Australia is a highly developed capitalist country with the highest hourly wages in the world. It is also recognized worldwide as a pleasant living environment, so it attracts many Chinese to immigrate and work in Australia.

Australia is a highly developed capitalist country with the highest hourly wage in the world. It is also recognized as a pleasant living environment in the world, so it attracts many Chinese to immigrate and work in Australia. Dandan has many friends who have immigrated to Australia for many years and are still working in Australia during the epidemic because they cannot return home.

Australia’s minimum hourly wage standard is 19.47/h (≈97.35rmb/h). Anyone below this standard is considered an illegal worker. For working holiday visa holders, 15% tax will be deducted for every dollar of income below 37,500 Australian dollars , and 32.5% tax will be deducted for every dollar exceeding 37,500 Australian dollars. As for the higher deduction, I have not studied it.

How much is the hourly wage in Australia?

On the premise of holding a legal work permit, the salary standards for working in Australia are as follows (the current exchange rate is 1 Australian dollar = 4.84 yuan):

As a chef in a German restaurant, the hourly salary is 24.36 knives/h from Monday to Friday, and 29.24 knives/h on weekends. h;

Supermarket cashier in remote areas, 27.83 knives/h from Monday to Friday, 1.5 times on weekends, double on holidays;

Farm packer, 24.36 knives/h, 27.28 knives/h after 20:30 in the evening;

Farm picking piece rate (Such as blueberries, etc.), 3.5-4.5 dollars per kilogram, and 170-230 dollars per day under normal circumstances;

Farm fruit picking, 19 dollars/h-24.36 dollars/h

Farm pest and disease monitoring positions, 28.28 dollars /h;

For massages in regular massage parlors, the daily minimum wage is about 130 yuan;

From the recent recruitment information collected by Dandan, you can know that the hourly salary can basically exceed 100 yuan an hour.

How can I go to Australia to work?

So far, there are two countries that have opened working holiday visas to China, namely New Zealand and Australia. Due to the problem of labor shortage and local Australians prefer office work, Australian welders, auto repair workers and Work such as farm picking has always been in relatively short supply, so almost 80% of these jobs in Australia are done by overseas workers.

There are several ways to work in Australia:

① Apply for an Australian work-study student visa. The advantage is that the threshold is relatively low. The disadvantage is that the cheapest school will cost at least 45,000 to 50,000 yuan to register through an agency in the early stage. This fee It generally includes insurance and three months' tuition. You don't have to go to class, but you will be asked to hand in homework. For the exam, you need to find an agency and pay someone to take the exam on your behalf.

If it were you, would you be willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars?

② After entering the country with a tourist visa, you can apply for a bridging visa. The advantage is that the threshold is low. The bridging visa means that you can apply for a refugee visa in Australia, but if you cannot get this visa, you will always be in a bridging status, which is called a bridging visa. It costs RMB 80,000-100,000 to apply for a bridging visa through an intermediary. The initial cost is very high. This method is not recommended as it is easy to be defrauded by rogue intermediaries.

Nowadays, many jobs require a visa and a tax number. Working on a bridging visa is considered illegal work. You have no legal status to work in Australia. Salaries can only be paid in cash. There is no social security or medical insurance, and you can only earn 15 per hour. Knife/h-19 knives/h, very not worth it.

③ Employer-sponsored work permit is a very safe and secure way. The disadvantage is that the threshold is relatively high, the initial cost is tens of thousands, IELTS is required, and some occupations also require a career assessment.

④ Apply for a working holiday visa. This is the most recommended way to work. The initial cost is acceptable to most people, and the threshold is not that high. The disadvantage is that there is an age limit. People over 31 years old cannot apply. The academic qualifications must be at least a college degree. The IELTS test must reach 5 points. Bank statements are required and the balance is at least 30,000, but it is not required to be frozen. The cost of applying for a visa, the IELTS test, and the physical examination can all be handled in just over 10,000 yuan.

You can work for one year with one visa application, and you can get up to three visas, which means you can work for three years.

Dandan has been researching this for half a year. When he was about to apply for a visa, he encountered the epidemic. During this period, he met many friends who went to work in Australia and took a detour. They did not make any money and were in a lot of trouble. So Dandan would like to remind everyone. A few points:

① To get a legal status to work in Australia, it is absolutely possible for you to earn 200,000 a year. It is true that many powerful friends can earn 400,000 a year. With a legal work status, you can apply for Australian social security, medical insurance, and tax ID, making it easier to find a job.

② When exchanging currency, buying air tickets, or buying insurance, it is recommended to stay away from online payments. You must buy through official channels. Don’t be greedy for cheap, as it is easy to suffer big losses.

③ There is no labor dispatch method for working in Australia In the past, if an agency used the name of labor dispatch, it would either end up charging a high price for the employer to guarantee a guaranteed work permit, or it would be a scam, so don't believe it.

④ The consumption level in Australia is not low. One of the secrets to saving money is to save on living costs, do more homework before going abroad, and avoid wasting money on the way to work, which is not worth the gain.

I hope that after reading the above content, you will have a general understanding of Australian migrant workers ~