If you are a domestic worker, you may have friends who come to Australia after applying for a work visa to seek a position that suits you. According to a report by the Australian media SkyNews, new data from the Australian Technology Council found that compared with other local i

If you are a domestic student, some students may choose to stay in Australia to work and seek good opportunities after they come to Australia to study. If you are a domestic worker, you may have friends who come to Australia after applying for a work visa and seek opportunities. A position that suits you.

However, recently, for international students studying computer and Internet majors, and friends with technology work experience, your salary in Australia may have increased to a certain extent.

According to a report by the Australian media SkyNews, new data from the Australian Technology Council found that compared with other local industries in Australia, the salary of employees in the technology industry is being equalized, and the pay inequality between men and women is narrowing to a large extent. , cultural inclusiveness is constantly improving.

Among them, the city represented by Melbourne is about to become a new "tech city", with about 190,000 people engaged in the technology industry.

In this regard, Kate Pounder, CEO of the Australian Technology Council, said, "This is a very good choice for women who want to work in this industry."

"The gender pay gap between men and women in the technology industry is very small, and it is also flexible among various industries. The highest proportion of work. It creates really interesting work and allows people to solve interesting problems while working. "

Not only that, Kate also said that during the epidemic, companies had to start to let employees work from home, which also caused. The demand for talent in the technology industry has increased significantly.

"In the first year of the epidemic alone, more than 65,000 new jobs were created."

Of course, in addition to the technology industry, many "blue-collar" job vacancies have also been added in Australia, and wages have also increased.

In particular, the wages of Australian mining employees can be said to be far ahead, because since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian mining industry has been impacted. The prices of gold, copper, zinc and iron ore have continued to rise, and the market has prospered. The demand for talents is even greater.

A Chinese netizen on Xiaohongshu shared his salary slip for two weeks at the mine: 10,710 Australian dollars, equivalent to about 50,000 yuan in RMB. Excluding the tax to be paid, he still had an income of 30,000 yuan in two weeks!

It is well known that Australian blue-collar labor costs are expensive.

According to 2020 data, plumbers top the list of blue-collar trade occupations with an average annual salary of AU$110,000. This figure exceeds many white-collar office positions, such as ordinary bank workers, journalists or paralegals, whose average annual salary is around A$80,000. According to statistics,

the average weekly salary of blue-collar workers in Australia is AU$1,229, while the average weekly salary of white-collar workers is only AU$1,085.

Finally, no matter what position, the one that suits you is the best. I hope everyone can find a job that suits them.