Yu Nan worked really hard for beauty. She wore a strapless long tube top dress, but surprisingly it didn't look vulgar. However, Yu Nan's style is not something ordinary people can control. She is wearing a black skirt that is charming and alluring when viewed from the front.

Off-the-shoulder outfits can be said to be popular throughout the summer. Whether it is a dress or a delicate top, off-shoulder designs can be seen everywhere . It is definitely the most correct way to dress up in summer and autumn.

’s fair skin and delicate shoulder and neck lines make anyone who walks by want to take a second look. Although the off-the-shoulder outfit perfectly combines coolness and fashion, it is not just a casual choice.

If it does not meet your body shape, will expose your body shortcomings. Do you really know how to wear the popular off-the-shoulder dress? You must understand these points!

If you want to wear an off-the-shoulder outfit to show your temperament, try not to fumble by yourself. can learn from female celebrities’ off-the-shoulder outfits. , for example, Yu Nan’s ’s off-shoulder outfit is worth learning from.

Yu Nan really worked hard to be beautiful. She wore a strapless tube top dress, but surprisingly it didn't look vulgar. However, Yu Nan's style is not something ordinary people can control. She is wearing a charming black skirt and is very sultry when viewed from the front.

Regular styles: One-shoulder strapless

One-shoulder design is relatively common in strapless outfits. The delicate lines of add a sense of design and extension to the shoulders, which really makes it look eye-catching.

And the advantage of one-shoulder is that can change the size of the opening according to the characteristics of each person's body , which plays a more personalized modification role.

's tight-fitting and wide one-shoulder single product will look more sexy and charming, and the convex and convex lines of 's figure will definitely be unforgettable. The loose version of will make the lazy and casual charm come out, and it will be relatively less picky.

  • Recommended styles: Chicken-heart tube top

The higher the frequency of one-shoulder appearances, the greater the chance that will clash with others when going out, so it is better to play some new tricks. You can use a tube top style instead of one shoulder, which will look much fresher.

But this does not solve the problem of bumping shirts. With the help of , the smooth neckline is replaced by a sweetheart neckline . The unique wavy tube top design instantly makes the overall shape look much more lively.

’s elegant and generous dress instantly adds a playful and age-reducing feeling. In addition, this style can highlight the fullness and three-dimensionality of the chest line, making it extremely sexy.

Regular styles: cut-sleeves and off-shoulders

In fact, many middle-aged women usually prefer cut-off sleeves when choosing off-the-shoulder styles. Because this design does not have too strong a sense of exposure, is still within their acceptance range.

And for girls with broad shoulders, chopping sleeves can visually cover up the problem of shoulder width , thus making the entire person's frame look lighter.

But I have to say that the item with cut sleeves looks too conservative. If is paired with dark colors, it will be too lackluster. The cut-off sleeves and off-the-shoulder style can be said to be a style that you can’t go wrong with, but it also won’t stand out. It’s quite average, so you should choose carefully.

  • recommended style: sloping shoulder irregular design

For those girls who are more introverted and conservative, editor specially recommends a more acceptable off-shoulder design , which uses asymmetrical shoulder straps to create a slanted look. Shoulder feeling.

Therefore, half of the shoulders of are covered, while the other half of the shoulders are exposed. , there is no need to worry about the risk of exposure. And with the irregular contrast, the overall shape will look more innovative. Every detail of the settings of

is beyond everyone’s expectations. Girls with shoulder width can rest assured, this style is perfect for you, you can wear it beautifully no matter how you wear it.

Regular style: tube top dress

Finally, when it comes to off-the-shoulder clothing, I believe that the first item that pops into everyone's mind is basically a tube top dress , because it is so popular with female stars.

But you must know that it is actually difficult to find a suitable place for a tube top dress in daily wear. is often more suitable for attending some formal occasions , and the overall style also tends to be elegant and high-end.

So you can change your thinking. It is better to replace the dress with a more refined everyday style . It will be simpler and lighter to wear, and there will be more matching possibilities in the outfit.

  • Recommended styles: Tube tops

With the popularity of girl group style, people are increasingly focusing on the tube tops , which not only combines all the advantages of off-the-shoulder tops, but also can easily unlock more Kind of wearing method.

Owning a tube top solves the dressing problem for a week. Bold and avant-garde girls can directly use a tube top to match jeans or overalls , showing a cool and cool sense of style.

If you want to use layering to create a layered look, can be paired with a sweater or a suit. can be paired with any jacket to create a sense of harmony. It is really versatile.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing off-shoulder clothing?

  • Style depends on shoulder shape

In fact, what kind of off-shoulder clothing you choose depends on not only the fashion trend at the time, but also pay attention to matching your own shoulder shape, otherwise your body defects will be clearly displayed. .

Girls with very good shoulder and neck lines can choose at will. The more exposed the tube tops and one-line shoulders, the better. But girls with broad shoulders are different.

Choose off-shoulder styles that cover the width of your shoulders, such as wide suspenders, sloping shoulders, etc. Girls with narrow shoulders need to use contrast to highlight shoulder width, so items with thin shoulder straps are most suitable.

  • Black is more advanced

If you want to say which color is the most elegant and advanced among all the off-shoulder outfits, the answer is definitely black. On the one hand, the simple sense of black itself makes the shape show a low-key gorgeousness. can catch everyone's attention even without too many decorations.

On the other hand, the skin-exposing design of the shoulders neck also eliminates the shortcomings of black color. In contrast, the white and smooth skin is highlighted, making it eye-catching like a gorgeous and beautiful princess.

But it should be noted that the off-shoulder style of is best paired with an accessory. The bright gloss of can also make black exude a different kind of brilliance.

If you don’t want to be a part of the comparison between the seller’s show and the buyer’s show, you must know how to choose the right off-the-shoulder outfit. Otherwise, not only will it not be fashionable, but it will look particularly lackluster. There are still many choices for strapless styles, such as tube tops, halter necks, suspenders, and one-shoulder styles. They can not only meet your daily needs, but also make you shine in the workplace. Walking on the street also has a fatal effect. attraction. Therefore, summer and autumn’s thoughtful dress-off-the-shoulder dress not only shows coolness, but also sexiness and luxury. Hurry up and prepare one!