 T cell count, malignant tumors receiving chemotherapy, recent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and are using immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory effects Children who are taking drugs (such as high-dose systemic corticosteroids, alkylating agents, anti-metabolite drugs, etc.) and who are currently or have recently received immune cell-targeted radiotherapy should be fully vaccinated against IPV.

2) If the baby has already taken the "sugar pill vaccine" 1 to 3 times, he can take the drops on time later; if the baby takes the drops for the first dose and has not been vaccinated with inactivated polio vaccine or trivalent polio vaccine, he needs to be vaccinated again. 1 dose of IPV.

4, Pertussis Broken vaccine:

Disease prevention: Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus

Vaccination time: requires a total of 4 vaccinations, at the age of 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, and 18 months. Vaccination once.


1) Babies with central nervous system diseases, such as encephalopathy, epilepsy, or previous medical conditions, or allergies cannot be vaccinated;

2) Some babies will have systemic reactions such as low fever and fatigue within 24 hours of vaccination. ; Individual children may suffer from diarrhea, eczema, urticaria and other reactions. For these situations, parents only need to take symptomatic treatment, such as taking antipyretics for fever, antidiarrheal medicine for diarrhea, etc., and at the same time let the baby rest properly, and it will usually disappear within 2 to 3 days.

3) Redness, swelling, pain, and induration at the vaccination site are also the most common adverse reactions of vaccination with DPT vaccine. Parents can use a clean towel to apply moist heat to promote the disappearance of the induration. However, if the local redness, swelling and induration are large and last for a long time, you should go to the hospital for treatment.

5, Leprosy vaccine :

Disease prevention: Measles and rubella

Vaccination time: Vaccination once when the baby is 8 months old.


1) If the baby has been injected with immunoglobulin , he should be vaccinated against leprosy at an interval of ≥3 months. Immune globulin should be avoided within 2 weeks after vaccination with leprosy vaccine.

2) Leprosy vaccine is very safe and there are usually no local reactions at the vaccination site.However, within 6 to 10 days after vaccination, a small number of babies may develop transient fever and scattered rashes, which can resolve on their own within 2 days and generally do not require special treatment.

6, Measles, mumps vaccine:

Prevention of diseases: Measles, mumps, rubella

Vaccination time: It is usually vaccinated when the baby is one and a half years old. Once the MMR vaccine is successfully immunized, the protection induced is long-term and may be lifelong.


1) After vaccination with MMR vaccine, the most common adverse reaction is a short-term burning sensation and stinging at the injection site, so the baby may appear a little irritable. Some babies may develop fever and rash within 5 to 12 days after vaccination.

2) Like the leprosy vaccine, if the baby has been injected with immune globulin, the vaccine should be given at least 3 months apart. Immune globulin should be avoided within 2 weeks after vaccination with MMR vaccine.

7, Japanese encephalitis live attenuated vaccine/inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine:

preventive diseases: Japanese encephalitis. There are two types: live attenuated vaccines and inactivated vaccines. Among them, the live attenuated vaccine is free , and the inactivated vaccine is paid . However, inactivated vaccines are safer than live attenuated vaccines.

vaccination time: Japanese encephalitis live attenuated vaccine needs to be vaccinated twice, once at 8 months of age and once at 2 years old. The Japanese encephalitis inactivated vaccine needs to be vaccinated 4 times, 2 times at 8 months of age, and the two doses should be given 7 to 10 days apart; 2 and 6 years old should receive one dose each.


1) Fever, acute infectious diseases, otitis media, heart, kidney and liver diseases, active tuberculosis, those with a history of allergies or convulsions, those with immune system deficiencies, and babies who have recently or are undergoing immunosuppressive treatment cannot Vaccination.

2) There is generally no reaction after injection. A few babies have local redness and swelling at the vaccination site, and occasionally have fever and allergic rash, but this can be relieved on their own.

3) cannot be injected at the same time as the triple vaccine against typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever A and B.

4) If the baby has been injected with immune globulin, the vaccine should be given at least 3 months apart.

8, A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine :

Preventive diseases: Epidemic meningococcal meningitis

Vaccination time: needs to be vaccinated twice, once at 6 months of age and once at 9 months of age.


1) The interval between two vaccinations of group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine should be ≥ 3 months.

2) Babies with epilepsy, convulsions, brain diseases, allergies, kidney disease, heart disease, active tuberculosis and other diseases, acute infectious diseases and fever cannot be vaccinated.

3) After vaccination, a very small number of babies may experience mild reactions such as short-term low-grade fever and slight local tenderness. However, these symptoms can resolve on their own, so parents do not need to worry too much.

9, Meningococcal group A and group C polysaccharide vaccine :

prevents diseases: Infectious diseases caused by group A and group C meningococci, such as cerebrospinal meningitis, etc.

vaccination time: requires 2 vaccinations, one dose each at 3 years old and 6 years old.


The interval between two vaccinations should be ≥ 3 years. For other vaccination precautions, please refer to Meningococcal Group A Polysaccharide Vaccine.

10, live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine/inactivated hepatitis A vaccine :

disease prevention: hepatitis A. Like Japanese encephalitis vaccine, it is divided into live attenuated vaccine and inactivated vaccine. Live attenuated vaccine is free, and inactivated vaccine is charged.

Vaccination time: Live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine only needs to be vaccinated once when the baby is 1 and a half years old, inactivated hepatitis A vaccine needs to be vaccinated twice, when the baby is 1 and a half years old and 2 years old respectively.


1) Not everyone is suitable for hepatitis A vaccine. Babies with allergies, immune deficiencies, or acute infectious diseases or other serious diseases cannot be vaccinated.

2) After receiving the hepatitis A vaccine, the probability of children having adverse reactions such as fever is 4%, but parents do not need to panic.Because these symptoms can relieve themselves within 3 days, no special treatment is needed. Symptomatic treatment can be carried out if necessary.

3) For those who are vaccinated for the first time, they should stay on site for half an hour after the injection to prevent immediate allergic reactions. If there are abnormal reactions or delayed allergic reactions within 72 hours after returning home, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Finally, I would like to remind parents that the above is the childhood immunization schedule of the National Immunization Program. Each province, autonomous region, and municipality can implement the immunization schedule specified by the province, autonomous region, and municipality.

The author Shen Ruiyun is a doctor at the Beijing Children's Hospital Health Center and a member of the Medical Kangaroo Popular Science Doctors. He has extensive experience in infant and young child nutrition and health care, vaccinations, newborn health care, children's intellectual development assessment and early education, early screening for childhood autism, and common diseases. He has rich clinical experience in prevention and treatment.

If your baby has the above problems, you can follow Medical Knowledge Kangaroo WeChat public account (jjkkczj), click on the menu "Expert Appointment Consultation" , consult Dr. Shen Ruiyun.