Hi, I’m Luo Wei. Let’s continue our journey of fashion and dressing. Be beautiful and never get lost. It’s funny to think about it. Just like fat people envy thin people, flat-chested people envy big breasts, but big breasts regard them as a burden. We can find our own shortcomin

Text: Luo Wei

Hi, I am Luo Wei, continue our journey of fashion and dressing, become beautiful and never get lost. ▼

How to have both sexy and advanced ? How do plump, big-breasted girls balance "tawdry and high-end"? Are you confused about this outfit?

Yesterday, when a girl asked me about this question with a distressed look on her face, I was shocked. She has a plump but bumpy figure, smooth skin and firm muscles. She has a really good figure. I don’t know how many girls want to have the good body they dream of at all costs.

It’s funny to think about it. Just like fat people envy thin people, flat-chested people envy big breasts, but big breasts regard them as a burden. We can find our own shortcomings no matter what. How can there be a perfect body in the world?

Is the model in good shape? It's flat, flat, and thin, and I guess you'll feel uncomfortable with it. However, under the influence of the current aesthetic pursuit of extreme thinness, dressing for a skinny figure does appear to be high-end.

However, big breasts and plump figure is an extremely feminine body type, and it is easy to create a sexy, romantic and charming dressing style. But there is a fatal flaw: how to grasp the sense of proportion between "sexy and advanced" and , because if you don't pay attention, it will look gaudy and not advanced.

Therefore, in view of the characteristics of big breasts and plump figures, Luo Wei specially "cooked" a targeted dressing guidance plan to cleverly help you resolve the gaudy and wear your own high-end sense.

The main contents of this issue include:

✿ Establish an aesthetic sense of plump and domineering and confident clothing

✿ Reject the gaudy feeling

✿ Improve the sense of luxury through dressing skills

Establish an aesthetic consciousness of plump and domineering and confident clothing

Oddly enough, is confident has nothing to do with appearance or figure. In our eyes, those girls with good looks and good figures must be very confident, right? Because they seem to have no flaws and are perfect.

may not actually be the case! Girls who look perfect on the outside may have extremely low self-esteem and low self-confidence on the inside. They are timid and fearful at heart. They always feel that what they do is not good enough or perfect enough, and their psychological quality is extremely poor.

Just like the girl who asked me about my outfit at the beginning, she regards big breasts as her shortcomings and always tries to cover them up because she is afraid of being embarrassed or not high-end enough.

This is a sign of lack of confidence!

Therefore, no matter what you look like, what your figure is, whether you are tall, short, fat or thin, please build your inner self-confidence system. Admit your shortcomings openly and accept all your perfections and imperfections. Use the methods of to maximize the strengths and avoid the weaknesses of to form your own aesthetic consciousness.

So, what is the aesthetic awareness of big breasts and plump figures? Domineering!

"I just have a good figure, and I just want to show it to you!" You must have such a confident and domineering courage, show your charm and sexiness openly, and tell others confidently: I am so charming; I am So sexy; I am so charming.

I’m very sexy and high-class, but you can’t afford to mess with her! such as Zhang Yuqi .

Zhang Yuqi has a bold personality, plump figure and exquisite appearance. She exudes a confident and domineering charm, that kind of "I am who I am" and no one dares to offend her.

Why do you want girls with plump figures to be domineering? Because this type of figure is the favorite type of most men, if you don't have confidence and domineering to support it, it can easily cause unnecessary trouble, and these are not what we want to see.

Girls, please remember one thing: must live as advanced as , do you understand? Women who do not depend on anyone, are independent-minded and have a strong heart are more likely to be happy. You must first think highly of yourself before you can be respected by others.

Refuse to be gaudy.

Girls with big breasts and plump figures will appear vulgar and lose their value when they encounter special silhouettes, materials, and patterns when wearing clothes, and they can easily fall into the misunderstanding of not being sophisticated enough.

Leather pants, black stockings, and high heels are all gaudy representative items, and they must not be worn all over the body at the same time. This type of item is easily misunderstood and does not appear high-end at all.

tights + black stockings , the most commonly worn tight-fitting suspenders in summer. Do not wear them with black stockings. It looks very tacky and difficult to achieve the desired sense of luxury. Be sure to avoid it.

There are also those clothes that are overly decorated, such as sequins, lace, lace, bliingbliing and sparkling items that look very cheap. Don’t touch , don’t touch, don’t touch !

Improve the sense of luxury through dressing skills

People with large breasts and plump figures will look a little fat and have a relatively large sense of volume, and at the same time their figures are obviously curvy. Therefore, you can follow the following points when dressing:

★ Keep the overall color, style, and pattern simple.

The simpler, the more advanced it is. Reject any complicated designs in the selection of single products, especially those that are overly decorated on the chest. , such as lace, wrinkles, etc. should not appear, everything should be simple.

↑Zhang Yuqi’s personal clothing matching is mainly simple. A white T-shirt, black pants and canvas shoes can be easily worn to look casual and comfortable.

↑A black and white polka dot shirt and shorts, a simple and elegant combination, has a perfect figure in itself, can easily wear a retro atmosphere, and also looks a lot more elegant.

★ Collar type is very important

We have shared the knowledge about collar type before. Different collar types have different modification effects on the face shape and chest. Girls with plump breasts can choose a collar with a large neckline, which will make them look slimmer.

Large V-necks and large U-necks expose the collarbone and chest skin, which will weaken the fullness of the breasts and make them look very thin.

Collar types such as small turtlenecks and high collars will only make the chest fuller. This type of collar type is suitable for flat-chested figures.

In Zhang Yuqi’s pairing of a black short top with jeans, the large lace neckline is in line with her temperament. It also achieves the effect of slimming down and weakening the breasts. The slightly exposed waist looks both sexy and fashionable. . ♥

★ Clothes should be slim-fitting, not tight-fitting

For those with plump breasts, slim-fitting is more important than tight-fitting. Although there is a difference in one word, there is a world of difference. No matter what kind of clothes you wear, they should not be tight, but should be fit and slim .

Liu Yan's red T-shirt and jeans are matched very well. The special design not only highlights the advantages of her figure but does not lose the air and class. ♥

Like the BM style that is popular this year, there are also some loose and casual shirts that are suitable for busty figures. Paired with a slit skirt, it is both charming and fashionable.

★ Add neutral and handsome style items or elements

Generally speaking, a figure with plump breasts is more feminine, and the figure is curvy, which makes it look too gentle in terms of style. If you add some neutral and handsome items to mix and match, you will have another chic and elegant feeling.

For example, Zhang Yuqi’s white T-shirt and denim overalls are the casual and comfortable style that is currently popular. Overalls make you look younger and more handsome, giving you a playful and youthful look. ♥

You can also pair a black T-shirt with leopard print suspenders to give it a casual and fashionable look with cool street style. Compared with gentle femininity, it adds completely different coolness and leisure.

In fact, for girls with plump figures, you have an advantage. You can wear gentle and feminine styles, and you can also wear neutral and chic styles. You only need to pay attention to balancing the sense of proportion between and gaudy . Wear something high-end.

Ok, the above is the dressing plan for big breasts and plump figures shared today. Is it helpful to you? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

I am Luo Wei. I regard image management as a lifelong lesson. I use a beautiful image and a beautiful mood to welcome the blooming of every day in my life.

I not only share outfits, but also hope to help you establish your own inner aesthetic system and spiritual nourishment system. Only by cultivating both internal and external aspects can you be beautiful for a long time!

If you are confused, you can send a private message. Welcome to leave a message for discussion. On the road to becoming beautiful, we will grow together and become stronger together!

#Celebrity Style Comment Competition#