Whip Bullsman reported that on June 20, under the joint guidance of the Social Construction Committee of the National People's Congress, the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, the China Care for the Next Generation Working Committee, the Comprehensive Management Bureau of the Cen

Whip Niu Shi reported that on June 20, under the joint guidance of the Social Construction Committee of the National People's Congress, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation , China Care for the Next Generation Working Committee, the Comprehensive Management Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, and the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, China Network The Federation of Social Organizations and the Office of the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation jointly held the "2022 Minors Internet Protection Seminar" in Beijing with the theme of "Work hard to write a new chapter in E-road and protect the future together". During the

seminar, the typical case exhibition of "2022· Artificial Intelligence for Children" was launched. This activity is based on the 2021 "Artificial Intelligence for Children Project" of the China Federation of Network Society Organizations and United Nations Children's Fund and is jointly carried out by the China Federation of Network Society Organizations, Communication University of China , and Guangming.com .

Among them, Tencent Health's maternal and child health management technology solution based on the "WeChat Electronic Health Card Open Platform" was selected as a typical case of "2022 Artificial Intelligence for Children". From risk control during pregnancy, to children's full life cycle health management, to protecting children's health during the epidemic, this plan not only allows children to receive more efficient health care, allows parents to pay more attention to their children's growth more conveniently, but also expands new opportunities for family health management. Crowd scenes. This is after last year’s Tencent Youtu “Content Security Solution for Minors” and “OCR Intelligent Education Solution”, and the “artificial intelligence-based content recommendation and health care system” of Little Penguin Paradise APP were selected as typical cases. "Artificial Intelligence for Children - Research Report on Artificial Intelligence Applications for Children", product solutions from and Tencent were once again selected for the "Artificial Intelligence for Children" typical case collection activity.

Picture: Tencent Health launches a maternal and child health management technology solution based on the WeChat electronic health card open platform

Using electronic health cards as a link to improve the quality of children’s lives

A report from the international authoritative medical journal "The Lancet" shows that China has made great progress in women's health in the past 70 years. Great achievements have been made in the fields of reproductive, maternal and infant, child and adolescent health. The core indicators of maternal and child health continue to improve. The maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate have dropped from 1500/100,000 and 200‰ respectively before 1949 to 16.9/100,000 in 2020. 100,000 and 5.4‰. At the same time, the "National Health and Health Commission's Implementation Plan for Implementing the Outline for the Development of Women and Children in China from 2021 to 2030" issued by the National Health Commission pointed out that entering a new stage of development, the health theme of the majority of women and children has expanded from keeping the bottom line of life safety to comprehensive Health promotes development, the demand for newborn safety and child health care has further increased, and maternal and child health work is facing new challenges. Improving the quality of children's lives has become the next important goal for the development of women and children in our country. Based on the digital capabilities of the WeChat electronic health card open platform, Tencent Health has launched children's full life cycle health management capabilities from maternal management to newborn health.

"Pregnancy management" is the key to building the foundation for children's innate health. The personalized intervention engine for maternity and childbirth created by the WeChat electronic health card open platform allows pregnant women to upload physical examination reports, discharge records, medical records and other medical examination reports, allowing AI to analyze the fetal position, amniotic fluid depth , the age of the pregnant woman, and whether the mother is of advanced age. , which drugs are allergic to other related information, form a portrait of pregnant women, and automatically intervene in pregnancy management. For example, when it is detected that a pregnant woman has poor weight control or poor eating habits, the system will promptly push information to remind the pregnant woman to pay attention to diet and exercise, so as to reduce the obesity problem in children after birth.

Picture: Electronic health card (code) can help pregnant women carry out personalized intelligent pregnancy management

At the same time, through the "one card connection" between hospitals and pregnant women, pregnant women can obtain pre-marital, pre-pregnancy and pregnancy health education that is more suitable for their own conditions, as well as pregnancy It provides services such as test reminders and intelligent pregnancy risk assessment. If you encounter any problems during pregnancy, you can also get online consultation and guidance. For example, when suddenly frightened in the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women can also take the initiative to ask for precautions through AI intelligent questions and answers to reduce the occurrence of children with "cleft lip and palate".

Health management in the early stages of life is the key to the "accumulation" of children's acquired health.In addition to reducing innate health risks, parents can also pay attention to the growth and development of their children after birth through the electronic health card (code). By uploading the child's growth curve formed by the child's height, weight, age and other information, it can help parents pay attention to the child's development. , in order to adjust the nutrition plan in time; in addition, the planned immunization function module of the electronic health card (code) allows parents to customize children's vaccination reminders and make online vaccination appointments. After the vaccination is completed, the vaccination records can also be checked, and parents You can also inquire about comprehensive vaccine knowledge, as well as popular science content such as precautions before and after vaccination.

Picture: Parents can intelligently manage children's growth and development through electronic health cards (codes)

The "epidemic" has posed new challenges to children's health management. During the COVID-19 outbreak, in order to reduce crowds in the hospital, the hospital adopted the " health card three-color code" online appointment and offline scan code admission program. Parents can help children achieve non-contact medical treatment, which not only avoids crowded queues but also reduces waiting times. time, simplify the medical treatment process, and also reduce the risk of nosocomial infection. In addition, in response to the demand for normalized nucleic acid testing, parents can also help children apply for and present the health code on their mobile phones to complete identification during offline nucleic acid sampling.

Picture: Parents present their children with electronic health codes to register nucleic acid testing information

Three application scenarios: pregnancy risk control, children's full life cycle health management, and epidemic protection of children's health, connect children's full life cycle health management needs, and provide children with healthy management It provides a brand-new smart solution. At the same time, it is also an open platform for WeChat electronic health cards, oriented to the three major scenarios of medical care, health, and public health, and further expands the needs of segmented groups.

Open up full-cycle health management and bring new health experiences to Chinese families.

Currently, the WeChat electronic health card open platform has been connected to more than 2,400 hospitals in 21 provincial administrative regions across the country, including many specialized hospitals for women and children. Guangzhou Women and Children's Center is one of them.

As one of the first medical institutions to implement electronic health cards (codes) in Guangzhou, Guangzhou Women and Children's Center has issued more than 1.46 million cards (codes), and the total number of electronic health cards (codes) has been used more than 8.86 million times; Electronic Health The card (code) has covered the entire process of medical treatment in the hospital, bringing a new medical experience to the vast number of medical people, including women and children.

Through the electronic health card (code), pregnant women, parents of children and general medical patients can not only complete operations such as checking in, making appointments for medical examinations, paying fees, printing inspection reports and outpatient electronic invoices; at the same time, through the electronic health card (Code)'s AI pre-consultation and other artificial intelligence technologies improve the efficiency of doctor-patient communication, make consultation more accurate, and truly realize the "one code connection" throughout the entire process of medical treatment before, during and after diagnosis.

At the same time, the WeChat electronic health card open platform is being implemented in more maternal and child specialties and general hospitals across the country, bringing full-cycle health management applications from medical treatment to health, in-hospital to out-of-hospital, to children and pregnant women.

Picture: WeChat makes it easy to apply for and use electronic health cards (codes)

Children’s health is the health of all people. The technical capabilities of the "WeChat Electronic Health Card Open Platform" are making electronic health cards a link to help my country transform from "treatment-centered" to "health-centered", allowing children to have a higher quality of life and making medical services more accessible to all. Well, at the same time, through in-depth coverage of the three major scenarios of "medical treatment, health, and public health", it will help build a healthy China fast lane.